converting existing ios app to universal application - ios

I need help on following topic.
I have an existing iPhone app (which I believe was created with "specific device" in mind). Now I want to convert it to "universal" app? Is it possible?
Finally, at some places there were also suggestions that one could create separate iPhone and iPad apps (in case of complex applications). I am not sure if this is what I want, since: I want my iPad and iPhone apps to share some code and at the same time to achieve "universal" functionality. What is the best way to do this? ps. so to sum up I would prefer to have it all in single project if this is possible.
Thanks in advance.

Gregory, as much I think you're talking about universal app. I suggest you, before go ahead you need to google, there are so many materials you'll find.
In short, for your case, you need to prepare two XIBs each for iPhone and iPad respectively and you've to exchange them that depends on your device. So, your code part will be same, but what will alter is the representation part ie IBs.
In any concern, just get back to me. :)


Any way to run an iPhone simulator on a web app?

Is there an iPhone simulator plugin anywhere? We want to load some of our apps to our demo website for marketing purposes.
Does anyone know of anything that can do this?
It's impossible, unless Apple releases some sort of plugin itself (which I can confidently say, will never ever happen). The closest you can get is to use some mockup templates/scripts to simulate the behavior of your app with Javascript/CSS/HTML5 canvas.
You can look into some web apps which provide similar functionality. Of course, not like the real thing, but at least, they can be a good starting point and even complete solutions for relatively simple projects. I've googled web iphone app mockup and got a few results: or may be helpful.

Share Files between Apps on the same iPad (Without iCloud)

I have two iPad apps, one which downloads data from a server and stores it on the iPad and another one (the main app) which uses the data later.
(It would make sense to combine the two but it's a client requirement)
But I see no way to share the data between the two apps.
I have heard there are ways to do it using:
Custom URL Schemes
Document Support on iPad Devices
But I cannot find any thing explaining how to use any of these effectively.
Can anyone point me in the right direction.
Just to clarify:
It is an iPad only app
Both apps will not run at the same time
Basically I need to access the documents or caches folder of one app from another
Using iCloud or any other third part service is not possible
It would be great if I could make the downloader app into a sort of configuration page for the main app (if it is even possible)
So keeping these in mind which one would be the most suitable?
This link at github may be useful... Looks like someone has already made a file manager, using these elements you may be able to do what you are looking for. But as far as I know, your app is extremely sandboxed and does not really interact with other apps/the file system very much at all (Apple is very limiting that way)
this post seems to have the explanations of local data sharing methods you were looking for. None of the methods in this post requires any connectivity, just a device and 2 apps :) Good luck!

How to add rtl support to my ios app

I am localizing my app and wanted to add some rtl support as well (my app is currently in ltr).
What would be the best approach for providing such localization? I was thinking of creating different xib's for rtl and ltr, but then how would I load the correct one?
I asked a question similar to yours not so long ago: How does waze change objects location with their localization?
Your best bet would be to use a different xibs \ StoryBoard and differentiate between the two after checking the local settings. You could also ask the user for his native language to trigger the right StoryBoard (some users like to have controler of the language they are getting, even if there phone is in another language)
If you are going to support iOS 6 and there is a way achieving the above with AutoLayout but I'm not sure that's what you are looking for.

disable/hide settings depending on a switch on ios

I've made a settings screen using the Settings.bundle/Root.plist
Recently my client has seen some apps disable options based on a switch. And now they want something like that.
After searching here and apple resources a lot of people say it's not possible, but I see some apps do this. My question is how can i disable or hide an item or group based on other option.
The apps that do what i'm talking about are using the iphone's definition app, so it's not a costume settings screens in app.
Sorry for the bad english. Thank you for any assistance on this matter.
I'm just going to repeat what the others said and say that it is not possible. It is a static list, always. If you think you've seen an app that does do it, please indicate which one that is and what setting this pertains to. I'd be interested to take a look at that.

Using iOS SDK in Flash CS5

I want to write an iOS app in Flash. Can I use iOS SDK features? I mean, for example, I want to have some list of elements in my app (like the one in the music app). Will I have to write all the classes by myself, or maybe I could use the SDK?
Not sure if I'm making it clear. Thanks in advance.
Yes, you are making it clear. But this is not possible. If you want to use ObjectiveC/iOS library components then create a pure iPhone app using xCode on the mac.
Anyway, you may find similar flex/flash controls that may replicate the look and feel of the iOS control. Google is the limit.. ;) Good luck!
