Can I change the twitter widget search query dynamclly without stating it in the widget settings page? - twitter

I want to embed a twitter widget inside my web-app Using the widget API.
I want to know if I can change the query string inside the embed code without the need to actually change it on the widget settings page. This way I can use the same widget for multiple search queries according to the topic of the page the user is currently at, without the need to create a new widget for each one.
As anyone tried something like this?
Does this on any way violate the terms of service of Twitter?

According to twitter, you can not :(


iOS Widget creation - To make a Webservice call and populate date like graph

I'm new in iOS widget implementation. Just want to check my requirement is applicable for widget creation.
I want to make a web service call and get the data to populate the values like a graph on iOS Widget.
For example : STOCKS app functionality I wanna achieve.
How can i communicate my app and widget. Is it possible to make a service call on TodayViewController.m class.
I went through couple of forums but not getting any solution.
Please let me know your ideas.
Thanks in advance.
Yes it is possible to make network call (I've done a twitter widget and a RSS widget doing so).
Only restriction you can have is the memory. If you are displaying images in a tableview inside your widget, it can be tricky and crash. Apple allows developpers to use a very small amount of memory so keep that in mind.
For instance in my RSS widget, I have a tableview with three rows and one image inside each row and it's very short in memory (I have memory warnings).
That said, if you want to communicate informations you have received with your widget to your app, it's also possible. I use NSUserDefaults to do so, and I synced it between the widget and the app. If you want to use that, don't forget to create a share space between your app and your widget ;)

how to get twitter feeds in shopify

I am trying to get twitter feeds in to my shopify site. I want to get the feeds and style them as I want and thus cant use a app.
I know how to do it using PHP but can not use that code in shopify and looking for a way I can use OAuth in shopify and get the feeds. I tried the shopify docs but without an example its kinda hard to actually get my head around it.
Thats the link I am using as a guide. If anyone can direct me to an example which might be similar that would be awesome. (google didnt seem to be that helpful this time either)
I know you said you didn't want to use an app, but can I suggest taking a look at Twitify? You can use custom CSS to style your tweets. Also see discussions about Twitify here and here.
Twitter changed their display guidelines and policies on embedding of tweets on websites in June 2013. One of the themes I used for a client earlier in the year had custom styling of tweets, and they have now changed it to use the official Twitter widget to meet the new guidelines. In fact, the images on the Shopify theme store show how it used to look before Twitter changed things:
And after:
I think using an app like Twitify would be the easiest way to deal with these changes to embedding tweets.
Thanx for the suggestion. I did take a look at that before I posted this question. This is a project for a client and I dont think getting a plug in is a viable option. Anyways I found a work around.
Hosted the file on a server and then accessed it. So that resolved the problem. :)
I used node.js to write the script and get the posts as required.
you can use the app for that Twitify or you can Embed a Twitter feed in your online store
Go to your Twitter settings.
Click Widgets to open the widgets menu.
Create a new widget, following Twitter's instructions.
Copy the embed code.

What is data-widget-id in twitter api ? How i can get the data-widget-id?

I have some problems with previous version of the twitter api and I want to move to latest version. I see some information here
What is data-widget-id here. I want to show some specified people tweets in my website.
How do I do that?
Your question is already answered on the Twitter Developers page.
To create a timeline you must be signed in to and visit the widgets section of your settings page. From this page you can see a list of the timelines you've configured and create new timelines.
Sign in on
Create a new widget
The widget-id is provided by Twitter (you will be redirected to - the xxx is your widget-id)
Found the solution.
You can override the data-widget-id parameter in the widget by additionally setting the data-screen-name parameter inside the a tag of the widget. Like this:
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="<%= escape_javascript(#site.twitter_username) %>" data-widget-id="363460440807833600" data-screen-name="garzagabriel"></a>
NOTE: You still need to include the data-widget-id parameter. So generate the widget first by going to, and then add the data-screen-name parameter to the a tag in the embed code (like shown above)
Here is the documentation for this:

the right way to add twitter

What is the best and efficient way to add twitter to a website?
There are some scripts in the web with iframes and others don't have a caching/streaming solution (what if twitter is temp. down...). So how should I add tweets to my website the right way?
By the way I just need the last x tweets and the "x minutes ago" (I want to make a custom style).
How about the widget that twitter provides for this very purpose? You can customize it right there on their page, then just copy the code, and paste it into your web page. Then you're ready to go.
No PHP required -- this is all javascript/html. You don't need caching -- if twitter is down, the widget will show a message to that effect. It'll be back up at some point, and your tweets will be shown again.
EDIT: The widget twitter provides has a header and footer, and you said you don't want to show those...
I used Safari's "Web Inspector" to look at the markup that is generated by the twitter widget (Firefox's FireBug would have worked just as well for this purpose). It looks like the header area and footer area use the css classes twtr-hd and twtr-ft respectively.
So you could just add a stylesheet rule to your page to hide those areas. Something like this:
.twtr-hd, .twtr-ft {
display:none !important;

Can I integrate some kind of mapview into a blackberry widget?

I would like to create a Blackberry Widget that contains a map view.
Since the whole widget is a web page with java script etc. I think it should be possible to include google maps or something like that into my widget.
Has anybody made experiences with this?
try this
they are providing a JavaScript based geo location for multiple platforms and they are using google map also.
you can check this also
blackberry.location properties
and you can use gear apis also.
