What's the event after selecting an entry in jquery autocomplete? - ruby-on-rails

We have a rails 3.2.8 app with jquery autocomplete. The app should fire an event after user selects a customer name from the list (#invoice_customer_name_autocomplete). After selecting, an ajax change event is fired. That's all the app should do. However the following code does not do the job (error: "t.item.customer is undefined"). A user can not even select. The text box won't take customer name and the screen gets stuck:
//for autocomplete
$(function() {
return $('#invoice_customer_name_autocomplete').autocomplete({
minLength: 1,
source: $('#invoice_customer_name_autocomplete').data('autocomplete-source'),
select: function(event, ui) {
$(document).ready(function (){
$('#invoice_customer_name_autocomplete').change(function (){
//ajax call
$.get(window.location, $('form').serialize(), null, "script");
return false;
If manually changing the customer name, the .change event will fire. However it does not fire after selecting. What's wrong with the code above?
If the select can trigger a change event on invoice_customer_name_autocomplete, then this is what we want. Tried the code below without success (no change event fired):
select: function(event, ui) {

You may be using the jQuery Autocomplete plugin I can't be sure, but you're calling it the way you would call the jQuery UI autocomplete.
In case you are using the first
Use autocomplete in jQuery UI instead of the autocomplete plugin. The latter is deprecated.
Using the correct framework here is a example of it working:
It is no different from yours, so the thing is that you should log the ui object in order to understand why you are accessing a null object, the easiest way to do it is to log on console the whole object and watch it.
Regarding the onChange you may check this post: trigger onchange event manually
Hope it helps!


Jquery UI Autocomplete not working after dom manipluation

I have been trying to implement the autocomplete and have come across a problem that has stumped me. The first time I call .autocomplete it all works fine and I have no problems. If, however, I call it after I have removed some (unrelated) elements from the DOM and added a new section to the DOM then autocomplete does nothing and reports no errors.
type : 'get',
dataType : 'json',
url : '/finance/occupations',
occupationList = data;
source: occupationList,
messages: {
noResults: '',
results: function(){}
minLength : 2,
select:function(event, ui){
The background to this page is that it contains multiple sections that are manipulated as the user moves through them. Hide and show works fine and does not impact on the autocomplete. However, if I do the following:-
var section = $('.js-addressForm:last').clone();
Which gives the user the bility to add multiple addresses on the previous section then the autocomplete stops working.
Any suggestions or pointers on something obvious I am missing?
I have tried to put the initialisation of the autocomplete on an event when the element gets focus and it still does not work.
You have to create the autocomplete after all other underlying objects. If you F12, you will see that the list is "visible", however it is below and hidden by all instances created after it.
If you created a div with inputs (one input being the autocomplete), then you create the automplete then the dialog instances, the autocomplete will never show. If you create the dialog then the autocomplete, no problem. The problem is the z-order
I have faced the same issue. For now to fix this, i'm creating widget on the input once input is in focus. It will help you solve the issue.
You can look for the help on
making sure some event bing only when needed
Sample code will look like this
$( "#target" ).focus(function() {
//I don't care if you manipulated the DOM or not. I'll be cautious. ;)
(function() {
$( "#combobox" ).combobox();
$( "#toggle" ).click(function() {
$( "#combobox" ).toggle();
// use a flag variable if you want
This solved my problem. Hope its the solution you were looking f

jQuery mobile listview multiple click event

I fill list dynamically, and after that on click I have multiple calls of event. 1st time it is repeated 1 time, 2nd time 2 times, 3rd time 3 times, etc...
First, more about this problem can be found in my other answer: jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events
Prevent multiple event binding/triggering
Because of interesting jQM loading architecture, multiple event triggering is a constant problem. For example, take a look at this code snipet:
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow','#index' ,function(e,data){
$(document).on('click', '#test-button',function(e) {
alert('Button click');
Working jsFiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/Gajotres/CCfL4/
Each time you visit page #index click event will is going to be bound to button #test-button. There are few ways to prevent this problem:
Solution 1:
Remove event before you bind it:
$('#test-button').die().live('click', function(e) {
alert('Button click');
Working jsFiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/Gajotres/K8YmG/
In case you have different events bound to an object:
$('#test-button').die('click').live('click', function(e) {
alert('Button click');
Solution 2:
Use a jQuery Filter selector, like this:
$('#carousel div:Event(!click)').each(function(){
//If click is not bind to #carousel div do something
Because event filter is not a part of official jQuery framework it can be found here: http://www.codenothing.com/archives/2009/event-filter/
In a nutshell, if speed is your main concern then Solution 2 is much better then Solution 1.
Solution 3:
A new one, probably an easiest of them all.
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#index', function(){
$(document).on('click', '#test-button',function(e) {
if(e.handled !== true) // This will prevent event triggering more then once
e.handled = true;
Working jsFiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/Gajotres/Yerv9/
Tnx to the sholsinger for this solution: http://sholsinger.com/archive/2011/08/prevent-jquery-live-handlers-from-firing-multiple-times/
More info
If you want to find more about this problem take a look at this article, working examples are included.

trigger search from select within jquery ui autocomplete

How do I trigger/call jQuery UI Autocomplete event handlers from each other, for example, triggering a search from the select handler?
Thx, Lille
The answer above is only valid for jQueryUI 1.8.x
Since jQueryUI 1.9.x you must add a timeout:
scott.gonzalez says:
"There were some pretty big changes to autocomplete between 1.8 and
1.9, specifically selection is now synchronous where before it was asynchronous."
scott.gonzalez says:
"What's happening is selecting an item always closes the menu. Closing
the menu tells the autocomplete to ignore any pending searches. This
includes the search that you're manually triggering immediately before
the menu closes. It's also worth noting that you're running a
duplicative search, since you're triggering the search before the
value updates."
select: function(event, ui)
var that = $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/RB4N3/
To trigger a search:
$("#my-autocomplete").autocomplete("search", "SearchTerm");
In general, call jQueryUI widget methods using $("selector").widget("method" /*, options */)

jQuery AutoComplete Trigger Change Event

How do you trigger jQuery UI's AutoComplete change event handler programmatically?
source: context.companies,
change: handleCompanyChanged
Misc Attempts Thus Far
Based on other answers it should work:
How to trigger jQuery change event in code
jQuery Autocomplete and on change Problem
JQuery Autocomplete help
The change event fires as expected when I manually interact with the AutoComplete input via browser; however I would like to programmatically trigger the change event in some cases.
What am I missing?
Here you go. It's a little messy but it works.
$(function () {
var companyList = $("#CompanyList").autocomplete({
change: function() {
this will work,too
source : yourSource,
change : yourChangeHandler
// deprecated
// use this now
It's better to use the select event instead. The change event is bound to keydown as Wil said. So if you want to listen to change on selection use select like that.
select: function(event, ui) {
They are binding to keydown in the autocomplete source, so triggering the keydown will case it to update.
They aren't binding to the 'change' event because that only triggers at the DOM level when the form field loses focus. The autocomplete needs to respond faster than 'lost focus' so it has to bind to a key event.
Doing this:
Will cause a bug if the user retypes the exact option that was there before.
Here is a relatively clean solution for others looking up this topic:
// run when eventlistener is triggered
$("#CompanyList").on( "autocompletechange", function(event,ui) {
// post value to console for validation
Per api.jqueryui.com/autocomplete/, this binds a function to the eventlistener. It is triggered both when the user selects a value from the autocomplete list and when they manually type in a value. The trigger fires when the field loses focus.
The simplest, most robust way is to use the internal ._trigger() to fire the autocomplete change event.
source : yourSource,
change : yourChangeHandler
Note, jQuery UI 1.9 changed from .data("autocomplete") to .data("ui-autocomplete"). You may also see some people using .data("uiAutocomplete") which indeed works in 1.9 and 1.10, but "ui-autocomplete" is the official preferred form. See http://jqueryui.com/upgrade-guide/1.9/#changed-naming-convention-for-data-keys for jQuery UI namespaecing on data keys.
You have to manually bind the event, rather than supply it as a property of the initialization object, to make it available to trigger.
source: context.companies
}).bind( 'autocompletechange', handleCompanyChanged );
It's a bit of a workaround, but I'm in favor of workarounds that improve the semantic uniformity of the library!
The programmatically trigger to call the autocomplete.change event is via a namespaced trigger on the source select element.
Within version 1.8 of jquery UI..
.bind( "blur.autocomplete", function( event ) {
if ( self.options.disabled ) {
clearTimeout( self.searching );
// clicks on the menu (or a button to trigger a search) will cause a blur event
self.closing = setTimeout(function() {
self.close( event );
self._change( event );
}, 150 );
I was trying to do the same, but without keeping a variable of autocomplete. I walk throught this calling change handler programatically on the select event, you only need to worry about the actual value of input.
source: context.companies,
change: handleCompanyChanged,
select: function(event,ui){
Well it works for me just binding a keypress event to the search input, like this:
... Instantiate your autofill here...
$("#CompanyList").bind("keypress", function(){
if (nowDoing==1) {
nowDoing = 0;
$('#search').autocomplete( { source: items } );
$('#search:focus').autocomplete('search', $('#search').val() );
This seems to be the only one that worked for me.
This post is pretty old, but for thoses who got here in 2016. None of the example here worked for me. Using keyup instead of autocompletechange did the job. Using jquery-ui 10.4
$("#CompanyList").on("keyup", function (event, ui) {
Hope this help!
Another solution than the previous ones:
//With trigger
//With the autocomplete API
jQuery UI Autocomplete API

Bind jQuery UI autocomplete using .live()

I've searched everywhere, but I can't seem to find any help...
I have some textboxes that are created dynamically via JS, so I need to bind all of their classes to an autocomplete. As a result, I need to use the new .live() option.
As an example, to bind all items with a class of .foo now and future created:
$('.foo').live('click', function(){
It takes (and behaves) the same as .bind(). However, I want to bind an autocomplete...
This doesn't work:
$('.foo').live('autocomplete', function(event, ui){
source: 'url.php' // (surpressed other arguments)
How can I use .live() to bind autocomplete?
Figured it out with Framer:
$('.search').live('keyup.autocomplete', function(){
source : 'url.php'
jQuery UI autocomplete function automatically adds the class "ui-autocomplete-input" to the element. I'd recommend live binding the element on focus without the "ui-autocomplete-input"
class to prevent re-binding on every keydown event within that element.
$(".foo:not(.ui-autocomplete-input)").live("focus", function (event) {
My answer is now out of date since jQuery 1.7, see Nathan Strutz's comment for use with the new .on() syntax.
If you are using the jquery.ui.autocomplete.js try this instead
.bind("keydown.autocomplete") or .live("keydown.autocomplete")
if not, use the jquery.ui.autocomplete.js and see if it'll work
If that doesn't apply, I don't know how to help you bro
Just to add, you can use the .livequery plugin for this:
$('.foo').livequery(function() {
// This will fire for each matched element.
// It will also fire for any new elements added to the DOM.
To get autocomplete working when loaded dynamically for the on() event used in jQuery > 1.7, using the syntax Nathan Strutz provides in his comment:
$(document).on('focus', '.my-field:not(.ui-autocomplete-input)', function (e) {
where .my-field is a selector for your autocomplete input element.
.live() does not work with focus.
also keyup.autocmplete does not make any sense.
Instead the thing I have tried and working is this
$('.search').live('keyup' , function()
$(this).autocomplete({ source : 'url.php' });
This works perfectly fine.
You can't. .live() only supports actual JavaScript events, not any custom event. This is a fundamental limitation of how .live() works.
You can try using this:
$('.foo').live('focus.autocomplete', function() {
After reading and testing everyone else's answers I have updated it for the current version of JQuery and made a few tweaks.
The problem with using keydown as the event that calls .autocomplete() is that it fails to autocomplete for that first letter typed. Using focus is the better choice.
Another thing I have noticed is that all of the given solutions result in .autocomplete() being called multiple times. If you are adding an element dynamically to the page that will not be removed again, the event should only be fired once. Even if the item is to be removed and added again, the event should be removed and then added back each time the element is removed or added so that focusing on the field again will not unnecessarily call .autocomplete() every time.
My final code is as follows:
$(document).on('focus.autocomplete', '#myAutocomplete', function(e){
$(document).off('focus.autocomplete', '#myAutocomplete');
autocomplete is not an event rather a function that enables autocomplete functionality for a textbox.
So if you can modify the js that creates the textboxes dynamically to wrap the textbox element in as a jquery object and call autocomplete on that object.
I just noticed you edited your post with this answer. It was obvious to me so I'm posting it below for others. Thank you.
$('.search').live('keyup.autocomplete', function()
$(this).autocomplete({ source : 'url.php' });
This works for me:
$('.item_product').live('focus.autocomplete', function()
$(this).autocomplete("/source.php/", {
width: 550,
matchContains: true,
mustMatch: false,
selectFirst: false,
You can just put the autocomplete inside input live event, like this:
$('#input-element').live('input', function(){
