I want to edit a .sdi file which is used in a Open Office file. I can open it with the OO Calc but after saving that it isn't working anymore. I read about this sCal Linux program. But I can't find something similar for windows.
The mistake was that Open Office Calc used the ; and the whitespaces.
It must be just whitespaces
I have a book with macro and forms in it.
when i open the book a run time error appears and when i look in vba
tools-> reference
Microsoft Windows Common Tools is not referenced and
the reference file path is C:\Windows\SysWow64\MSCOMCTL.OCX
OS: Windows 7 SP 1 32-bit
Microsoft Excel 2010 32-bit
Other info:
The book/file is something I didn't create in my unit, its something i received
Some file work properly but some wont (those file have the same codes inside)
Does anyone knows how to fix this problem? and possible reasons why this occur?
I think this is what solves your problem:
Run CMD under administrator mode
run "REGSVR32 MSCOMCTL.OCX" without the quote
I am trying to edit a win32 RC file from my add-in and add some strings in the string table. It seems the there is no extensibility support in VcProjectEngine for this. I have managed to edit it as re regular text file but VS prompts me to reload every time. Has someone discovered another solution?
I am planning to store the license information of my app to the app itself. Is it possible to write to an EXE in Delphi without affecting its logical function? If yes, How? My colleague says that there are only specific parts of the exe that is writable. Is this true?
Why don't you store the license as a resource in your Delphi app rather than hack the EXE?
Example here: http://delphi.about.com/od/objectpascalide/a/embed_resources.htm
Take a look at http://sourceforge.net/projects/tponguard/
You'll find what you want here.
This An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File that will help you. thehackerslibrary.com. File Resource Management Library (.NET) that may work for you.
Create your license variable with start and stop tags. I don't know anything about Delphi programming but in psuedocode it would look like
var license = "$$$$"+"LICENSE DATA"+"$$$$";
You can open the executable in a hex editor and search for the $$$$ part and edit it directly or you can write a program that will overwrite the bit between the tags.
If I try to run Delphi 7, I get this frightening message:
Borland license information was found, but it is not valid for Delphi.
You cannot run Delphi without this information. Click the exit button
to exit Delphi.
Delphi was running fine this morning, but choked when I tried to load the project I'm working on.
I reinstalled Delphi from the original disk - same message
I have just done a system restore from a few days ago - same message
I don't know why.
According to the archives of Chillibear, here is what you do:
Delete your registry.slm file from the .borland directory within your user's folder within documents and settings.
Run the D7Reg.exe file from within your Delphi7 Bin directory.
Follow the registration steps (you don't have to register now!)
All done. Open Delphi7 as normal.
Try to delete file documents and settings\.borland\registry.slm (of course backup at first) and rerun Delphi
Invalid Delphi license
Delete your registry.slm file from the .borland directory within your
user's folder within Documents and Settings.
Run the D7Reg.exe file from within your Delphi7 Bin directory.
Follow the registration steps (you don't have to register now!)
All done. Open Delphi7 as normal.
Using this 4 step program made my blood pressure drop to safe levels again.
Thank you very much.
You'll also encounter this similar error message when your C drive where C:\Documents and Settings\username\borland folder is located doesn't have enough disk space left to write to. You must free up as much disk space as you could or transfer some of files to another drive and the error message will simply vanish without a trace.
Contact their support. Go at www.embarcadero.com The last menu option is 'Services'. From there I'd would choose http://www.embarcadero.com/support
I had this problem after the recent update to W10. I found the slm file in C:\users\.borland and just renamed it (in case). I was then able to run D7Reg.exe - if you try it before deleting the slm file it doesnt accept your registration details!! I cancelled the program after it had accepted the details so that it didnt wipe all the 3rd party connections and Delphi7 now works fine. Thank you so much for this fix.
The same message problem but with a change of hard disk for a new(copy all the partition)
The solucion change the name of the unit, becouse any program work. But maybe happend if you install in other unit and the borland to start try to find in the other name of unit.
Try to run Delphi 7 in Windows XP compatibility mode
In my application, originally built with Delphi 7, I use the SPHelpIntegration code to enable CHM help via the F1 interface. I figured that this wasn't needed in Delphi 2007, so I removed the units and built my app. I then press F1 and get a message that no help interface is installed. The online help doesn't tell me a lot about what is needed to make F1 help work. Do I have to include a unit or something? Or should I just carry on doing what works?
Add HTMLHelpViewer to your uses clause to handle CHM files. There is an issue in using them is they must exist on the local system (not a network share) to view properly. There is a registry hack to change this behavior, but I have found it easier to just install the help files locally on the system.
Lately rather than CHM files, I used the Adobe OpenPDFParameters API calling conventions to throw them directly into my PDF version of my printed manual jumping to the section based on the current form (I grab the form class name and use it in my named sections). It requires that the workstation has a PDF reader, but who doesn't now days?
Yes, you need to include a help viewer in the uses clause.