Setting the height of a devexpress mvc Gridview combo box -

I am using a DEvExpress mvc grid with a few combo boxes and I was wondering how I can set the maximum/minimum height (in a number of rows) of the drop down section.
For example can I set the rows visible before you have to scroll or even if there is only one row of data for the drop down height to be set to a certain number of rows.
The current code for the combo I have now is
#Html.DevExpress().ComboBox(edtSettings =>
edtSettings.ControlStyle.CssClass = "employeeDetailsGridEditField";
edtSettings.Name = "DepartmentID";
edtSettings.Width = 350;
//edtSettings.Height = 200;
//THIS sets the height of the initial control not the drop down part
edtSettings.Properties.TextField = "DepartmentName";
edtSettings.Properties.ValueField = "DepartmentID";
edtSettings.Properties.ValueType = typeof(int);
edtSettings.Properties.DropDownStyle = DropDownStyle.DropDown;
edtSettings.ShowModelErrors = true;
Is there a property for the drop down section height?

Use the ComboBoxProperties.DropDownRows property to get or set the number of list items displayed within the editor's scrollable dropdown window simultaneously:
#Html.DevExpress().ComboBox(edtSettings =>
edtSettings.Properties.DropDownRows = 5; // default is 7


Adding a scrollbar to ui-grid overlays the bottom row

An application that I'm working on has a ui-grid on the page. Recently, we added a horizontal scrollbar to the grid and also enabled "pinning" so that some of the columns could be frozen while the grid was scrolled horizontally.
One odd behavior that I've noticed is that the newly added scrollbar overlays the last row in the table. Has anyone else ever experienced this and, if so, figured out how to stop it from happening? I've tried everything I could think of (i.e. changing row height, dynamic sizing of the grid, etc) but nothing is working. I'm hoping someone else has overcome this issue and can tell me how they did it.
Well, I found a way to resolve this, but it's particular to how our grids are created.
All of our grids that have horizontal scrolling have the first three columns pinned. I used the code below to see if the grid in question has the grid option for pinning. If the grid is scrollable, I simply add 15 to the grid's height. This makes the grid bigger so that there's plenty of room for the scrollbar without it overlaying the bottom row.
var scrollbarOffset = 15;
var buffer = 5;
var gridHeight = ((rowCount > 0 ? rowCount : 1) * rowHeight) + footer + header + filter + buffer;
var scrollable= $.grep(element[0].attributes,
function (rn) {
return rn.nodeName === "ui-grid-pinning";
}).length > 0;
if (scrollable) {
gridHeight = gridHeight + scrollbarOffset;

Xamarin UITabbar multi bar items

I am using Xamarin Studio 6.0
I have created a TabBar and have added multi items to it, the items cover each others.
This is the code and screenshot:
var items = new UITabBarItem[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var tabBarItem = new UITabBarItem("TAB ITEM"+i, null, i);
items[i] = tabBarItem;
TabLanguageBar.Items = items;
TabLanguageBar.ItemSpacing = 10;
TabLanguageBar.ItemSelected += (sender, e) =>
Console.WriteLine("tab bar button item slected");
That is the way a UITabBar works, you will need to either display a subset of them at one time or alter your UI design.
A tab bar displays all of its tabs onscreen at once, using the itemPositioning property to determine how to position items in the available space.
If you have more items than can fit in the available space, display only a subset of them and let the user select which tabs are displayed. The beginCustomizingItems: method displays an interface for selecting which tab bar items to display.
Ref: UITabBar

How to animate row height in Titanium iphone

I am working on Table view in Titanium iphone.
I tried to add animation style for each row.
That is, when user click on each row , then row height need to increase, So I able to show hided contents in row. And when user click again then the row height need to decrease.
My code is,
for collapsed view,
var animation = Ti.UI.createAnimation({height: 1, duration: 500});
and for expanded view,
row.animate(Ti.UI.createAnimation({ height:200, duration:300 });
but above both code are not working,
If I set row height without using animation then its working fine.
How to apply animation style for table view row...
can any one please.
you can try this
TableViewRow cannot be animated. It's documentation bug. You need to make your own animation function (ie, setTimeout).
The height of the row is animated by default (on iOS) when you change it, so :
row.height = '40dp';
If you set the row height directly to a numeric value, it will be animated by default on iOS. The default animation will override any custom animations you might come up with for example using the standard setTimeout javascript function.
The difficulty is to make the row content appear animated as well. Let's say row.details points to a container view that holds the hidden row details to be shown on expansion. It's height would be initialy set to zero. The following piece of code will animate the whole row in a smooth way:
var total_height_increase = 260;
var height_step = 5;
var duration = 200;
var time_step = duration * height_step / total_height_increase;
var num_steps = duration / time_step;
var i=0;
var increase_height = function(){
row.details.height += height_step;
i += 1;
if (i > num_steps) return;
}, time_step);
row.height += total_height_increase;

Is the layout for a vertical panel with components correct?

How to insert a vertical panel in the form for laying out the components in a vertical layout fashion.
For example as
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3.
Please give me an example code.
I want to fit it in the following fashion!
Display of the panels
HorizontalPanel mainPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
VerticalPanel leftSidePanel = new VerticalPanel();
TextBox textBox1 = new TextBox();
TextBox textBox2 = new TextBox();
VerticalPanel rightSidePanel = new VerticalPanel();
ListBox listBox = new ListBox();

OpenOffice Base - how to change height of Table Control in Macro?

I've got Table Control in Libre/OpenOffice Base form which is filled dynamically.
I want to change height of it to match number of rows.
How to do it?
I've tried changing getSize() / setSize(), and height property but I'm getting:
Property or method not found: getSize
My code:
oTable = oForm.GetByName("MySubForm").GetByName("MyTable")
About this Table Control as it is named in Base - in debugger it's, in content.xml it's listed as
Your problem is the Table object has no height, the height is based on the number of rows (as well as the TopMargin and BottomMargin).
Every row has it's own Height property.
If you want a Table's height you need to sum the Height of all of the rows. Tables have TopMargin and BottomMargin properties that effect ?perceived? height as well.
Rows = Table.getRows
For I = 0 To Rows.getCount() - 1
Row = Rows.getByIndex(I)
CurrentHeight = CurrentHeight + Row.Height
If you want to set a Table's height you need to either add/remove rows or change the Height of the current rows.
Rows.insertByIndex(Rows.getCount(), 1)
Row = Rows.getByIndex(Rows.getCount() - 1)
Row.IsAutoHeight = False
Row.Height = 1000
You can look at the full documentation online.
