Make iOS & Mac UI elements 'shake' - ios

I'm sure you have seen it before; when typing passwords on the mac, if you get it wrong, it shakes!
What I want to know is, is there a way of doing this with UI objects in XCode (on either iOS or Mac platforms).

There's a tutorial on the excellent which describes what you want.


Getting Master-Detail App Template from Xcode 11?

For learning reason, I would like to get back the Master-Detail App template that was available in Xcode 11 and refer to the template codes inside. I also want both the Swift and Objective-C versions. However, to my astonishment it seems no one has asked this question before and seems there were no data source available where I could get back those files.
I try to reinstall my Xcode 12 back to Xcode 11 but that was not allowed as Mac complained that I am using Big Sur and I cannot use Xcode 11 with Big Sur. I also tried to check on YouTube etc. to look for potential useful information about Master Detail App and those existed on YouTube were from Xcode 5 or Xcode 6 or so where the split view controller thing were not in used yet.
I saw a reply online saying Master-Detail App is replaced with simply App and so we can just use App instead from there. That answer is of course factual but practically useless. As that answer assumed readers are pro enough to change between different templates, but if that's the case then readers like I won't need to ask that question in the first place. Readers look for that particular template for a reason, simply telling them to use something different is tautology.
In short, I cannot come up with a way to get back the exact Xcode 11 Master-Detail App template and I really need it for learning purpose. Is there something I can do with it?
You can search for tutorials (video or article) that uses Xcode 11 and get it from there.

Reveal.js does not load in ios9.3

My old iPad (ios9.3) refuses to load any reveal.js slides. It only shows the "Fork me on Github" image on the top corner. I suppose it will be that ios 9.3 does not support some new features of html5+js+css (I am not a developer, my skills are quite limited, so please excuse me if I say something stupid).
I am very interested in using it on an iPad due to the chalkboard plugin.
Any of you know what can be causing the trouble? Could I disable any of these features/files and make it work?
Thank you.
During all this weekend I was trying to figure out a solution. Finally, I manage to debug iOS safari from my windows laptop following this procedure and found that an "Unexpected identifier" was impeding "chalkboard" plugin to load.
A variable was defined with "let" command that, as I learnt, was not recognized by safari 9. I changed 4 "let"s with 4 "var"s commands in "plugin.js" (chalkboard plugin) and now it works in my old iPad, even with reveal v4.
Now I have another issue with the menus (menu plugin) not showing properly, but I will try also to fix it.

Turn iOS project to OSX

what is the easiest and fastest way to turn iOS project to work on OSX. I've already added OSX to project, and tried to use ios storboard. But it just load empty window. Is there any simply, tricky way to do this? I dont want to rebuild entire UI, and link all outlets, etc..
Although quite similar in some respect, iOS and OS X are completely different when it comes to interface. Main difference being that UIKit doesn't exist on OS X meaning that your UI isn't compatible with OS X.
All your UI code will need to be started from scratch but most of the backing logic should be ok depending on how you've architectured your application.
As mentioned by Mikael in the comments, AppKit for UIKit Developers is a great article for iOS Developers looking to expand onto OS X.
Also, Separated at birth: Why Apple won't merge OS X and iOS is also another good article to give you a better understanding on why it works like this.

using panoramaGL library in ios5 and running HelloPanorama

I've been search around how to setup panoramaGL for a whole day and none of these answers my questions. emm, maybe that's because I am new to ios developing and I start with ios5 with all ARC cool features. I did find a pretty comprehensive guide at but it's a little bit out of date to me. I cannot follow this guide in xcode 4.3 with ios 5.0 sdk.
Emm, so here is the question, assuming panoramaGL and helloPanorama works perfectly fine in whatever xcode version and sdk version it is created in. Is there a way , without any code modification, I can import the library and using the api along with my app developed in ios5? Of course I don't mind some minor modification and I did dive into those code and comment all the retain or release stuff. but wired errors keep popping up. I really need help here.
If it finally turns out to be impossible to reuse it in ios5.0, I will probably need to write the whole thing line by line with my understand of the complicated panorama algorithm...
Thanks so much for the help!
It seems someone is working on another library based on panoramaGL. Works on IOS 5.
The new version of PanoramaGL 0.1 r2 was released, please check This version runs on iOS >= 4.x and supports Hotspots.
Please check HelloPanoramaGL example

What are the blue atomic groupings/tags in MacOS and iOS apps' text field controls called? And is it a standard OS feature?

I have no idea how to call these and so I'm having a hard time googling for it. I've seen these a several times in iOS and MacOS apps to think they might be an OS feature. I'm talking about the blue tags or groups in text field controls. See the images below.
That's an NSTokenField on Mac. On iOS there's no official implementation (file a request if you want one) so you'd have to go with a third-party implementation. If I remember correctly, the Three20 framework has one...
Googling found these iOS versions:
TTMessageRecipientField (I think)
This helper class is SO much better...
