Since August 7, 2012 Google Drive is not showing images on Documents uploaded by both the Google Drive webpage or by the APIs.
I was using google Docs APIs to upload HTML files referencing public images from the Internet. The API converts the HTML to a Google Document and displays the images fine. Suddenly yesterday this behavior is no longer available! Google Doc will show a gray box (the same size of the image) with a spinning icon.
I realized that is happening even if I upload a Word (.docx) document using the Upload feature in Google's Drive website.
Any idea of a workaround?
I am experiencing the same issue when I upload an image and say convert to google doc format. It works fine when I don't convert.
I am trying to set up an iPad with no access to Bing. I have a domain blocker which prevents access to Bing in a web browser on the iPad, but Bing Images is still accessible in the OneNote App if I click on "Online Images." I have provided a photo. Online Pictures button I used the "inspect element" on my desktop version of OneNote to see if I could find a url in the code, but nothing works.
Would anyone know how to find the link that OneNote uses to get photos from Bing images so I may disable it?
I'm creating an application that collects data from a bluetooth peripheral. When all of the data is collected I want to upload my data, which is in the format of a .txtfile, to a google drive account for processing.
I have looked at this method and it doesn't really seem to fit the purpose
Is there anyway way I can do this in Objective-C? I have searched everywhere and I cannot seem to find something.
An easy way is to leverage the CloudRail SDK for Google Drive. Here is how you would upload a file:
CRGoogleDrive * service = [[CRGoogleDrive alloc] initWithClientIdentifier:#"[Google Drive Client Identifier]"
clientSecret:#"[Google Drive Client Secret]"
[service uploadFileToPath:#"/myFolder/myFile.png"
Yes, You can upload a text file to google drive. Please look up to this post.
IOS: How to upload a file to specific Google drive folder using Google drive sdk library
You can upload .txt and other type of file on google drive. You can go through from this tutorial Google Drive Integration in iOS apps and
Uploading a file to Google drive using iOS sdk
Refer Introduction to the Google APIs Client Library for Objective-C for RESTfor detail explanation.
I am using image picker to upload image from camera roll. Can I do same for PDF or any other doc format? If no, then what would be the alternative method to use PDF as an attachment?
I also tried to do the same but failed.
At last I integrated Dropbox with my app and then uploaded the PDF and Doc files. Dropbox integration would be an easy and handy option.
Here is the link for Dropbox
Google drive is also an alternate that you can use to upload the documents but it is hard to integrate.
Here is the link for Google Drive
Hope it saves your time!
All the best
I have integrated google drive to my iOS , desktop(window) and web application using google drive api . when i upload pics or video less than 4Mb , it uploads to my default drive folder, but when i try to upload more than that it gives me exception. what is the best solution for that?
I am writing an iOS app for a service that runs on Azure. I need to be able to upload images (users' profile pictures) and get back the image's URL.
Azure's SDK for iOS doesn't seem to work with Blob, but only with Tables.
On my search, I've found tutorials like this, which gives an intro on the SDK, or this one that shows how to store a base64 string of the image in a table, but that's not what I'm seeking.
Is it possible to upload images to the Blob? If yes, how?
I am not an ios person, but have worked on apps that run on azure and communicate with ios for information hence this might be of your help as I am certain rest services can be accessed from ios.