iOS Virtual Keyboard. Remove prev next buttons, keeping although the Done button in top keyboard on PhoneGap app - ios

I have removed the black bar from the keyboard as the next link said, but for realistic usage, i want to keep the bar only with "Done" button available. Do somebody know if this is possible in iOS, or just to remove the whole bar from the keyboard.
How do you remove the Next and Prev buttons from virtual keyboard in Sencha Touch / Phonegap application
Than you.


What is the best way for the user to close numerical keyboard in iOS in Flutter app?

I am working on a Flutter app. A problem I encountered is that there is no default "Done"- or "Close" button for the numerical keyboard on iOS.
I made an ok solution where the user can close the keyboard by tapping outside the keyboard or swiping downwards. But the ideal solution would be to have a "Done" button in the bottom right corner of the keyboard like Android does right?
I tried the following package keyboard_actions. But it was very buggy in my app. When the keyboard appeared it pushed up the text in the text field.
Why didn't Apple add a default "Done" button for the numerical keyboard? How do you solve this in the simplest and best way?

Disable keyboard shortcuts bar for ipad custom iOS keyboard (swift3)

I've written a custom iOS keyboard that works fine. On iPads, when I switch between keyboards, my custom keyboard renders and then the shortcut bar gets added to the top (if the shortcuts bar option is turned on in settings - if it's not turned on, I have no issue). Because it's happening in 2 steps the keyboad appears to "bounce". My keyboard takes up less screen real-estate than the default iOS keybard, so it drops down. Then it pops back up as it renders the shortcuts bar.
Is there a way to either override the global setting and force the shortcuts bar off/hidden for my keyboard? Alternative, can I force it on and make it render at the same time as my keyboard is drawn?

HTML5: iOS screen scrolls up when keyboard shows up

Say you've got a Xcode app with embedded web view exposing a simple HTML5 page.
This page has a title and an input tag and a nav top bar (position: fixed; top:0;).
When the user tap in it the first time, the whole screen scrolls up to enable the keyboard appears while maintaining the input tag visible, when I tap the enter button.
The issue I face is that my HTML is not restored identically (I mean, it scrolls down back, but my top bar is shifted about 10 pixels below the top edge of the screen.
But when I tap the keyboard hide button, the scrolls restore my initial view, with no issue.
Anyone experienced the issue before? Any clue of what going on or a way to work around this?
Ps: issue is present on iOS 7 (7.1.2). I didn't tested on iOS 8 as my app must support iOS 7.
I finally ended up with adding an explicit keyboard withdrawing by applying blur() the the input as follows:
<input ng-change="$(this).blur()">
This immediately makes the keyboard disappearing, while the hw initial scrolling is reversed.

Cannot enable iOS8 Custom Keyboard

I'm trying to design a custom keyboard for iOS 8. Here are my development steps:
1. Created new project (Single view)
2. Created a new target: File > New > Target, and in the iOS template group chose the Custom Keyboard template.
Then I tried to enable the keyboard based on the documentation steps, which are:
1. Run the app
2. In iOS Simulator, press home button (Command+Shift+H)
3. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards.
4. Tap Add New Keyboard.
5. In the Purchased Keyboards group, tap the name of your new keyboard. A modal view appears with a switch to enable your keyboard.
6. Tap the switch to enable your keyboard. A warning alert appears.
7. In the warning alert, tap Add Keyboard to finish enabling your new keyboard. Then tap Done.
My problem is in step 5. The modal view does not show a switch to activate the keyboard, it shows an empty view like bellow:
I clicked on Done button and it shows my Custom keyboard in activated list:
But when I want to use this keyboard, for example in spotlight, it won't show my keyboard
Clicking the done button will activate the keyboard. There are some definite bugs in those menus.
To change keyboards, you can also try just tapping on the button to change keyboard, rather than holding it like you were in the last screenshot.
Also, it looks like you have the language for that keyboard set as persian, and my guess would be that it is not appearing because your system language is not persian (or the text field you are typing in doesn't support persian).
I wouldn't be surprised if there are other bugs in the simulator that would affect this. I'm glad to hear you were able to get it working.
After you click done, it should install the keyboard, even if you don't see the list in the settings table.
About the keyboard not showing up - you need to kill the app before running a new keyboard. it's a known issue on the simulator.
good luck!

How to disable the touch delay at bottom of the screen when control center access is enabled in app?

I'm working on an app which has buttons at the bottom of the screen(looks like tab bar). I found that if I enable the access to control center in app, there will be a notable delay between tapping on the buttons and the highlighted image showing. In fact the highlighted image will never show if I do not hold on the touch for at least about 0.5 second. I'm wondering if there is a way to disable the delay even the access of control center in app is ON so that users of my app will know the buttons did have been tapped. Any hint will be appreciated.
