Imagine I have the following models:
class Translation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :localizations
class Localization < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :translation
If I do this in ActiveAdmin:
ActiveAdmin.register Localization do
form do |f|
f.input :word
f.input :content
The association for word will only allow me to choose from existing words. However, I'd like to have the option of creating a new word on the fly. I thought it may be useful to accept nested attributes in the localization model ( but then, I will only have the option of creating a Word, not selecting from existing ones ). How can I solve this problem?
I think you can try using virtual attribute for this
Example(not tested)
class Localization < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :new_word #virtual attribute
attr_accessible :word_id, :content, :new_word
belongs_to :translation
before_save do
unless #new_word.blank?
self.word = Word.create({:name => #new_word})
The main idea is to create and store new Word instance before saving localization and use it instead of word_id from drop-down.
ActiveAdmin.register Localization do
form do |f|
f.input :word
f.input :content
f.input :new_word, :as => :string
There is great rails-cast about virtual attributes
Using ActiveAdmin with Rails 4, I have two models, Document and Attachment with a one-to-many relationship between them.
# models/document.rb
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :attachments
accepts_nested_attributes_for :attachments
# models/attachment.rb
class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :document
I registered the models and included permit_params for all the fields in each.
Now I used has_many in the form view in the below code. This shows an option to add Attachments and it work just fine.
# admin/document.rb
ActiveAdmin.register Document do
permit_params :title, :description, :date, :category_id
show do |doc|
attributes_table do
row :title
row :description
row :attachments do"<br />").html_safe
form do |f|
f.inputs "Details" do
f.input :title
f.input :description
f.input :category
f.has_many :attachments, :allow_destroy => true do |cf|
cf.input :document_path # which is a field in the Attachment model
However, when I submit the form, the document object is saved but no attachment objects are saved with it. As much as I understand it should create as many attachments I added in the form and pass in their document_id attribute the created document ID. Unfortunately this is not happening leaving the Attachment row "EMPTY" in the show view. Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
You forgot to permit attachments_attributes.
In order to use accepts_nested_attribute_for with Strong Parameters, you will need to specify which nested attributes should be whitelisted.
More info
I'm building a daily deal Rails app to learn RoR.
I am facing a problem for the past few hours : i can't get a model's attribute of an other associated model on active admin. Let me show you exactly the problem :
I have two models: Brand (i.e the brand of the deal) and Deal. A deal belongs to a Brand but a Brand can have many Deals.
models/deal.rb is like this:
class Deal < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :brand
and we have models/brand.rb:
class Brand < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :deals
attr_accessible :name
And i did the t.belongs_to in my migrations so this is ok.
In Active Admin's Deals' create form , i type, as admin, which brand the deal is associated with:
ActiveAdmin.register Deal do
# -- Form -----------------------------------------------------------
form do |f|
f.inputs "Brand (i.e. client)" do
f.input :brand_id, :label => "Select a brand:", :as => :select, :collection => Brand.all
it works great, and i can create Deals with a certain brand.
but I CAN'T manage to display the NAME of the Brand in my list of Deals:
ActiveAdmin.register Deal do
index do
# id_column
column :title
column :deal_amount
column :brand do |deal|
...doesn't work.
How can I do that ?
I tried everything but i basically don't know how to fetch the name of a Brand given it matches the brand_id in the Deal's table.
Any help appreciated.
show do |f|
panel "Subject" do
attributes_table_for f, :name, :description, :is_visible
panel "Pages in List View" do
table_for(f.pages) do |page|
column :name
column :permalink
column :is_visible
panel "Pages in View " do
div_for(f.pages) do |page|
panel do
attributes_table_for page, :name, :description, :is_visible
You can do nested relations in same style as parent model
A couple things seem missing:
class Deal < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :brands, foreign_key: :brand_id, class_name: 'Brand'
This is assuming that you mean partner to be a Brand and your schema uses brand_id for that relationship.
In your form, you can simply use:
form do |f|
f.inputs "Brand (i.e. client)" do
f.input :partner, label: 'Select a brand:'
Your link_to call won't actually link to a url the way you have it.
column :brand do |deal|
link_to, admin_brand_path(deal.partner)
# or simpler
auto_link deal.partner
I would highly recommend trying to be consistent in your naming, as it will make things a lot less confusing and will require less code to make things work. i.e.
class Deal < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :brand
f.input :brand, label: 'Select a brand:'
auto_link deal.brand
And your DB column can still be named brand_id.
In my models, BookHeader has many Category
So, when edit or create new BookHeader, the form show like this
Enum fix?
I wanna change the "category #{id}" to category name by define a category_enum method but it still don't work. Please help!
Code for BookHeader model
class BookHeader < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :autho, :category_id, :description, :title, :book_type, :year,:publisher_id,:detail
has_many :books
belongs_to :category
belongs_to :publisher
TYPE = {:ebook=>"Ebook",:paper_book=> "PaperBook",:magazine=> "Magazine",:media=> "Media"}
DEFAULT_TAB = :paper_book
BOOKS_PER_PAGE = 1 # books to show in a pages (pagination)
extend FriendlyId
def book_type_enum #it worked here{|key, val| [val]}
def category_enum #but dont' work here
Code for edit form
edit do
field :title
field :description, :text do
ckeditor do true end
field :autho
field :book_type
field :category
See the Division attribute in this link
alias_attribute :name, :you_field_you_want_to_display
I think it's more flexible way, there is no need to rename something and everything will work properly
Yeah, I just found the answer, rename a column in your model to "name", it seem to be very magical, but it worked!
So here's the Thing:
I have a Rails App with "Productos" and "Ventas" Both resources have the same attributes on their tables and ventas has one more (quantity)... the models look like this:
#Producto Model
class Producto < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :categorias, :join_table => :categoria_productos
attr_accessible :color, :existencia, :nombre, :precio, :talla, :uniclave, :categoria_ids
#Venta Model
class Venta < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :cantidad, :color, :nombre, :precio, :talla, :uniclave, :producto_ids
has_many :productos
I'm using ActiveAdmin for the Admin interface and my /admin/venta.rb looks like this:
ActiveAdmin.register Venta do
form do |f|
f.inputs "Registrar Venta" do
f.input :cantidad
f.input :productos, :as => :check_boxes
The result is ALL THE PRODUCTOS are showing in the "new venta" form and I can select them, but when I create a new Venta actually, the params of "venta" save empty instead of taking the selected "producto" ones...
How can I fix this?? I want all the params of the selected "producto" to be used in the newly created "venta" fields as they share the same attributes (both models have been created with the same attributes actually)
So, ideas? ;)
:categoria_ids and : producto_ids must be as :categoria_id and :producto_id OR you must use the :foreign_key for behavior between models
Here are my models:
class Lesson < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :topic, :polymorphic => true
validates_presence_of :topic_type, :topic_id
class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :lessons, :as => :topic
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :lessons, :as => :topic
Now, what I need is a form that will allow the user to create or update Lessons. The questions is, how can I provide a select menu that offers a mix of Subjects and Categories? (To the user, on this particular form, Subjects and Categories are interchangeable, but that's not the case elsewhere.)
Ideally, this would look something like this:
= simple_form_for(#lesson) do |f|
= f.input :title
= f.association :topic, :collection => (#subjects + #categories)
That won't work because we'd only be specifying the topic_id, and we need the topic_types as well. But how can we specify those values?
I guess the crux of the problem is that I really want a single select menu that specifies two values corresponding to two different attributes (topic_id and topic_type). Is there any elegant railsy way to do this?
A few notes:
a) Single table inheritance would make this issue go away, but I'd like to avoid this, as Categories and Subjects have their own relationship… I'll spare you the details.
b) I might could pull some javascript shenanigans, yes? But that sounds messy, and if there's a cleaner way to do it, some magic form helper or something, then that's certainly preferable.
c) Though I'm using simple_form, I'm not wedded to it, in case that's complicating matters.
If you don't wish to use STI, you can do something similar: create a new model Topic(name:string) which will polymorphically reference Subject or Category.
class Lesson < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :topic
validates_presence_of :topic_id
class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :topicable, :polymorphic => true
class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :topic, :as => :topicable
has_many :lessons, :through => :topic
accepts_nested_attributes_for :topic
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :topic, :as => :topicable
has_many :lessons, :through => :topic
accepts_nested_attributes_for :topic
In the view where you create a new Subject/Category:
<%= form_for #subject do |subject_form| %>
<%= subject_form.fields_for :topic do |topic_fields| %>
<%= topic_fields.text_field :name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
After thinking this through, the less dirty implementation IMO would be to hire the JS shenanigans (b):
= f.input_field :topic_type, as: :hidden, class: 'topic_type'
- (#subjects + #categories).each do |topic|
= f.radio_button :topic_id,, {:'data-type' =>, class: 'topic_id'}
With a sprinkle of JS (your needs may vary):
$('input:radio.topic_id').change(function() {
I use a radio button to select a topic (category or subject) in a list
The class name of each of possible topic is stored in an attribute 'data-type'
When a radio button is selected, the class name is copied to the hidden input via JS
Using: HTML5, jQuery, haml, simple_form