Is there a way to run a command on all Heroku dynos? - ruby-on-rails

I have N dynos for a Rails application, and I'd like to run a command on all of them. Is there a way to do it? Would running rails r "SomeRubyCode" be executed on all dynos?
I'm using a plugin which syncs with a 3rd party every M minutes. The problem is, sometimes the 3rd party service times out, and I'd like to run it again without having to wait for another M minutes to pass.

No. One off commands (those like heroku run bash) are ran on another, one-off dyno. You would need to setup some kind of pubsub/message queue that all dynos listen to to accomplish this.

(Asked to turn my comment into an answer... will take this opportunity to expound.)
I don't know about the details of what your plugin needs to do to 'sync' to a 3rd-party service, but I'm going to proceed with the assumption that the plugin basically fetches some transient data which your Web application then uses somehow.
Because the syncing or fetching process occasionally fails, and your Web application relies on up-to-date data you want the option of running the 'sync' process manually. Currently, the only way to do this from the plugin itself which means you need to run some code on all dynos which, as others have pointed out, isn't currently possible.
What I've done in a previous, similar scenario (fetching analytics from an external service) is simple:
Provision and configure your Heroku app with Redis
Write a rake task that simply executes the code (that would otherwise be run by the plugin) to fetch the data, then write that data into cache
Where you would normally fetch the data in the app, first try to fetch from cache (and on a cache miss, just run the same code again—just means that the data expired from cache before it was refreshed)
I then went further and used Heroku simple scheduler to execute the said rake task every n minutes to attempt to keep the data freshly updated and always in cache (cache expiry was set to a little less than n minutes) and reduce instances of perceivable lag as the data fetch occurs. I could've set cache expiry to never or greater than n but this wasn't mission-critical.
This way, if I did want to ensure that the latest analytics were displayed, all I had to do was either a) connect to Redis and remove the item from cache, or (easier), b) just heroku run rake task.
Again—this mainly works if you're just pulling data that needs to be shared among all dynos.
This obviously doesn't work the other way around. For instance, if you had a centralized service that you wanted to periodically send metrics (say, time spent per request) to on a per-dyno basis. Can't think of an easy, elegant way to do that using Heroku (other than at real-time, with all the overhead that entails).


Is it possible to receive a webhook to my app before Heroku Postgres goes read-only?

I have an application that handles some data in memory.
I'd like to close the operations and persist the data into DB so that a reboot wouldn't destroy it.
My app opens some resources in various third parties and it I'd like to close them. After that the app can happily go down and wait until it reboots.
What I found is that Heroku has various webhooks for application deployment state changes and so on. But I couldn't find a way to trigger a webhook before the DB becomes read only.
I would like to have a webhook that tells me that "in 5 minutes PostgreSQL will become read only". And then later the app can reboot and for now it doesn't matter.
Also I couldn't find any info if this is even possible. I couldn't find an email for support as well.
Is there a way to do it? Is it even possible?
(I have an Event-Sourced app that saves event data into DB but persists the data in-memory as it runs. So I don't want to continuously bash all of my state into the DB).
It sounds like there is some amount of confusion with regards to your understanding about the various parts of dyno and database uptime on Heroku.
Firstly, a database going into read-only mode is a very rare event usually associated with a critical failure. Based on what behavior you're seeking and some of your comments, it seems like you may be confusing database state changes with dyno state changes. Dynos (representing the servers for your application runtime), are restarted once per 24 hours roughly and these servers are ephemeral. Thus the memory is blown away. The 'roughly' part accounts for fuzzing so that all of your dynos aren't restarting at the same time which would cause availability issues.
I don't think you actually need a webhook here. Conveniently, shortly before a dyno is due to be cycled (and blow away your memory) it will receive a SIGTERM and be given 30 seconds to clean up after itself. That SIGTERM can be trapped and you can then save your data to the database.

Why is Heroku running so much slower than localhost?

I created a simple stock screener (filters out stocks given certain criteria) in Rails. On my localhost the stocks update instantly, but on Heroku it can take anywhere from 10-15 seconds before the stock list is updated.
My Heroku app is here:
Github is here: github dot com/anfruth/Fruth_Screener_Rails
The code involved in updating the queries can be found in the user_stocks model and in the stocks controller under def create.
Any ideas why this is happening and suggestions as to how to fix it?
Thank you.
Not slow for me
The only thing which will slow Heroku down is if your db connection is "off-site"
We've had apps before which ran super slowly due to the case that the database provider was a different host, in a different country.
Heroku runs on AWS, meaning it will run super fast if you have all the dependencies in the same data-center. One of the drawbacks of using one of these powerful "cloud" hosting providers is they need to keep all requests local to help their system run quickly; hence if your DB is "off-site", it will slow it down profusely.
You must remember that Rails apps can't run unless they have a db connection; so if your connectivity is slow, your app's performance is going to be hit hard
If your app is running slow on Heroku, the best thing to do is to make sure you're using Heroku's postgres database. This is deployed on Heroku's AWS cloud, meaning it's on the same network as your app, hence allowing it to run as quickly as possible
You'll need to change your app's database connection to the new production server like this:
.... #-> your Heroku db details here
This will allow you to run heroku run rake db:migrate after you push this new code to Heroku - which should define the db structure for you, allowing you to populate it as you wish
It sounds like you would benefit from using New Relic or another performance management package for Heroku in order to find out what is causing you trouble exactly. The free tier of New Relic should be enough to get you started.
By the way, if your app is a Heroku free tier app (one single web dyno), then your dyno will go to sleep when not in use, and you may be encountering dyno spin-up costs, which are frequently about 5-15 seconds. Repeat the same query several times in several minutes and see if the slowness persists for every request, or only the first one.

Keep delayed job running on Heroku

I'm connecting to Twitter's streaming API to get a stream of updates to my Rails app, adding them to the db, etc, etc.
What's the best way to do this on Heroku? Right now, I'm using the delayed_job gem - problem is that the job (connecting to the Twitter Streaming API) expires after hours.
Is there a way to make the job run forever, or a better way to do this?
I wouldn't make a job "run forever" as that would mean loading the CPU forever too.
The way this is usually handled is by using a cron job which starts the specific script at specific intervals (every minute, every hour, every few days, etc.).
Almost every webhost provides an easy interface to setup such cron jobs via their backend (eg: CPanel).
In case you're running your own server, you probably already know how to configure such jobs. If you don't, you'll have to lookup the individual setup guide which fits the operating system you're running on your server… there's always a way to run "jobs" at specific intervals (even on MS Windows servers — via scheduling).
And for a more detailed description and better insight into what "cron" is, you might want to check the "cron" article at Wikipedia , which also provides some pretty good examples.

background tasks executing immediately and parallelly in rails

our rails web app has to download/unpack archives with html pages from ftp on request for user's viewing through the browser.
the archive can be quite big, so user has to wait until it downloads/unpacks on the server.
i implemented progress bar the way that i call fork/Process.detach in user's request, so that his request is done but downloading/unpacking process continues running in the background. and javascript rendered in his browser pings our server for status until all is ready and then it redirects him to unpacked html pages.
as long as user requests one archive, everything goes smoothly, but if he tries to run 2 or more requests at the same time(so that more forks are started), it seems that only one of them completes, and the rest expires/times outs/gets killed by passenger(?). i suppose its the issue with Passenger/forking.
i am not sure if its possible to fix it somehow so i guess i need to switch to another solution. the solution needs to permit immediate and parallel processing of downloads. so that if user requests multiple archives, he has to see download/decompression progress in all of them at the same time.
i was thinking about running background rake job immediately but it seems very slow to startup(also there's a lot of cron rake tasks happening every minute on our server). reason i liked fork was that it was very fast to start. i know there is delayed job, we also use it heavily for other tasks. but can it start multiple processes at the same time immediately without queues?
solved by keeping the fork and using single dj worker. this way i can have as many processes starting at the same time as needed without trouble with passenger/modifying our product's gemset (which we are trying to avoid since it resulted in bugs in the past)
not sure if forking inside dj worker can cause any troubles, so asked at
running fork in delayed job
if id be free to modify gemset, id probably use resque as wrdevos suggested, or sidekiq, or girl_friday(but thats less probable because it depends on the server running).
Use Resque:
More on bg jobs and Resque here.

Running Jobs when DB is free on Ruby on Rails Heroku

I have a ruby on rails app that uses Heroku. I have the need to run things like import/export tasks on our db that lock up the whole system since they are so heavy on the DB. Is there a way to tell the system to only run these tasks when the database is not being used at that second?
There is no built-in way to schedule a job like this. There are a few things you can do, though.
Schedule the jobs to run during the least busy hours of the day. That will depend on your business, customer base and so on, but hopefully there is a window that is more suitable than others.
You could write your batch job to run for a longer time, doing small units of work. Between each unit of work, sleep for a few seconds, or take a look at the current load average and decide what to do based on that. This should lower the impact of the batch jobs.
Have the website update a "lock" somewhere, either in the database or in a memcached or something. If your normal website usage updates the database, you could look at the existing updated_at. Then only do batch work when there hasn't been any activity for a while. This doesn't guarantee that a new user won't pop in at the same time your batch job runs, of course, but could be a way to find a window where the site is less used.
Have you looked into using Background Jobs / Workers on Heroku? It's also worth reading about Heroku's Delayed Job queuing system
