Can I integrate some kind of mapview into a blackberry widget? - blackberry

I would like to create a Blackberry Widget that contains a map view.
Since the whole widget is a web page with java script etc. I think it should be possible to include google maps or something like that into my widget.
Has anybody made experiences with this?

try this
they are providing a JavaScript based geo location for multiple platforms and they are using google map also.
you can check this also
blackberry.location properties
and you can use gear apis also.


Google Place Picker API Query for App-scoped Places?

I have recently been looking at the following link to add to my application. It is the Google Place Picker API. I also know how to add places to the list of places that the Place Picker API uses to query for so that my custom places can appear in Place Picker API. However, I want it so that the Place Picker API only queries for just the places that have been created only by my application, and not for any other places that the Google Places API provides. I have found that this example query, under the scope key, helps me find if the Place created was created via my app or by Google. I want it so that the Place Picker API queries only for the Places created by my app. Is there any way to do this? That would be much appreciated. Thanks!
It's not possible, sorry. Neither the iOS or Android Place Pickers have an option to do this.
In fact both the Android Place class and the iOS GMSPlace class lack the scope property, which only exists on the Places API web service today.
You'd have to build this yourself, e.g. by displaying a map and adding markers to it for your places, etc, rather than using the Place Picker widget from the Google Places API for iOS (or Android).

Integrate GoogleMaps with Mapbox iOS sdk

I'm using MapBox for a iPad app and we want to use various image sources for the map imagery.
Is there a way to get google map tiles and show them in MapBox?
We could construct the url's to get the tiles directly but google will block you if you do this, because we wouldn't be using the official API.
Is there any other option to solve this problem?
It is technically possible, but Google's terms of service don't allow display of their tiles outside of their own software frameworks.

Using here maps in blackberry

Can i use Here Maps,
in blackberry RIM version 5.0 and above development?
Because i have an application which gets the user location and i need to put 2 pins on the map and get the distance between them , and the client wants Here maps.
I used bing map lately, but i need here map now.
Bing Maps SDK For Blackberry 6.0
Option 1) Use the Maps API for Java ME with the Blackberry JDK
There is no native Maps API marketed for Blackberry, however the Maps API for Asha is a general Java ME API, whose only dependencies are CLDC1.1 and MIDP2.0, so there is no reason why it shouldn't work with the Blackberry JDE. This article describes the similarities.
There are a series of code examples available which should work out of the box, except for one thing - you'll need to get hold of the jar files which usually reside in
C:/Nokia/Devices/Nokia_Asha_SDK_1_0/plugins/maps api/lib/
which can be obtained from the Nokia Asha SDK.
So all you'll need to do is download the SDK, extract the file maps-core.jar or any of the other packages you want and access them as external JAR dependencies in the usual manner. See the examples on github for an idea of the capabilities of the library.
Option 2) Use the Map Image API with the low level i/o
Now, if all you need is a single "quick and dirty map", you can make a series of http calls to using to get a map on screen. This article explains why using a static map is probably a bad idea, but it would be a simple solution.
Option 3) Create a cross-platform HTML5 app using Cordova or Web Apps
This would be where the Maps API for JavaScript would be useful,
Basically if you would visit the native APIs section, you could see that there is no offering for Blackberry.
Anyway, thus, if you really want to use HERE maps with the platform, you should check out the Javascript API

Custom Map Styles Google Map / MapKit

I want to achieve a Map design like the image below
I have achieved the design using MapBox though, its quite simple to get it done from it.
I have found Google Map can be easily customized from here
But I can't find a way to implement it in iOS SDK for GoogleMaps.
I highly want to use GoogleMaps, is there any way that I can achieve the map design above ?
Any help is appreciated..
Styled maps is currently not supported in the latest release of google maps SDK for iOS (v 1.5.0) but the ticket for this feature has been filed, so please go and star it to indicate your interest in this feature:

Google Maps Native App - Map Links

I want to open the native google maps application on a mobile device from my mobile website. Currently I am using the URL,%2027%20Main%20Street,%20The%20Village%20#55.7665863,-4.1455545, which works for one location.
What I am looking to do is show multiple locations with a different coloured marker. Is this possible.
Well i found when you use the non-secure url and post a list of postcodes it works fine you can add more postcodes by adding another +to: ;
havent really tried to make it do different markers with different colors or anything, but i suggest looking at the url generated by your browser in google maps and ensuring its not a https:/ link and i think it should work.
Is it possible to use google static maps in place of what you have?
This page shows a static map example with multiple markers.
