Pow server: serving local rails app via myapp.dev.com domain - ruby-on-rails

Pow server is working fine with .dev domains on my local machine (OS X Lion). So myapp.dev is all good.
I now would like to make it serve myapp.dev.com (and myapp.dev.fr, and myapp.dev.XX) so myapp will serve the localized version, which is internally determined via the top-level-domain requesting: .com for english, fr for french ... and so on.
what i did so far: setting .powconfig to
export POW_DOMAINS=dev,dev.com,dev.fr
export POW_EXT_DOMAINS=dev.com,dev.fr
and then, of course, un- and reinstalling pow.
what i get so far when calling myapp.dev.com is just the regular apache view. pow doesnt serve my request... instead it sends it to apache and apache shows just all my folders in my server root...
any ideas?

My solution:
...simple as that...
follow this wiki https://github.com/37signals/pow/wiki/Running-Pow-with-Apache (step 3 is the important one)
then of course create/modify .powconfig to contain this line
export POW_DOMAINS=dev,dev.com,dev.fr
finally make pow "aware" of this new setup via de- and reinstalling it
curl get.pow.cx/uninstall.sh | sh
curl get.pow.cx | sh
and as a last step: restart apache
sudo apachectl restart


Making Fedena a Windows Service Failed

I successfully installed Fedena on Windows using this tutorial:
The problem is that each time I start windows, I need to run the command ruby script/server so that I can access the project locally. I tried making Fedena a Windows Service that starts automatically by following the steps mentioned in the tutorial, but it seems that it didn't work.
Making a Windows Service
If you want to run Fedena as a Windows Service (which automatically starts), do the following commands:
Open the Ruby Command prompt and go to your Fedena Installation director //do they mean by this C:/Fedena?
Install a Gem:
gem install win32-service
Install a Gem:
gem install mongrel_service
Run the command:
mongrel_rails service::install -N Fedena -c C:\FEDENA -p 3001 -e production
(Replace C:\FEDENA with whatever your Fedena installation Directory is.) You may also wish to change the port from 3001 to 80 so when entering the address from other computers, it is not required that you enter a port.
Go to windows search at the start menu, type:
Look for service named 'Fedena' and set it to automatic
Restart your computer and see if the fedena start automatically. Always make sure that your server is running.
Any ideas what could be the problem?
Right after Fedena is configured, the start of the application is via console which should stay open for all the times if we want the application to be up and running. But quite often will get closed (human error, server down etc) and the application will go down.
The same applies if the server is rebooted/bounced and all over again.
So here is the solution if you don't want to go over this hassle:
Download http://nssm.cc/download/?page=download
Unpack it (lets say C:\NSSM)
Create a batch file ( lets say C:\Fedena\StartFedena.bat)
Edit the batch file ( right click on the bat file and click Edit)
Past the following code (change the paths accordingly)
********************************** (without the stars and this comment)
cd \
cd Fedena
mongrel_rails start -e production
Note: If you want to start it as development mode remove -e production from the last line
Open CMD
Type cd\
Type cd NSSM
depending on the system type: "cd win32" ot "cd win64"
9.Type in the cmd : "nssm install"
A modal window will pop-up
Click Browse
Navigate to the location where the batch file is and select it;
Leave options empty
Service name "Fedena"
Install Service
Go to "Services" (usually under Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools)
Start Services
You should find service named "Fedena"
Start Service
Navigate to http://example.com:3000 and Fedena should be up
The service should be already set as automatic so if the server is restarted Fedena will come up automatically.
If you need to bounce the application just restart the Fedena Service.
That is,
Thank you

lost logout functionality for grails app using spring security

I have a grails app that moved to a new subnet with a change to the DNS. As a result, the logout functionality stopped working. When I inspect the network using chrome, I get this message under request headers: CAUTION: Provisional headers are shown.
This means request to retrieve that resource was never made, so the headers being shown are not the real thing.
The logout function is executing this action
package edu.example.performanceevaluations
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity.SpringSecurityUtils
class LogoutController {
def index = {
// Put any pre-logout code here
redirect uri: SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig.logout.filterProcessesUrl // '/j_spring_security_logout'
Would greatly appreciate a direction to look towards.
As suggested by that link run chrome://net-internals and see if you get anywhere
If you are still lost, I would suggest a two way debugging if you have Linux find something related to your traffic and run either something like tcpdump or if thats too complex install and run ngrep -W byline -d any port 8080 -q. and look for the pattern see what is going on.
ngrep/tcpdump and look for that old ip or subnet on entire traffic see if anything is still trying get through - (this all be best on grails app server ofcourse
(unsure possibly port 8080 or any other clear text port that your app may be running on)
Look for your ip in the apache logs does it hit the actual server when you log out etc?
Has the application been restarted since subnet change since it could have cached the next point from application in the running Java process:
pgrep java|awk '{print "netstat -plant "$1" |grep "$1 }'|/bin/sh
pgrep java|awk '{print " lsof -p "$1" |grep -i listen"}'|/bin/sh
I personally think something somewhere needs to be restarted since its hooking on to a cache of something .
Also check the hosts files of any end machines involved ensure nothing has previous subnet physically configured in there.

Bash Script to run three different rails apps on the local server?

I have three apps that I want to run with the rails server at the same time, and I also want the option to kill all the servers from one location.
I don't have much experience with Bash so I'm not sure what command I would use to launch the server for a specific app. Since the script won't be in the app directory plain rails s won't work.
From there, I suppose if I can gather the PIDs of the processes the three servers are running on, I can have the script prompt for user input and whenever something is entered kill the three processes. I'm just unsure of how to get the PIDs.
Additionally, each app has a few environment variables that I wanted to have different values than those assigned in the apps config files. Previously, I was using export var=value before rails s, but I'm not sure how to guarantee each separate process is getting the right variables.
Any help is much appreciated!
The Script
You could try something like the following:
case "$1" in
pushd app/directory
(export FOO=bar; rails s ...; echo $! > pid1)
(export FOO=bar; rails s ...; echo $! > pid2)
(export FOO=bar; rails s ...; echo $! > pid3)
kill $(cat pid1)
kill $(cat pid2)
kill $(cat pid3)
rm pid1 pid2 pid3
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
Save this script into a file such as script.sh and chmod +x script.sh. You'd start the servers with a ./script.sh start, and you can kill them all with a ./script.sh stop. You'll need to fill in all the details in the three lines that startup the servers.
First is the pushd: this will change the directory to where your apps live. The popd after the three startup lines will return you back to the location where the script lives. The parentheses around the (export blah blah) create a subshell so the environment variables that you set inside the parentheses, via export, shouldn't exist outside of the parentheses. Additionally, if your three apps live in different directories, you could put a cd inside each of the three parantheses to move to the app's directory before the rails s. The lines would then look something like: export FOO=bar; cd app1/directory; rails s ...; echo $! > pid1. Don't forget that semicolon after the cd command! In this case, you can also remove the pushd and popd lines.
In Bash, $! is the process ID of the last command. We echo that and redirect (with >) to a file called pid1 (or pid2 or pid3). Later, when we want to kill the servers, we run kill $(cat pid1). The $(...) runs a command and returns the output inline. Since the pid files only contain the process ID, cat pid1 will just return the process ID number, which is then passed to kill. We also delete the pid files after we've killed the servers.
This script could use some more work in terms of error checking and configuration, and I haven't tested it, but it should work. At the very least, it should give you a good starting point for writing your own script.
Additional Info
My favorite bash resource is the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. Bash is actually a fairly powerful language with some neat features. I definitely recommend learning how bash works!
Why don't you try capistrano, framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. Its has lots of recipes to do this.
You are probably better off setting up pow.cx, which would run each server as it's needed, rather than having to spin up and shut down servers manually.
You could use Foreman to run, monitor, and manage your processes.
I realize I'm late to the party here, but after searching the internet for a good solution to this (and finding this page but few others and none with a full solution) and after trying unsuccessfully to get prax working, I decided to write my own solution to this problem and give it back to the community!
Check out my rdev bash script gist - a bash script you put in your ~/bin directory. This will create a new tab in gnome-terminal for each rails app with the app name and port in the tab's title. It verifies the app launched successfully by checking the port is in use and the process is actually running. It also verifies the rails app shutdown is successful by ensuring the port is no longer in use and the process is no longer running.
Setup is super easy, just change these two config values:
# collection of rails apps you want to start in development (should match directory name of rails project)
# note: the first app in the collection will receive port 3000, the second 3001 and so on
rails_apps=(app1 app2 app3 etc)
# The root directory of your rails projects (~/ is assumed, do not include)
With this script you can start all your rails apps in one command or stop them all and you can stop, start and restart individual rails apps as well. While the OP requested 3 apps run, this will allow you to run as many as you need with port being assigned in order starting with 3000 for the first app in the list. Each app is started using the proper ruby version thanks to chruby and the .env is sourced on the way up so your app will have everything it needs. Once you are done developing just rdev stop and all your rails apps will be killed and the terminal windows closed.
# Usage Examples:
# Show Help
# ~/> rdev
# Usage: rdev {start|stop|restart} [app port]
# start all rails apps
# ~/> rdev start
# start a single rails app
# ~/> rdev start app port
# stop all rails apps
# ~/> rdev stop
# stop a single rails app
# ~/> rdev stop app port
# restart a single rails app
# ~/> rdev restart app port
For the record, all testing was done on Ubuntu 18.04. This script requires: bash, chruby, gnome-terminal, lsof and takes advantage of the BASH_POST_RC trick.

YAWS Websocket Trouble

I'm trying to get the YAWS websocket example from here running on my local. It's a basic ws-based echo server.
I have
YAWS set up and running on localhost:8080 (direct from the Debian repos; no conf changes except pointing it to a new root directory)
the code listing from the bottom of this page wrapped in <erl> tags saved as websockets_example_endpoint.yaws
this page saved as index.yaws (I literally copy/pasted the view-source for it, saved it as that file and pointed the socket request at localhost:8080 rather than yaws.hyber.org).
When I visit localhost:8080/websockets_example_endpoint.yaws in-browser, it displays the text "You're not a web sockets client! Go away!", as expected. When I visit localhost:8080, it points me to the javascript enabled form, but the "Connect" button does nothing when clicked. If I leave index.yaws pointed at yaws.hyber.org instead of localhost:8080, the echo server connects and works exactly as expected.
Can anyone give me a hint as to what I'm doing wrong (or alternatively, point me to source for a working example)?
There is a gitbub project, I've created:
This is also an example for embedding yaws and extended with group chat.
Note, that the standard of WebSocket is under development thus yaws and the browser should support the same WS version in order to work correctly.
yaws 1.91 works with Safari Version 5.1.1 (6534.51.22) but does not with Chrome (15.0.874.102) and probably not with (14.x).
For me the problem was I did not have the basic_echo_callback module file because I installed yaws using a package repository rather than building form source.
The error was evident if running yaws in interactive mode ´yaws -i´:
=ERROR REPORT==== 7-Dec-2016::21:33:49 ===
Cannot load callback module 'basic_echo_callback': nofile
=ERROR REPORT==== 7-Dec-2016::21:33:49 ===
Failed to start websocket process: nofileq
This is pretty much my process from scratch on Ubuntu 16.01:
sudo apt install yaws
cd ~
mkdir yaws
cd yaws
mkdir src
cd src
cd src wget https://github.com/klacke/yaws/raw/master/examples/src/basic_echo_callback.erl
cd ..
mkdir www
cd www
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/klacke/yaws/master/www/websockets_example_endpoint.yaws
wget http://yaws.hyber.org/websockets_example.yaws
cd ..
#set-up server config file...
vim yaws.conf
Mine looks like:
src_dir = /home/pocketsand/yaws/src
<server localhost>
port = 8000
listen =
docroot = /home/pocketsand/yaws/www
Ensure endpoint is correct in the client:
vim www/websockets_example.yaws
Stop server if already running and start server with ´yaws -i´ and browse to: http://localhost:8000/websockets_example.yaws
It works because each time the server loads the configuration file it will compile any modules in the specified src directory. If other modules are missing for the other features they will also need to be downloaded.

Postgres Server error -> PGError: could not connect to server

I get the error below when trying to start my rails app on the localhost:
PGError (could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
From what I have read it sounds like this is most likely a problem in connecting to the Postgres server, and may indicate that it is not started?
It all started when I was attempting my first (yay noobs!) merge using git. There was a conflict (having to do with the Rubymine workspace.xml file), and I started to open up a conflict resolution program. It then seemed that there was really no need to track workspace.xml at all and so I quit from the resolution program, intending to run "git rm --cached" on the file. I think in quitting the program something went foul, and I ended up restarting, before untracking the file, and then completing the merge. Further evidence that something was gummed up is that my terminal shell didn't open up correctly until I restarted the machine.
Now, as far as I can tell, everything in the merge went fine (there were trivial differences in the two branches anyway), but for the life of me I can't seem to get rid of this PGError. If it is as simple as starting the server, then I'd love help on how to do that.
(other context: OSx, rails 3, posgresql83 installed via macports, pg gem).
EDIT - I have been trying to start up the server, but am not succeeding. e.g., I tried:
pg_ctl start -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql83/defaultdb
This seems to be the right path for the data (it finds the postgresql.conf file) but the response I get is "cannot execute binary file."
Try sudo port load postgresql83-server - this should work with the latest 8.3 port from macports.
If this doesn't work, try sudo port selfupdate; sudo port upgrade outdated and then try again.
Note - this may take absolutely ages.
and may indicate that it is not started?
Yes, sounds like the server is not running on your local machine.
See the description of this error in the PostgreSQL manual:
To start the server, try something along the following lines (adjust for pgsql version # and logfile):
sudo su postgres -c '/opt/local/lib/postgresql84/bin/pg_ctl -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql8/defaultdb -l /opt/local/var/log/postgresql84/postgres.log start'
To stop the server,
sudo su postgres -c '/opt/local/lib/postgresql84/bin/pg_ctl -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql84/defaultdb stop'
