My app fails to connect to the server some times - ios

I've been helplessly observing this problem for a couple months now, and have decided this is my best shot.
I'm not sure what the cause of the problem is, but I can list some of the things I'm doing. I have an iOS app that uses AFNetworking to connect to a remote server hosted by Google App Engine using HTTP POST requests.
Now, everything works great, but sometimes, very very sporadically and random, I get failed requests. The activity indicator spins and spins for about a minute, and I get no feedback at the end - just a failed request. I check my server logs, and I don't see any errors. After the failed request, I try again, and it works fine. It works fine for the whole day. And then another time randomly the issue repeats itself, sometimes spinning for 10 seconds with a fail, or a minute.
Generally, what can possibly be the cause of this? Is it normal to have some failed connections randomly? Is that something on my part?
But the weird thing is, is that while on my iPhone the app is running, and the indicator is spinning, and it's trying to connect, I try connecting on the iOS simulator, and the connection works just fine. I try again on the iPhone, and it doesn't work.
If I close the app completely and start again, then it works again. So it sounds like it may be a software issue rather than connection issue, but then again I have no evidence or data what so ever.
I know it's vague, but I'm hoping someone may have had a similar problem. Anything helps.

There is a known issue with instance start on GAE for Java. You can star issue.
The same problem was reported for Python but it is not such a big problem.
I think you should check logging level you use on appengine and monitor all your calls. Instance start usually takes more time, so you will be able to see how much time do you use on start and is it really a timeout problem.
For Java version you could try to change log level to debug:
.level = DEBUG
in your file. It will give you more information about instance start process.


Production website becomes unresponsive on certain pages

I have a weird issue that just started popping up for our customers. The portal they've been using for years has started freezing on some of the pages that the user navigates to. I tried restarting the IIS Server, the site within and the Application Pool under which the site is site is running. No difference.
In Chrome Dev Tools I can see that it is always one of these three calls that take time to complete:
When it happens, one of those three calls will report that the request is not finished, like this:
When eventually the call completes, I can see that the Content Download took 3.8 minutes. Not sure whether it is relevant or not, but it is always 3.8 minutes:
Did anyone else encounter a similar situation? Is there a suggestion on how to figure out what is happening all of a sudden that triggers these type of behaviours?
Edit: The resource that fails to load after 3.8 minutes always generates a net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error:
Edit2: Thanks to all of you trying to help. A little update: I was able to isolate to problem to an issue with the server not serving some of the files. either *.css or *.js. The setting is that of two identical servers placed behind a load balancer. Apparently, the load balancer software was recently updated and right after that we started having these issues. I am working closely with the IT department of our client, trying to figure out what is the impact of the newer version that seems to have triggered all this drama.

Random and occasional network error (NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 and NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005)

The last couple of days I've tried to debug a network error from d00m. I'm starting to run out of ideas/leads and my hope is that other SO users have valuable experience that might be useful. I hope to be able to provide all relevant information, but I'm not personally in control of the server environments.
The whole thing started by users noticing a couple of "network errors" in our app. The error seemed to occur randomly, without any noticeable pattern related to internet connectivity, iOS version or backend updates. The two errors that occurs behind the scenes are:
Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out."
and more frequently:
Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost.
After debugging it for a couple of days, I've managed to reproduce these errors (occurring at random) by firing approx. 10 random (GET and POST) requests towards our backend with a random sleep timer between each request (set at 1-20 seconds). However, it only occurs in periods. What I've experienced the last couple of days is that when a "period of error" starts, I get one of the two errors every once or twice I run the code (meaning an error rate of 1/10 or 1/20 requests). This error rate continues for a couple of hours and then the error disappears for a couple of hours and then it starts all over.
Some quick facts about the setup:
Happens on device and simulator
Happens on iOS 8.4 and iOS 7.1 - although v. 8.4 is the main one I use for testing.
We use NSURLSession for our network requests. We also have AFNetworking included (updated to latest version), but we only use the Security part for SSL Pinning. Even with SSL pinning totally turned off, the error still occurs.
Some findings I've written down during the last couple of days:
It seems to only happen on our production environments which has some different configuration as our staging environments. This lead me to think that it might be related to the keep-alive bug as discussed here and here. However, our ops department have set up a new staging environment sending the same keep-alive header as the production environments, but this did not make the error occur on the staging environment.
Our Android version of the app were unable to reproduce the error using the same setup of requests. Further, we've not received any customer issues on "network errors" in the Android app.
My gut feeling says that it's related to the server environment and the HTTP implementation in iOS. I'm however unable to track down a convincing pattern that proves anything. I've made the same setup using a simple Rails script, and when the next "error period" occur, I'll be ready to try and reproduce it outside of iOS land. I'll update the question when this happens.
I'm not looking for solutions involving resetting wifi settings, shutting down the simulator or similar as I do not see this as feasible solutions in a production environment. I've also considered making the retry-loop-fix as mentioned in the GitHub issue, but I see this as a last resort.
Please let me know if you need any more information.
In my experience, those sorts of problems usually point to massive packet loss, particularly over a cell network, where minor variations in multipath interference and other issues can make the difference between reliably passing traffic and not.
Another possibility that comes to mind is poor-quality NAT implementations, in the unlikely event that your server's timeout interval is long enough to cause the NAT to give up on the TCP connection.
Either way, the only way to know for sure what's happening is to take a packet trace. To do that, connect a Mac to the Internet via a wired connection, enable network sharing over Wi-Fi, and connect the iOS device to that Wi-Fi network. Then run Wireshark and tell it to monitor the bridge interface. Instructions here:
From there, you should be able to see exactly what is being sent and when. That will probably go a long way towards understanding why it is failing.
Ok, I lost a lot of time investigeting similar issue.
1005 could be coused by known iOS bug and there are couple fixes. For example add header
"Connection" with value "close".
More info
1001 is a different story. In my case the problem was strange (bad?) firewall on the server. It was banning device when there was many (not so many) requests in short period of time.
I believe you can do easy test if you are facing similar issue.
Send a lot of (depends of firewall settings) requests in loop (let's say 50 in 1 second).
Close/Kill app (this will close connections to server)
(OPTIONAL) Wait a while (lets say 60 seconds)
Start app again and try send request
If you now got timeout for all next requests, you probably have same issue and you should talk with sever guys.
PS: if you don't have access to server, you can give user info that he should restart wifi on device to quit that timeout loop. It could be last resort in some cases.

Recreating Thrift clients in iOS

Shortly, our project uses a Thrift server and mobile clients with multiplexing.
While I was developing the iOS client, I encountered a strange problem;
When I first created the client and made calls, it is OK and it works as expected.
Since there is no close method for Cocoa Thrift client, I am hoping ARC will take care of it.
After some time, I create another client for the same service and do the same things, but this time, when I made a service call, client hangs and after some time in throws a "'TTransportException', reason: 'Cannot read. Remote side has closed.'".
In the server, operation is successfully completed and the value returned.
Does anybody have an idea about what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Reading your question i remembered that we encountered a very similar problem in very a different environment. If ARC takes care of your client and closes the connection, especially the port, this might be the reason why recreating the client again with the same port is the root of your problem. Opening the same port shortly after closing it can take a very long time (minutes) depending on timeouts.
Sorry no real answer to your problem but maybe a hint were to look for.

Slow request processing in rails, 'waiting for server' message

I have a quite big application, running from inside spree extension. Now the issue is, all requests are very slow even locally. I am getting messages like 'Waiting for localhost" or "waiting for server" in my browser status bar for 3 - 4 seconds for each request issued, before it starts execution. I can see execution time logged in log file is quite good. But overall response time is poor because of initial delay. So please suggest me, where can I start looking into improving this situation?
One possible root cause for this kind of problem is that initial DNS name resolution is failing before eventually resolving. You can check if this is the case using tcpdump (if that's available for your platform) or wireshark. Look for taffic to and from your client host on port 53 and see if the name responses are happening in a timely fashion.
If it turns out that this is the problem then you need to make sure that the client is configured such that the first resolver it trys knows about your server addresses (I'm guessing these are local LAN addresses that are failing). Different platforms have different ways of configuring this. A quick hack would be to put the address of your server in the client's hosts file to see if that fixes it.
Once you send in your request, you will see 'waiting for host' right up until the Ruby work is done, and it starts sending a response. So, if there is pretty much any processing work that is slowing you down, you'd see this error. What you'd want to do is start looking at the functions that youre seeing the behaviour on, and breaking them down into pieces to see which peices are slow. If EVERYTHING is slow, than you need to look at the things that are common to every function - before functions, or Application Controller code, or something similar. What I do, when I'm just playing around to see what I need to fix is just put 'puts' statements in my code at different stages, to print the current time, then I can see which stage is taking a long time, you know?

Rails app stuck

I am running a rails app on Dreamhost.
Today, a strange thing happened.
A page is almost loaded (it seems to be fully loaded but the status is not 'Done') and after that, the app didn't respond on any page.
I checked out the log and even the log was not complete.
How do I know it?
There are 3 missing images on the problem page and the log showed only 2 missing images and stopped there.
So I guess that something happened between the 2nd and the 3rd missing images.
I couldn't even start 'script/console production'.
After 14 minutes, it began to behave normally.
I asked the hosting company and they said that the process was killed due to over-use of memory.
Probably something was running heavily during the period.
The same thing happened one more time.
I had to kill the process to unlock the stucked app.
Passenger version is 2.2.4 and rails version is 2.3.2.
I am afraid that I can't give more specific info.
What do you guess cause such a problem?
As theIV stated, look at the last action called. Start this up locally and try to go through what was happening on the server to see if it's reproducable, or if you just get any sort of general hiccups. I've run Rails apps on Dreamhost for a while, and have not experienced this before, so I would guess that it's not Dreamhosts fault, but there is no 100% on that.
Good luck!
This sounds pretty app specific. I would start by looking at what action was last hit before the process started hoggin' and then work backwards from there to see if there are any calls that might be doing something you weren't expecting. Other than that, no clue. :(
Try using NewRelic RPM or TuneUp Lite to see what process is chunking most of your memory. You can run them locally but it would be better to test it on production.
