Getting yellow UIBarButtonItem button like Photos app? - ios

I'm currently working on an UI to crop an image inside my app, and I'd like it to feel as native as possible. I looked to the iPad's built in Photos app for some ideas, and noticed that when you crop an image, instead of a blue "Done" button, it has a yellow tinted button that has "Crop" on it, like so:
Does anyone know how to replicate this? I recall that the UIKit framework had a bunch of artwork stored inside of it in some custom file format and an iOS app existed that was able to read this and save you the individual PNGs, but I do not remember what this app is called. Conveniently enough for me, the thing I remember is that this yellow button graphic was among those contained. Anyone got any ideas how I can replicate the button nevertheless?
(Although if anyone knows that utility, that'd be great.)

Try this:


iOS Image Viewer like Photo app

I am developing an app that has an internal gallery with some images.
What I want to achieve is exactly a result that behaves and looks like the Apple Photo app image viewer.
With a collection view I implemented the gallery images with thumbnails and now I would like to show the image on fullscreen on press.
The image viewer should have exactly the Apple's Photo behavior:
Full screen on single tap,
Delete, Share button etc...
Pinch to zoom, double tap zoom...
My question is. Is that really possible that such a common feature is not already given by iOS? Is there maybe a view controller already build in that we can use but I am not aware of?
I know there are some libraries around that make such thing, but I'm wondering if there's already something given.

UINavigationBAr Title as an Image, used to work, doesn't display anymore in XCode9

I'm having a small annoying issue, I'm using storyboards on this app since it's creation, I want to make an update to it and something that used to work before doesn't anymore
See I was using an image as a UINavigationBar Title, Dragged it to the storyboard and it worked almost automatically,
Now well the image doesn't display anymore... Here's a screen :
As you Can see, the UIImageView is there, but nothing shows up. and when I run the app, still nothing...
I'd like to solve it trought Storyboards, but my knowledge is limited

Prevent Notification thumbnail from showing when 3D-touching

I am creating notifications in an app with iOS >10. When I attach an image to this notification, it shows exactly as I want it, but when the user 3D-touch the notification, the image is shown almost full screen.
The image has almost nothing to do with my notification; it only works as an indicator, and I would like for it to keep the tiny 70px thumbnail-size when a user force-touches it, or remove it all together in this expanded state. Is this possible?
This is exactly as I want it ^
I do not want the image to grow so much!
Is there a way to prevent the thumbnail from being this huge? The image's size is 70x70..
I ended up using a NotificationContentExtension to solve this. This extension adds a new target to your project, with its own storyboard and .plist and everything. It was really overkill for my project, as it was a lot of work, but I wanted to get rid of that blown-up thumbnail.
This extension can communicate with your app, so we were able to put a lot of nice information into the extended notification, and it actually turned out looking great. You design everything yourself, like what happens when you 3D-touch a notification from the Calendar app. You could probably also use an empty xib/storyboard for this extension to simply remove the thumbnail, but I just went nuts and created gold. It is practically a UIViewController that you can design to show whatever you want.
I did read quite a few tutorials on the matter. This is one of them.

Where to find glossy background images for UIButton?

I want to have a glossy button in my iPhone app (in the style of the black toolbar). However, as you all know, those are not included in the SDK.
So I wonder if anyone knows where to get ready to use button images.
I have of course googled for that, but I could not find any useful graphics. My requirements to button graphics are:
should match Apple's style used in the black toolbar / titlebar
should have resolution high enough for retina devices
should be available for commercial use (does not need to be free)
I have also taken a look at some programmatic solutions like Michael Heyeck's Shiny Red Buttons which are quite well done. However I would prefer to have a simple png file to use as a button background image.
You can try the link here - it might help .

Black transparent modal alert on iOS, as seen in several apps

I'm looking for an API for a certain type of modal alert view (iOS), but I'm not entirely sure whether it's home-built or Apple-provided. It looks like a black transparent square, with rounded corners, usually one icon and a label below. For instance, it is used in the iPhone Twitter app. As observed, it only displays information momentarily and is dismissed when a state has changed (like "Loading" or "Posting").
Is there a pre-built API for this or is it custom built? And if possible, when shared publicly, where can I find such a thing?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
MBProgressHUD is what you're looking for:
Apple does not reject applications using MBProgressHUD.
