iTunes Connect requires iPhone 5 screenshots for non-iPhone5 app - ios

My app doesn't support 4-inch retina display (no iPhone 5 splash screen or Default-586h#2x.png in project), but ITC still requires screenshots for it. Is it mandatory even for non-iPhone 5 apps? Should I just use screenshots of my app in letterbox mode or is there a way to specify directly that my app doesn't support iPhone 5?

You could just fire up the simulator in 4inch mode and get the right sized screen shots there


App not displayed in full screen on iPad Pro Simulator

I have created an iPad app in Xcode 7.3. Every works fine on iPad 2, iPad Retina etc.. but my problem is when my app is loaded with the iPad Pro simulator. The app works fine but is not zoomed to display at full screen (approx 2 3rds of the screen). When creating my app I did not set and constraints as on previous versions of Xcode, iPad apps would automatically zoom there native size to fit on the iPad Pro. I do not have a iPad Pro to check if my app will zoom to fill the screen on an actual device. If I were to submit my app to the App Store would it be refused ?
If required, is it possible to submit an iPad App without supporting the iPad pro ? (possibly by not suppling iPad pro screen shots in iTunes Connect).
If required I can post some screen shots

If an app is only for iPhone, where does the iPad pull it's 1x/2x version from?

Does it use the iPhone 6 Plus version? Where does it get it from?
I ask because I have been building my app based on screen dimensions. iPad's have different screen dimension ratios so I decided to make my app iPhone only. However, when I run my app on an iPad the positioning of everything is totally screwed up! But when I run it on every other iPhone device (from 5 to 6s plus because iPhone 4 dimensions are off) it looks fine!
So where does it get it's version from? Does it pull from the iPhone 4?
Every app can run on the iPad no matter if it is supported or not. If the app is NOT built for iPad (iPhone only) - it would show up as it shows up on an iPhone 4. Be sure that your screens support iPhone 4 or you won't make it past the app review process (annoying but true).
From the Apple iOS App Store Review Guidelines (
2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution

iTunes Connect asking screen shots for project

I've developed an app for iPhone (Portrait orientation) and with iOS 8.0. I checked that every single one of the Views are set for size of 4 inches. (I want to target iPhones 5, 5C and 5S).
Probably this is a very noob question, but I'm trying to submit an app into the itunes connect, but when I want to submit, the system replies that I need submit screen shots for 5.5 inches retina, 3.5 inches and 4.7 inches.
How do I correct this issue?, because even iPod is allowed to use my app in this moment.
Thanks guys!
Run the app in the simulator under every device screen size (E.g. iPhone 4, 5, 6, 6+) and for every screen, save the screen shot via Command-S.
That is because your app is naturally optimized for the iPhone 6+. Therefore from the documentation,
If your app indicates that it is optimized for the iPhone 6 Plus, at
least one 5.5-inch screenshot is required. Up to four additional
screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when
you create or edit the iTunes Connect record.
along with the fact that 4 and 3.5 inch screenshots are required.

How to simulate smaller iPhone screen size without simulator?

I have an iPhone 6 Plus but I don't have an iPhone 6.
Because my app uses iPhone's music library, iPhone simulator of Xcode can not be used to run my app.
So, I want to run my app on my iPhone 6 Plus using iPhone 6's screen size.
If I can simulate iPhone 6's screen size on iPhone 6 Plus, I can test my app of iPhone 6's screen size and also I can take screenshots of iPhone 6's screen size for iTunes Connect.
Is there an easy way to simulate iPhone 6 screen on an iPhone 6 Plus device?
I guess there is no way to do it. The best thing you can do is to remove music lib from the project, comment out the related code and do some screenshots on Xcode emulator.

ITC.apps.validation.screenshot itunes connect iPhone 6 screenshot is required

I have uploaded my app build to itunes connect from Xcode 5.1.1... I currently do not support iPhone 6. When I submit to review I get an error that I have to upload iPhone 6 sreenshots first.
Is there anyway I could just bypass iPhone 6 screenshots where as my app doesn't support iPhone 6 yet ?
My App was accepted with Photoshop Scaled 4-inch Screens. However, for now apple stopped requiring iPhone 6 screenshots.
You can't submit an app that does not support iPhone 6. So I guess it makes sense that iTunes Connect now makes it compulsory to include at least one screenshot for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus resolutions.
But unless you include launch images for the iPhone 6/6 Plus resolutions your app will run in scaled mode on the new iPhones. So as a quick workaround, I imagine that simply scaling your existing screenshots would give similar results to re-capturing them.
