trigger search from select within jquery ui autocomplete - jquery-ui

How do I trigger/call jQuery UI Autocomplete event handlers from each other, for example, triggering a search from the select handler?
Thx, Lille

The answer above is only valid for jQueryUI 1.8.x
Since jQueryUI 1.9.x you must add a timeout:
scott.gonzalez says:
"There were some pretty big changes to autocomplete between 1.8 and
1.9, specifically selection is now synchronous where before it was asynchronous."
scott.gonzalez says:
"What's happening is selecting an item always closes the menu. Closing
the menu tells the autocomplete to ignore any pending searches. This
includes the search that you're manually triggering immediately before
the menu closes. It's also worth noting that you're running a
duplicative search, since you're triggering the search before the
value updates."
select: function(event, ui)
var that = $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);

To trigger a search:
$("#my-autocomplete").autocomplete("search", "SearchTerm");
In general, call jQueryUI widget methods using $("selector").widget("method" /*, options */)


Get Index of Activated Tab

I'm upgrading code from jQuery UI 1.8 to 1.10.
Under 1.8, the event triggered when the tab changes was select, and I could access the index of the tab being selected through ui.index.
Under 1.10, the event triggered when the tab changes is activate. However, I cannot find anything in the event parameter ui that tells me the index of the newly activated tab.
How can I discover that index?
You could use the following approach
activate: function (event, ui) {
The UI object is still here but seems to hold directly the jQuery objects of oldTab, newTab, oldPanel, newPanel, so you don't need the index to find the object you want to use.
ui Type: Object
- newTab
Type: jQuery
The tab that was just activated.
- oldTab
Type: jQuery
The tab that was just deactivated.
- newPanel
Type: jQuery
The panel that was just activated.
- oldPanel
Type: jQuery
The panel that was just deactivated.

What's the event after selecting an entry in jquery autocomplete?

We have a rails 3.2.8 app with jquery autocomplete. The app should fire an event after user selects a customer name from the list (#invoice_customer_name_autocomplete). After selecting, an ajax change event is fired. That's all the app should do. However the following code does not do the job (error: "t.item.customer is undefined"). A user can not even select. The text box won't take customer name and the screen gets stuck:
//for autocomplete
$(function() {
return $('#invoice_customer_name_autocomplete').autocomplete({
minLength: 1,
source: $('#invoice_customer_name_autocomplete').data('autocomplete-source'),
select: function(event, ui) {
$(document).ready(function (){
$('#invoice_customer_name_autocomplete').change(function (){
//ajax call
$.get(window.location, $('form').serialize(), null, "script");
return false;
If manually changing the customer name, the .change event will fire. However it does not fire after selecting. What's wrong with the code above?
If the select can trigger a change event on invoice_customer_name_autocomplete, then this is what we want. Tried the code below without success (no change event fired):
select: function(event, ui) {
You may be using the jQuery Autocomplete plugin I can't be sure, but you're calling it the way you would call the jQuery UI autocomplete.
In case you are using the first
Use autocomplete in jQuery UI instead of the autocomplete plugin. The latter is deprecated.
Using the correct framework here is a example of it working:
It is no different from yours, so the thing is that you should log the ui object in order to understand why you are accessing a null object, the easiest way to do it is to log on console the whole object and watch it.
Regarding the onChange you may check this post: trigger onchange event manually
Hope it helps!

jQuery AutoComplete Trigger Change Event

How do you trigger jQuery UI's AutoComplete change event handler programmatically?
source: context.companies,
change: handleCompanyChanged
Misc Attempts Thus Far
Based on other answers it should work:
How to trigger jQuery change event in code
jQuery Autocomplete and on change Problem
JQuery Autocomplete help
The change event fires as expected when I manually interact with the AutoComplete input via browser; however I would like to programmatically trigger the change event in some cases.
What am I missing?
Here you go. It's a little messy but it works.
$(function () {
var companyList = $("#CompanyList").autocomplete({
change: function() {
this will work,too
source : yourSource,
change : yourChangeHandler
// deprecated
// use this now
It's better to use the select event instead. The change event is bound to keydown as Wil said. So if you want to listen to change on selection use select like that.
select: function(event, ui) {
They are binding to keydown in the autocomplete source, so triggering the keydown will case it to update.
They aren't binding to the 'change' event because that only triggers at the DOM level when the form field loses focus. The autocomplete needs to respond faster than 'lost focus' so it has to bind to a key event.
Doing this:
Will cause a bug if the user retypes the exact option that was there before.
Here is a relatively clean solution for others looking up this topic:
// run when eventlistener is triggered
$("#CompanyList").on( "autocompletechange", function(event,ui) {
// post value to console for validation
Per, this binds a function to the eventlistener. It is triggered both when the user selects a value from the autocomplete list and when they manually type in a value. The trigger fires when the field loses focus.
The simplest, most robust way is to use the internal ._trigger() to fire the autocomplete change event.
source : yourSource,
change : yourChangeHandler
Note, jQuery UI 1.9 changed from .data("autocomplete") to .data("ui-autocomplete"). You may also see some people using .data("uiAutocomplete") which indeed works in 1.9 and 1.10, but "ui-autocomplete" is the official preferred form. See for jQuery UI namespaecing on data keys.
You have to manually bind the event, rather than supply it as a property of the initialization object, to make it available to trigger.
source: context.companies
}).bind( 'autocompletechange', handleCompanyChanged );
It's a bit of a workaround, but I'm in favor of workarounds that improve the semantic uniformity of the library!
The programmatically trigger to call the autocomplete.change event is via a namespaced trigger on the source select element.
Within version 1.8 of jquery UI..
.bind( "blur.autocomplete", function( event ) {
if ( self.options.disabled ) {
clearTimeout( self.searching );
// clicks on the menu (or a button to trigger a search) will cause a blur event
self.closing = setTimeout(function() {
self.close( event );
self._change( event );
}, 150 );
I was trying to do the same, but without keeping a variable of autocomplete. I walk throught this calling change handler programatically on the select event, you only need to worry about the actual value of input.
source: context.companies,
change: handleCompanyChanged,
select: function(event,ui){
Well it works for me just binding a keypress event to the search input, like this:
... Instantiate your autofill here...
$("#CompanyList").bind("keypress", function(){
if (nowDoing==1) {
nowDoing = 0;
$('#search').autocomplete( { source: items } );
$('#search:focus').autocomplete('search', $('#search').val() );
This seems to be the only one that worked for me.
This post is pretty old, but for thoses who got here in 2016. None of the example here worked for me. Using keyup instead of autocompletechange did the job. Using jquery-ui 10.4
$("#CompanyList").on("keyup", function (event, ui) {
Hope this help!
Another solution than the previous ones:
//With trigger
//With the autocomplete API
jQuery UI Autocomplete API

ASP.NET Remote Validation only on blur?

I'm using the remote validation in MVC 3, but it seems to fire any time that I type something, if it's the second time that field's been active. The problem is that I have an autocomplete box, so they might click on a result to populate the field, which MVC views as "leaving" it.
Even apart from the autcomplete thing, I don't want it to attempt to validate when they're halfway through writing. Is there a way that I can say "only run validation n milliseconds after they are finished typing" or "only run validation on blur?"
MVC 3 relies on the jQuery Validation plugin for client side validation. You need to configure the plugin to not validate on key up.
You can switch it globally off using
onkeyup: false
See and the onkeyup option here
For future reference, I found it's possible to do this in combination with the typeWatch plugin (
Basically what you want to do is (in my case for a slug):
/*Disable keyup validation on focus and restore it to onkeyup validation mode on blur*/
$("form input[data-val-remote-url]").on({
focus: function () {
$(this).closest('form').validate().settings.onkeyup = false;
blur: function () {
$(this).closest('form').validate().settings.onkeyup = $.validator.defaults.onkeyup;
$(function () {
/*Setup the typeWatch for the element/s that's using remote validation*/
$("#Slug").typeWatch({ wait: 300, callback: validateSlug, captureLength: 5 });
function validateSlug() {
/*Manually force revalidation of the element (forces the remote validation to happen) */
var slug = $("#Slug");
If you're using the vanilla typeWatch plugin, you'll have to setup a typeWatch for every element because the typeWatch callback doesn't give you access to the current element via $(this), it only passes the value.
Alternatively you can modify the typeWatch plugin to pass in the element (timer.el) and then you can apply a delay to all.
For some reason (maybe because of conflicts with the unobtrusive plugin), hwiechers' answer didn't work for me. Instead, I had to get the validator of my form with .data('validator') (as mentioned in this answer) and set onkeyup to false on it.
var validator = $('#form').data('validator');
validator.settings.onkeyup = false;
We had the same problem of focusing out the autocomplete textbox "DealingWithContactName" when autocomplete suggestion list pops up. Here we select the dynamically generated autocomplete list item on which the user clicks and set focus on to it. After 50ms we take the focus out from the textbox. It solved our problem.
$('body').on('click', 'ul.ui-autocomplete li a', function () {
window.setInterval(function () {
}, 50);
I wanted local validation to remain during onkeyup so that the user had a tighter feedback loop. This should only affect the remote validation (that results from RemoteAttribute):
$("[data-val-remote]").keyup(function () {
// Avoid hitting server validation during onkeyup. Wait for onfocusout.
return false;

jQuery / jQuery UI - $("a").live("click", ...) not working for tabs

So I have some jQuery UI tabs. The source code is as follows:
<div class="tabs">
<div id="ranges"></div>
<div id="collections"></div>
<div id="designs"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
My problem is that I am trying to make each tab load a page into the content panel on click of the relevant link. To start with I am just trying to set the html of all the panels on clicking a link. From the code below, if I use method 1, it works for all links. However if I use method 2 it doesn't - but only for the links in the tabs (i.e. the labels you click to select a tab).
Method 1 (works for all links all the time, but would not be applied to links which are added after this is called):
$("a").click(function () {
$("#ranges, #collections, #designs").html("clicked");
Method 2 (works for all links which are not "tabified"):
$("a").live("click", function () {
$("#ranges, #collections, #designs").html("clicked");
Does anyone know why it is behaving like this? I would really like to get method 2 working properly as there may well be links which I need to add click events to which are added after the page is originally loaded.
Thanks in advance,
PS yes the function calls for .live and .click are both in the $(document).ready() function, before anyone says that that may be the problem - otherwise it wouldn't work at all..
The solution I came up with involves an extra attribute in the anchors (data-url) and the following code (which outputs a 404 not found error if the page cannot be loaded). I aim to expand this over the next few weeks / months to be a lot more powerful.
select: function (event, ui) {
$(ui.panel).load($("data-url"), function (responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
switch (XMLHttpRequest.status) {
case 200: break;
case 404:
$(ui.panel).html("<p>The requested page (" + $("data-url") + ") could not be found.</p>");
$(ui.panel).html("<p title='Status: " + XMLHttpRequest.status + "; " + XMLHttpRequest.statusText + "'>An unknown error has occurred.</p>");
I don't know if I understand what you are going for but basically you want to do something once a tab is clicked?
Here's the docs for setting up a callback function for selecting a tab.
EDIT: Don't know if that link is working correctly, you want to look at select under Events. But basically it is:
select: function(event, ui) { ... }
Where ui has information on the tab that was clicked.
jQuery UI tabs has an outstanding issue where return false; is used instead of event.preventDefault();. This effectively prevents event bubbling which live depends on. This is scheduled to be fixed with jQuery UI 1.9 but in the meantime the best approach is use the built in select event as suggested by #rolfwaffle.
Maybe the tabs() plugin that you are using is calling event.preventDefault(); (Reference) once it has created it's tabs.
Then it captures the click event and the bubbling stops, so it doesn't invoke your click-function. In jQuery this is done with
// Do stuff, then
return false; // Cancels the event
You'd have to alter the tabs() plugin code and remove this return false; statement, OR if you are lucky, the plugin might have an option to disable that behavior.
EDIT: Now I see you're using jQuery UI. Then you should check the documentation there, since it is an awesome plugin, it will do anything you want if you do the html right and pass it the right options.
