Street View for Google Maps iOS SDK? - ios

Is street view available in the brand new Google Maps iOS SDK ( ?
I looked at the framework code but it doesn't seem to provide such functionality.

It looks like they listened to you! Take a look at the release notes for v1.4

Streetview is not yet available in the iOS SDK. Please file a feature request so show your interest in having the feature added.

May be MapKit API for iPhone does not Provide features of Street View.
All This features That provide by MapKit API is here
In iOS 5.1 and earlier, the Map Kit framework uses the Google Mobile Maps (GMM) service to provide map data. Use of specific classes of this framework that may be provide street View.
The Google Street View Image API lets you embed a static (non-interactive) Street View panorama or thumbnail into your web page, without the use of JavaScript.
For more information CheCk This LInk.
Thanks :)


Offline Google Maps in iOS

I am looking for Offline Google Maps in iOS (Objective c).
Is there any way to download the Map into the App when user is connected to internet, and show the downloaded map when user is offline and using the App ?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
I don't know much about it but I have heard some once talking about the same thing and using openstreetmaps instead of Google Maps.
As far as I know Google Maps doesn't implement that feature on its iOS Framework yet. But there are other Frameworks, such as Skobbler or Nutiteq that provide what you need.
It is quite easy to use Google maps as the offline mode you just need to download the map for the particular location you need to visit offline, later you can access that map anytime. I recommend you to see complete tutorial with screenshots here.
Follow some below steps:
1: Open google maps.
2: Navigate to the menu, and select offline area.
3: Select the area you want to use as area as an offline map.
4: Now tap download.
You can access this map in future for one month after which it will ask for updates.

Google maps on site connected to map in iOS app

I have a site with google map. I want to create an iOS app that can add markers on map and this markers should be on my site. How to do it, it will help my sister alot in her life. Thanks for answers!
Fetch the coordinates from database, present them using iOS google maps SDK, add new markers, upload them back to database.

Google Maps SDK for iOS's map is not same as Google Map

I am useing Google maps SDK for iOS.I want to add marker some location.I get those Coordinates from Google Map.I found ATM Booths and other institution in Google Map With their specific icon but when i do this from app i don't get those.
In google map i fount an icon of ATM,Cafe and so many
But not in my App.I am using Google Maps SDK for iOS's Version 1.6.1
Can anyone describe it?
I found the same problem last night when testing a small area.
The detail POIs (maybe when the zoomLevel of MapView is greater than 16?) is different between and
And it's easy to explain: Google need to keep the core competitiveness. In Maps business, data is everything.
If you wan't other places/landmarks outside of the defaults in the mapping api you will need to look at Google places api.

Is there any Apple API like google Place Search API?

In my iPhone App I am using MKMapKit. Currently I am plotting places on map according to the results get from Google Place API, but as per Google's doc I must use this values only in google Maps. Unfortunately from iOS 6, MKMapKit will go to Apple Map itself.
Is there any Apple API like google Place Search API?
Now I am using URLs like this:,74.318723&rankby=distance&types=restaurant&sensor=false&key="my API Key"
I believe this is what you're looking for?
iOS Developer Library: MKLocalSearchRequest Class Reference
You can achieve this through MKLocalSearchRequest and MapKit.
It is showing autocomplete places just like google places API and can place the Annotation point on Apple's map (not on Google map, I hope that is only you are looking for.)
You can download a sample project from here, using MKLocalSearchRequest for fetching Places and showing in a auto complete tableview controller.
However it does not show as accurate result as you can get from Google Places API. As the problem is that Geocoding database is not obviously complete and Apple is not the company who leads this field - Google is.

IOS Map (Google Map API vs. MapKit?)

I'm trying to make an iOS app that shows my location on a map and shows some stores (as pins) around me. I want the store pins to be clickable so that below the map there will be a label showing the details for this store when user clicked/touched the pin. My question is should I use MapKit or Google Maps API?
If Mapkit, I'm building in XCode 4.2, the only framework i see is iOS 5 -> MapKit Framework, if i use it, would my app still work on phones with iOS 4?
If Google Maps API, I believe I'll have to use a web-view then load a html googlemaps page. How would I detect a click event on the store pin and send this message to my label below the webview?
MapKit.framework is the most right choice for an App.
You can set the Deployment Target to 4.0 in Xcode, then the App will run on iOS 4 correctly.
(But you can't use Storyboard for interface builder.)
Web App is significantly slower than native App right now.
Hope to help.
It is not necessary that you use a webView if you are using Google's API. You can make use of MKMapView to show stores around you. And in mapView, giving annotations to stores is quite a simple thing. Google Places API is the right place you have to reach. They provide you a request response either in Json or in XML(as you wish). All you have to do is parse it out and drop pin-annotations.
