How can I implement wiki to existing app? - ruby-on-rails

I have an app which is working already.
I'd like to implement wiki system so that community owner can open its wiki, and edit.
I want it something like this.
Is there any good gem to make it possible?
I want the one in which only the registered user can edit.

I have used before and works well.

A google search for "rails wiki gem" returned this question as top result, you can find a list of gems here
The functionality you describe could be pretty easily built in, just a question os setting up routes and some kind of authorisation/authentication (if you don't have it in your app already).


A ticket System to integrate in Rails

I want to add a Ticket System to the web app I'm developing.
The idea is very simple:
Users can open tickets when they have problems and
the Admin can see the tickets the users have submitted.
I'm looking for a ticket system but I have found only systems that are external to the web. I want to add it IN my wep app.
¿Do you know any ticket system por rails?
I think using some external gem like noted above would be either an overkill or a hassle due to mentioned bad documentation.
Judging by your problem description this is quite simple to implement.
Create model for tickets and associations with users (I assume you
already have users model fully set up).
Authorize access to tickets' actions depending on user status (admin
or not)
Create corresponding views
You could have a look at Redmine code. It is an open source project management software written in rails. I am sure this could give you a good idea of how to build your own or even borrow bits of code from there (if the app license that you are building fits)
Maybe Simple-Ticket would fit you. Though beware the basic implementation and the fact that there is no documentation provided nor written specs.
Have a look at restrospectiva. It doesn't have any documentation though

Is there a 'template' for a Rails web app with user authentication?

Is it possible to use a preexisting Rails app (preferably one that only has the user authentication system already setup) as a template by changing it to do what you want it to do?
I was hoping that there is something like wordpress is for php, that I can add to to make it do what I want it to do. Wordpress already has the user authentication and other important things built in. I can then go in and make it do what I want.
This question might reveal a fundamental misunderstanding of the framework concept, but I had to ask.
p.s. - Another way to ask this question could be "Can I take a basic Rails app with user authentication and then refactor it and add my own models?"
These two solutions appear to be what I am looking for:
I will go through the tutorials and report back.

good backadmin gem for a cms

What Im looking is a good background gem for a cms made in Ruby on Rails.
The workflow I had in mind is this.
All articles are divided into categories. So when the user has no made any categories the user cannot enter any articles.
So I need a section for making, updating, deleting categories.
Then I need a way a user chooses a category and then the user can enter a article which will be a part of that category.
Does anyone know a gem which can provide this.
I have tried activeadmin but it looks it cannot do the job,
Roelof would be a great place to start looking.
ps. ActiveAdmin probably can do the job, but without seeing the code you've got, we can't help you fix it.
It sounds like you want a blogging app
This one seems good. They have a demo, so you can test run it.
refinery Is more like a cms, but there is a demo, so it take 10 secounds to see if it is what you want

Ruby On Rails Twitter Application

I am new to Ruby On Rails. I want to create a simple application which has a home page with a search box and a submit button. The search box is used for searching keywords on twitter dynamically. The application connects to twitter, takes all the feeds containing the keyword searched and displays back on the home page of my application. Can anyone please guide me how should i go about it ? I want to create an application from scratch. Please site any example for the same. Any suggestions would be helpful.
If you really want to start from scratch and not use any gems for it, you should go to the Twitter API reference, and start from there
I would recomend you use the twitter gem
RailsCasts has a nice episode on it, but the episode for Twitter Integration is not for free.
If you are looking into use Rails for a long time, a subscription is well worth it though.
Hope this helps
I recently wrote a small Twitter app from scratch (without the Twitter gem), maybe it is helpful:
There's an instance running on Heroku:
You should probably use the twitter gem:

Rails support gem/engine

I need to add a customer support function to an existing Rails 3 app. I want to enable the users to submit a support ticket and answer back and fourth until the issue is resolved. I am currently using Zendesk.
Does anyone have any knowledge of something I can use? Or should I just develop it myself?
So you essentially want to be able to create a system to manage issues? Checkout Redmine. It has the ability to manage issues. However, I'm pretty sure that the way it looks isn't the way you want yours to look.
You can lift the generic code from Redmine and apply it to your app. I doubt you'll find a gem that does all the magic for you the way you want it to look and act, so you'll need to do programming.
I haven't tried this. I saw it listed on Open Source Help Desk List where both Redmine and Big Help are mentioned. I am also looking for a help desk gem and stumbled upon your question here.
Big Help: A help desk portal built with Ruby on Rails
