xcode / ios app distrubution ad hoc - ios

Is it possible to distribute an app via ad-hoc without first putting the device into development mode?
I have successfully managed to download and install my app from a simple web page with the ipa and a manifest file, and I would like to test this on a friends device who is located elsewhere in the country.
Would he have to set his device in development mode for this to work, and if in that case, is there any way to easily do that without having xcode installed on his mac?
Thanks in advance for your help!

TestFlight is your best friend for this. Export the ipa file and upload it to your account on TestFlightApp.com . Then all you need are your user's UDID's and they'll be able to download your build directly from the testFlight app on their phone. No xcode or development mode required.

Yes, your friend can install it, but only up to 100 devices. I'm almost positive he doesnt have to be in development mode. https://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/distribute.html is my source.

The simple answer is "yes".
You can install ADHOC builds onto any devices you have the device identifier (UDID) for.
There may be more nuances to this, but I believe the main purpose of a device being in "development mode" is so you can attach that device directly to your development machine, where you can step through line by line when debugging within Xcode, or be able to easily look at the Console or Crash logs on your connected device.


Which Xcode export methods are compatible with DeviceFarm?

I've been trying to make sense of how to do test automation for an iOS app using AWS DeviceFarm and there seems to be a vacuum of information on how an .ipa is allowed to be installed and run on a random DeviceFarm iOS device. I'm a bit new to Xcode, so maybe I'm missing something.
In Xcode, when you archive a project you have to choose an export method.
I have to rule out the App Store option because my aim here is to test.
Then, the Development and Ad Hoc options require a list of UDDI's, and since the idea here is to test on DeviceFarm with whatever device they assign you on the fly, these two options seem to be ruled out.
Which only leaves the Enterprise option open. BUT... does this mean that in order to use DeviceFarm for iOS testing I must be enrolled in Apple's Enterprise Development Program??? Seems a bit harsh.
So, which of these options are compatible with DeviceFarm, and why? I mean, the only possible answers I can think of are:
A) AWS has jail-broken all of their iOS devices and so the UDID list not relevant.
B) AWS resigns all uploaded .ipa files with their own certificate and uses an Ad Hoc or Enterprise provisioning profile of their own to install and run them.
I'm aiming to use TestNG test scripts btw. Don't know if that's relevant or not.
The iOS devices within AWS Device Farm are not jailbroken. In order to install custom applications on the devices, uploaded IPA files are resigned with a wildcard profile, as noted here in the documentation.
Exporting your app using Development Deployment should work just fine as it will sign it with your Developer Certificate but not require you to define a set of test devices by UDID.
Hope that helps!
Disclaimer: I previously worked on AWS Device Farm.

Couldnt download IOS Application From diawi?

I created an app and define UDID on the developer account. Then I created IPA file for distribution on Xcode. I uploaded it to diawi and I can see my UDIDs on diawi. Everything is perfect. But when I click download, an error occurs:
application can not be downloaded, at the moment
How can I solve this? Any suggestions?
You should make your .ipa with adhoc distribution option, if you have make ipa with app store distrubution then it will not work on diawi I think! So, make sure that you are selecting adhoc distribution when creating your ipa!
I had the same issue and I resolved in following way.
Connect the device with MAC.
Open Organizer then chooses devices.
3 Choose your Connected device from the sidebar.
Choose Console inside the chosen device.
Now install the app it will show the exact cause of the problem.
In my case, I was trying to install the app on a lower version of iOS. When you will get the exact cause you can resolve it. It may be different than mine in your case.

Do testers' devices need to be registered under (Provision profile)Provisioned Device for testing Ad-Hoc iOS app?

I am new in iOS development world. Currently, I'm trying to export my app for some users to test. I do not want to upload to the store first, so I'd export my app as Ad-Hoc Deployment. After that, I uploaded my myApp.ipa to Diawi to generate link for distribution. But two kind of results I got:
Note: Both devices are iPhone 6, both iOS v9.3.2.
Device 1: Successful
Device 2: Not Successful
They able to download but once the circle is completed. This message prompted. No matter how many times they tested, the result still the same.
Unsuccessfull Message Prompt
I do not understand what is happening. Tested in many devices, some successfully downloaded, but some not. Should I register each of them in the application under Provisioned Devices? If yes, is there any other way to distribute the app without needing to register them? If no, what actually I need to do to solve this issue? Thanks in advance.
Most common causes of this issue:
Device storage is full
The provisioning profile is a developer provisioning profile
The ad hoc distribution provisioning profile is corrupted and the
device is having an issue with it.
The device was restored from a backup and is causing a conflict for
over-the-air distribution
There was a network timeout
Architecture settings of the build and the device are incompatible (
can sometimes happen when "Build Active Architecture Only" is on when
Not Using Mobile Safari.
Check also "iOS Deployment Target"
To find out the exact cause of this issue:
Connect the device with iMac.
Open Organizer then choose devices.
Choose your Connected device from sidebar.
Choose Console inside the chosen device.
Now install the app it will show the exact cause of problem
I think this is helpfull for you.

App game is finished, but when publishing to the ipad, game App will not install

Thank you, for Reading my question post. i will make it simple & easy to read post
-> These are the steps i took, please help troubleshoot.
1) Finished the Game App on a Windows PC with Adobe Flash pro cc
2) >"Steps Before exporting on Publishing setting"<
A)"Created" Apple Certificate {"Tools"-Windows OpenSSL, to create
Apple Cert. on windows pc." (Completed)
//Note its a Develop Cert.//
B) "Created" App iD (Completed)
C) "Created" Provisonals Profile with the (ipad device, cert, app
id). (Completed)
3) Publishing Settings -"Target" *4.0 *Adobe air * for *IOS*
4) install app on itunes transfer and sync with ipad !Done
5) on the ipad tap the app to install and it should work
Whats happening Now!
App will never install "Stuck in a Frozen State" & " Icon Seems to be Grey"
My Tech Specs ##
Windows 7
Flash Pro CC
4.0 Air for ios
Ipad Air Ios 7
"I do not own a Mac pc"
Random troubleshooting thoughts
is it ipad air ios 7 hurting me? or do i have to add some actionscript 3 code in my actions in flash.
or is it my windows pc export to my ipad. at this point my brain is fryed i need some serious help
so upset i finished a game i can't even try it on the ipad for development testing it is my first game i ever created in my life. runs fine on "mobile testing device" when you test movie "in flash pro cc on windows".
thank you for reading
This is a certificate issue. The infinite install/gray icon issue is specific to iOS 7; previously it would give you an alert saying it failed to install. Note that this is not an iOS 7 issue, just the way iOS 7 displays the same issue present in all versions of iOS.
You must use a mobile provisioning profile that includes the device's UDID, unless you are downloading from the App Store or using an Enterprise license. Additionally, you can no longer use an app to get the UDID and you must use iTunes instead. If your UDID starts with "FFFFFF" or similar, it's wrong.
Additionally, the P12 file you generate must be generated using Adobe's process (you can find a link to instructions in the window where you set the certs). Other methods may fail. Even further, I have never successfully converted a .cer file to P12 using a Windows util. I always have to use Keychain on OS X, although I never tried any command line tools.
You also need to make sure you are using the correct profile. If your device is set up as a Developer device (I believe you have to do this in Xcode, though there may be other ways), you can install a Development Profile app on your device. If you do not, you can only use Ad Hoc to install. App Store Profile apps cannot be installed on common devices; only by Apple or through the App Store.
And one final thing: make sure your cert matches your profile. You have two types of certificates: Developer and Distribution. If you are using a developer profile, you must use a Developer cert. If you are using an Ad Hoc or App Store profile, you must use a Distribution cert.
I was also banging my head against the wall with this one... and about a week or so later, after retracing my steps, and making sure I've jumped through all the Apple provisioning hoops and keychain bs. No need for xCode in any step of the process either, I'm all Flash Pro CC.
Anyway here it is, after adding the client's device to the device list in Apple's Dev Center, I failed to remember (and thanks to an old Lee Brimlow video) that you have to click the checkbox next to the devices listed in the development provisioning profile you will be using. Click Edit on your provisioning profile, click the missing checkboxes, save the changes, download, replace your dev prov, publish again, do the iTunes sync and boom. No more gray installing problem.
Hope this helps someone.

over the air ad hoc distribution "Unable to download"

I am trying to distribute an iphone app ad hoc internally for a beta test to 3 users, myself (iphone 4) and two others (iPad 2, iphone 3G). My device served as the development device as well. I followed all of the Apple documentation, archived the app and prepared it for enterprise deployment. I put it on my web server with the .plist manifest file. To test it out, I installed it on my own device (which again, is the development device), and it worked swell. So then I sent the link to my other 2 users, who then reported that they received a message that said they are "unable to download." So first I thought that it might be a problem with the UDID, which it is not. I had my user's download a UDID sender-app, and they matched up perfectly. That was after I asked this question:
What is the MIME type for .mobileprovision
in which I wanted to know the MIME type for a .mobileprovision file. I took this info, and then also sent out a link to the provisioning profile. Both of my test users could download and install the .mobileprovision file fine; the problem was when they again, tried to install the app. One user got a message that said "cannot connect to server www.myserver.com" while the other one installed 80% of the app, before getting the "unable to download" message with 2 options: "retry" and "done."
I am at a loss. Does anybody have any ideas? I am desperate! Thanks in advance!
For the ones who don't use testflight, check the Deployment Target under the Summary page. Maybe you set it too high, which is not always necessary.
Once I created a new App which Xcode automatically set the latest target for me, which was 5.1.1, but the user was using 5.0.x. I changed it back to 4.0 with very small code change(weak->assign), and then it worked.
Try using TestFlightApp.com. It's free, and basically helps automate the process of doing over-the-air ad-hoc testing.
"Unable to download" seems to be a catch-all message that something is not right - either your ipa and your mobileprovision file don't match, or your provision file doesn't include the right UDID, or possibly there are just connectivity issues.
I know it's probably too late to help you, but i had a similiar problem.
The application would download, and then when i could see "Installing" there was a popup with message described by OP. The asnwear was to remove provisioning profile from ipad and restart the device.
As a note, the first provisioning profile was uploaded to device via cable from macbook.
This is an another case of the problem. You should register device's UDID first, before exporting ipa. The devices that registered UDID after exporting ipa, those are unable to download the ipa.
