How do i look at the relationships being created at Rails boot up? [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to see the wiring that is going on behind the scenes and double-check that i have defined my relationships correctly.

It's not really clear what you're looking to do with the relationships, but every ActiveRecord subclass defines a method called "reflections" which you could use to inspect all of these relationships. Each reflection tells you what kind of relationship it is, what options there are, and tons of other info.


How to clear garbage collection in ruby? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How to clear garbage collection in ruby? I configured my rails app in AWS. I have used nginx and puma manager.
GC::start but in most cases (read: always) the direct call will make everything worse.

Model student, subject, marks. Application logic [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have Student that has_many Subjects thas has_one Mark. Where should I write logic to sum all student marks from one subject ? Im beginner so any links to documentation or somewhere else are appreciated.
Almost any time I need to interact with multiple models, I use a plain old Ruby object (aka, a "PORO"). I personally call these 'managers', but I believe it's more common to call them 'service' objects (or some variation). Google 'Rails service objects' and that ought to get you started.

Why use Localizable Strings in objective c vs Traditional Hash Maps? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Question is basically in the title. Just looking for a simple answer
If you use NSLocalizedString, you don't have to write your own code to detect and load resources per locale, and instead rely on widely used and reliable code provided by the system. This saves time in development and debugging, and your code will be easier to understand by other developers familiar with the system.

Rails best practices [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can anyone help me with few indication about best way to do few things.
At this point I am in a situation where I have a task(.rake), and the code become so ugly that I need to split it out. So if I will create another file, probably a module with multiple classes and methods or just methods, where should I put the file (libs probably?)? (this file may be used by models as well). Also if I want to do the same or a module?
Any books, tutorials, articles, and opinions are welcomed.
Thank you
Check out the Rails Guides for an introduction - beyond that, there are many different [opinionated] resources on the matter, ie:

Linked Data and Tagging [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does linked data applications use tagging for easier information retrieval? Where to get information on this specific topic?
For semantic annotation (tagging) the following applications would be good starting points:
Especially the GATE system includes a lot of information and tutorials related to both POS-tagging and ontology-based semantic tagging.
And yes, once your text has been semantically tagged, it is much easier to connect it to other pieces of text using the extra semantic medatada.
