How to play .flv extension file in iOS programmatically - ios

I want to play .flv extension file in iPhone and iPod. I know iPhone and family doesn't support .flv files. Previously I tried it to change in another format like .mov and .mp4. But online converter reduces the quality of video while changing. Can any body suggest me how to play .flv file without any problem in my iOS application.

iOS doesn't have the correct codecs to play an FLV. It needs to be reencoded as a .mp4 or .mov file. Something that iOS can actually play.


Why isn't the iOS browser playing audio from this MP4 video?

I have 100+ videos encoded in H.264 video with MP3 audio for a HTML5-video project, but the Audio won't work on iOS. (No sound, but working video). It works perfectly on Android. They all have the same encoding setup, but here's one of the videos
Googled for several days and can't seem to find any known problems with iOS and MP3-audio. What's wrong?
Check to see if the ringer of hardware device is turned off. If you flip the ringer off and on and the audio turns off and on, then that is the cause.

How to add a mp3 file in iOS simulator?

I can add images, videos in iOS simulator by dragging them into the window and those are saved in simulator photos app. But when a mp3 file is dragged on it can be played in Safari but there is no option of saving it.
Is there any way to save a mp3 file so that later I can pick the file from an app?
It's still not allowed to drag and drop and save mp3 to iPhone simulator.
Its not supported in iphone simulator.We have to drag the music files into our project.then we can access from it.Refer this link also

Changing video quality based on device using MPMoviePlayer

I used an MPMoviePlayer to play an .mp4 video within my app, which works fine. I tried my app on an Android device using Apportable but the video wasn't playing till I later realized that it was because the video quality was too high for the device. Is it possible to change the video quality (of an .mp4) based on the device running the app using MPMoviePlayer? If yes, how can this be done?
If you simply have one video that plays on iOS and one that plays on Android via Apportable, you could opt to simply have two files of the same name where one file is added to the project and attached to the iOS build target and the other is attached to the Apportable build target.

iOS, quicktime and html5 captioned videos

I’m using captions in video. It works well on desktop browsers and some android devices. The problem is on iOS because it overrides the video with quicktime. As far as I understand, captions in quicktime are coded into the movie.
Example: The first video on this page uses captions that aren’t viewable on an iOS device.
Is it possible to do any of the following:
Disable quicktime programatically?
Control quicktime programatically from the browser?
Place captions over quicktime using data from the browser?
Any other solutions to this problem are welcome.

SWF content on iPhone

Can I play/parse SWF content on the iPhone using FFMPEG? As per the document it should support ShockWave Flash (SWF).
ffmpeg can (sometimes) play video and audio files embeded in swf file. It cannot play the swf file itself.
