Zend Framework 2, Module.php and getting value of param - zend-framework2

In Module.php I have a some code (simplified version):
namespace Application;
use Zend\Mvc\ModuleRouteListener;
use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
class Module{
public $somevariable = 'test';
public function onBootstrap( MvcEvent $e ) {
$this->somevariable = 'test2';
public function getValue(){
return $this->somevariable;
Next, I want to get value from variable "somevariable" in template layout.phtml. I do this as follows:
echo Application\Module::getValue();
but this doesn't work. What is wrong with that?
P.S. I never programmed much in PHP, so maybe I missed something :-(

you can use
$e->getViewModel()->setVariable('somevariable', 'somethingvalue');
and in the view :
echo $this->layout()->somevariable;
for detail, see this article : http://samsonasik.wordpress.com/2012/07/27/zend-framework-2-mvcevent-layout-view-get-namespace/

If a variable is just a string it doesn't make much sense to go with that approach. And please don't take this offensively, but if you don't have much experience in PHP (you tried to call a static function that is not static), then i wonder why you would start learning PHP with such a high class framework.
And if still you insist on doing that, please follow the official Documentation and read yourself through the whole QuickStart again and again. Check out some of the Modules out there and see how they do stuff.
Try to do the easy stuff first until you hit those points where you really need such functionality.


Override UrlResolver

I've been working through the Angular 2 tutorial (in TypeScript) when I got stuck on this part. They now want to separate templates into separate files. That's fine and dandy, but I've got a quirky setup: I'm serving up the files with ASP.NET MVC, and it's refusing to serve up the file from the Views folder. Fair enough: I anticipate needing to serve up Razor (.cshtml) files, so I'm happy to try and hack this out instead of just whitelisting .html.
I've worked with Angular 1 before, and in this situation I used a decorator to modify the $templateRequest service to modify the template URLs into something MVC will accept, and then I set up MVC to serve up the corresponding files. Quite clever work if I do say so myself. So I just need to replicate this in Angular 2, right? That should be easy.
Wrong. So wrong. After some guesswork Googling I found UrlResolver which, after some client-side debugging I confirmed, is the class I want to extend. The documentation even says:
This class can be overridden by the application developer to create custom behavior.
Yes! This is exactly what I want to do. Unfortunately no examples of how to override it have been supplied. I've found this DemoUrlResolver and this MyUrlResolver, but I can't figure out how or if either of them works. I've tried the multiple approaches to supplying my custom provider (see this answer) including the bootstrap and providers (on the module and the app component) approaches all to no avail.
How do I override UrlResolver?
I assume it doesn't matter, but at the moment my extension does nothing but defer to the base class:
class MvcUrlResolver extends UrlResolver {
resolve(baseUrl: string, url: string): string {
return super.resolve(baseUrl, url);
Interesting question. Since it is part of compiler it makes sense that it would not be instantiated along with other application components, and after some research and analyzing angular's code I found the solution. You need to provide it directly in the call to platformBrowserDynamic(). In this case it will be merged into default compiler options and will be used by injector that instantiates compiler.
import { COMPILER_OPTIONS } from '#angular/core';
class MvcUrlResolver extends UrlResolver {
resolve(baseUrl: string, url: string): string {
let result = super.resolve(baseUrl, url);
console.log('resolving urls: baseUrl = ' + baseUrl + '; url = ' + url + '; result = ' + result);
return result;
useValue: {providers: [{provide: UrlResolver, useClass: MvcUrlResolver}]},
multi: true

How do you call a Service outside of a Symfony3 controller? And queries from Repository

I have two questions today. This is detailed because too many other replies rely on assumptions and have not been detailed enough. I hope that this is detailed and will be able to help lots of developers.
1st. The code below points to the real question I have. How do you call a Service outside of the controller since the $this->get() method is inside of the controller only? This is not in any of the documentation or on KNP University's tutorial on Services.
2nd. From what I have read, according to some, not all, if you call to a Repository, from anywhere, it should automatically instantiate the Entity Repository. I don't think this is so. Tell me if I am right or wrong.
See the following below....
My Default Controller, it's straightforward call a class and let it do some work. As an example, I called it with a Service and a conventional OO method:
// src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php
// Here is where I am starting. There is a service
// and there is a conventional OO call.
// Both should invoke the same thing.
namespace AppBundle\Controller;
use AppBundle\Service;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class DefaultController extends Controller
* #Route("/", name="homepage")
public function indexAction(Request $request)
// Step 1.... Do a little of this.
// Step 2.... Do some of that.
// Step 3.... Call another class to do some logic and it will
// eventually call a query...
// Invoking my service
$obj_via_service = $this->get('app.services.process_question');
$result1 = $obj_via_service->submitQuestion();
// Invoking via Namespace and Call
$obj_via_new = new Service\ProcessQuestion();
$result2 = $obj_via_new->submitQuestion();
My Service.yml File.
# src/app/config/services.yml
class: AppBundle\Service\ProcessQuestion
class: AppBundle\Entity\GeoStateRepository
arguments: ['#doctrine.orm.entity_manager']
This is my class that is doing the work for me. I want to be able to call the second service ^^above^^ but I can't because I can't use $this->get() outside of the controller.
// src/AppBundle/Service/ProcessQuestion.php
namespace AppBundle\Service;
class ProcessQuestion
public function submitQuestion()
// Step 1.... Do this.
// Step 2.... Do that.
// Step 3.... Query for some data...
// Invoke my repository class via a Service Call....
// but I cannot do that because 'get' is a part of the
// controller...
$obj_via_service = $this->get('app.rep.geo_state');
**^^ ^^**
**^^ This is what won't work ^^**
$results = $obj_via_service->selectStates();
return $results;
My Repository Class... Keep in mind I cannot reach this class yet, but I am throwing it in here so that other new Symfony 3 developers can see this.
// src/AppBundle/Repository/GeoState.php
// My Repository Class where I want to do some queries...
namespace AppBundle\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class GeoStateRepository extends EntityRepository
* #Mapping\Column(type="string")
private $em;
public function __construct(EntityManager $em)
$this->em = $em;
public function selectStates()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM geo_state";
return $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($sql)->getResult();
Why is this so hard to find an example? Also, I have followed a bunch of the Symfony 2.x documentation and the nuances are hard to port into Symfony 3 sometimes.
I think Fabian re purposed too much of the docs for 2.x to go into 3.x and there is not any good examples on coding that is between the New Developer level and the Hard Core Developer level. If you are at Sensio and reading this, please keep in mind that there is a middle ground we need to cover and most of the screencasts that out there and much of the better documentation is not in English.
You should really read more about Dependency Injection.
Symfony is very good at this .
Regarding your question about using app.rep.geo_state service in the app.services.process_question service .
In Symfony/ DI terminology it's can be termed as injecting a service into another service .
The documentation on how to do this is very good.
this is how it can be done.
class: AppBundle\Service\ProcessQuestion
arguments: ['#app.rep.geo_state']
class: AppBundle\Entity\GeoStateRepository
arguments: ['#doctrine.orm.entity_manager']
And in the class
// src/AppBundle/Service/ProcessQuestion.php
namespace AppBundle\Service;
use AppBundle\Entity\GeoStateRepository;
class ProcessQuestion
private $geoRepository;
public function __construct(GeoStateRepository $geoRepository)
$this->geoRepository = $geoRepository;
public function submitQuestion()
//now you can call $this->geoRepository
Also note that $this->get() is only a shortcut function provided by the Symfony base Controller class to access the container.
To know more about DI, you can read Fabian's excellent articles about this in his blog .

Call a private static method from a closure (inside the class)

I am trying to call a private static method of a class from inside a closure inside an other method of this same class, and I can't find the right way to do it...
even using use referencing the private method...I am able to reference a private variable and pass it, but no way to reference the private method...
$refMethod = array('App','_onEvent'); with call_user_func($refMethod) will throw the method is private...
I tried with ReflectionClass with PHP 5.4 version also, (WAMP 32bits), but it says that the getClosure method doesn't exists on the instance :(
class App(){
static public function start(){
new Form('myform', array('submit'=>function($form) use($someVar){
// want to call private self::_onEvent here : any suggestion ?
static private function _onEvent(){
// this is my very private part
Well I know quite closure has no scope but so...any way to pass the private context (because the closure is inside the class) for accomplish something like this ? Thanks for any lights !
EDIT : I exactly want to do this answer but this just throw the great
Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active
Ok dudes,
it works better with PHP 5.4, my upgrade was not ok, I finally get rid of boring complications when upgrading php version, and now the straight solution works :
calling directly self::privateMethod() won't throw the 'self is nothing in closure...' anymore
Appart from that, did you know that from now (5.4), (0 == 'anystring') is TRUE now, duh ! need to use strict equal everywhere now, wonderfull upgrate :-s

Irony AST generation throws nullreference excepttion

I'm getting started with Irony (version Irony_2012_03_15) but I pretty quickly got stuck when trying to generate an AST. Below is a completely strpped language that throws the exception:
[Language("myLang", "0.1", "Bla Bla")]
public class MyLang: Grammar {
public NModel()
: base(false) {
var number = TerminalFactory.CreateCSharpNumber("number");
var binExpr = new NonTerminal("binExpr", typeof(BinaryOperationNode));
var binOp = new NonTerminal("BinOp");
binExpr.Rule = number + binOp + number;
binOp.Rule = ToTerm("+");
RegisterOperators(1, "+");
this.Root = binExpr;
this.LanguageFlags = Parsing.LanguageFlags.CreateAst; // if I uncomment this line it throws the error
As soon as I uncomment the last line it throws a NullReferenceException in the grammar explorer or when i want to parse a test. The error is on AstBuilder.cs line 96:
parseNode.AstNode = config.DefaultNodeCreator();
DefaultNodeCreator is a delegate that has not been set.
I've tried setting things with MarkTransient etc but no dice.
Can someone help me afloat here? I'm proably missing something obvious. Looked for AST tutorials all over the webs but I can't seem to find an explanation on how that works.
Thanks in advance,
Once you set the LanguageFlags.CreateAst flag on the grammar, you must provide additional information about how to create the AST.
You're supposed to be able to set AstContext.Default*Type for the whole language, but that is currently bugged.
Set TermFlags.NoAstNode. Irony will ignore this node and its children.
Set AstConfig.NodeCreator. This is a delegate that can do the right thing.
Set AstConfig.NodeType to the type of the AstNode. This type should be accessible, implement IAstInit, and have a public, no-parameters constructor. Accessible in this case means either public or internal with the InternalsVisibleTo attribute.
To be honest, I was facing the same problem and did not understand Jay Bazuzi answer, though it looks like valid one(maybe it's outdated).
If there's anyone like me;
I just inherited my Grammar from Irony.Interpreter.InterpretedLanguageGrammar class, and it works. Also, anyone trying to get AST working, make sure your nodes are "public" :- )
On top of Jay's and Erti-Chris's responses, this thread is also useful:
The creator of Irony points out the relevant configuration code in InterpretedLanguageGrammar.BuildAst.

Resolving a type without registering first - prism 4 and Untiy

First of all I would like to remark I am new with the concept of prism, DI and containers. I am looking on one of the code samples provided with the Prism Library:
The code simply injects a view with the "Hello World" string (in a TextBlock element) to a region in the shell.
When the application starts-up, it creates a new BootStrapper instance, which creates and initializes the shell:
public class Bootstrapper : UnityBootstrapper
protected override DependencyObject CreateShell()
return Container.Resolve<Shell>();
protected override void InitializeShell()
Application.Current.RootVisual = (UIElement)this.Shell;
protected override void ConfigureModuleCatalog()
ModuleCatalog moduleCatalog = (ModuleCatalog)this.ModuleCatalog;
My question refers to the method CreateShell(). I couldnt find nowhere in the supplied code (including not in a configuration file or any xaml file...) where do they register the type Shell, and even if it was registered - the supplies Shell class doesnt implement any interface... what is the meaning of resolving a specific type?
the Shell implementation:
public partial class Shell : UserControl
public Shell()
This looks like a magic to me, so I tried to create my own type (MyType) and resolve it the same way:
By setting a breakepoint inside MyType constructor, I saw that it DID resolved MyType. Can somebody please explain to me how does it work?
These couple of threads should answer your question:
Does unity just make clasess with out needing anything registered?
Additionally, if you are eager to get more detail into how Unity can do this, simple download Unity 2.0 and open the source code that is provided with the installer.
I hope this helps.
You do not need to register a type you want to resolve. You need to register the dependencies of a type, that you want to resolve. In this case, the Shell doesn't need any dependencies, so you can resolve it simply. But for an example (not really), if your shell getting an interface IService as a parameter, then you must register IService, before you resolve Shell.
Otherwise you will get Dependency Resolution Failed Exception. In Prism 4.1 it will be swallowed silently due to TryResolve.
