iOS Timelime View - ios

I want to implement a timeline view. In which I need to have months (with dates) on top and many rows below that with a bar of time period. (very similar to this image)
Please tell me, where should I start, like subclassing UIScrollView or using drawRect. And whether is it possible to use UITableViewCell for each row? Please show me the right direction.
thank you!

You may try this one, it will help you :-


Swipe between multiple CollectionViews in iOS Swift

I hope someone can help me.
I would like to swipe left and right between several CollectionViews and add another CollectionView in Runtime with a button on the last page.
How could I build up the structure?
My purpose: The user can create his own smart grid to create different shortcuts in each CollectionView item. I want to add more "pages" now.
Thank you!
>> I have attached a picture of how it should work <<
EDIT: I found something helpful for my case:
There is a number of ways you can do that. One way is to use UIPageViewController where each UICollectionView is hosted by a UIViewController (or UICollectionViewController)

Horizontal calendar/datepicker, with tableview underneath

Im building an app, and I need a feature like on the image i attached. Does anyone of you, know of a library that can create something similar, or maybe someone can give me a hint how to create it myself :)
What I need is a horizontal calendar, with a tableview underneath.. I need to be able to swipe left or right in the tableview, and then the date has to change, wither a day forward or a day backwards, unless its on the day of today. Then its not possible to go a day back. Hope it makes sense!
Best regards

Trouble with continuous scroll and pagination - Swift UICollectionView

This site is awesome.
So I need to create something that looks like this...
It needs to be continuous with a fixed number of UICollectionViewCells (8). It also needs to paginate really well and center the cell (as shown) when the user swipes left or right.
PROBLEM: 1. The pagination provided with UICollectionView doesn't center the view on the cell being shown. 2. I'm having a hard time finding the proper way to get the continuous effect.
Any help on this would be much appreciated. This is a tough one!

IOS Scrollable View inside another ScrollView

I need to implement this screen and I wonder if anyone can help me with ideas to solve some scenarios, basically the screen will contain a parallax effect in the top image, the entire screen must be scrollable, the problem I am faced when designing this screen It is the way I see I need to have a scrollview and a tableview that generates me the trouble of having the scrolls in the same direction.
I've read several post here about the problem of having scroll inside scroll for example: Nested UITableView inside another nested table , and what I want are actually ideas that can help me implement the screen below.
I just need suggestions of good practice, no one needs to worry about post code unless some lib to help with the problem or something.
I appreciate any help.
I finally solved my problem, I implemented a solution based on ParallaxTableView and is-it-possible-to-add-uitableview-within-a-uitableviewcell
And here is my project : UITableViewHeader
The trick on that (DEPENDS IF YOU REALLY WANT THAT BEHAVIOR) is having the image on the table view header. there are plenty of tutorials on github with sample implementation also.
e.g that one

ios coverflow displaying many items like three instead of one at a time

I want to implementing coverflow like the one on the below image show below (instead of showing 1 at a time it can show many like 3 at a time). Can someone help me on the approach, or lead me to any tutorial will be appreciated
Thank you in advance
what i understood from your question is that you want to implement coverflow.
so u can achieve this using by adding UIScrollView to UItableView Cell, if you want only one row then just play with our few tableView delegate methods.
This tutorial help you to proceed. revert back if you need any help.
also take a look at this post: Check here
