Is there ready solution or I need custom UIView? - ios

I'm developing time manager for iOS and need to create something like on picture below. This is list of tasks for week.
Green box represents which day (monday, sunday, etc...)
Black box represents single task
Blue box represents button to add new task
As I understand I need to create custom UIView to implement this design, am I right? Maybe there is ready library which I can to use?
Thank you in advance.

You only need to add some UIImageview and UIButtons over UIView.

I've not really looked at the collections view stuff in iOS 6 yet, but I would think that might be a good match. ( I think that it's existence is not NDA, but further details would be).
I don't think there is anything to directly support this kind of layout in iOS 5, maybe you could use 6 UITableViews for the central section.

Go for custom. That is best!
Meanwhile have a look here, if you can find something helpful. There are some custom controls with the source code too for cocoa.


Confuse in choosing autolayout in storyboard?

I am under one project.In that I am using some image files and some button.
When i use to place button in my viewcontroller and see that preview using
assistants editor. My button are mis placed in different i thought to use autolayout.But small confuse in that. I am beginner to ios.I have some question?
When I uncheck this autolayout option like image (A)shown below.its working perfect in all iphone simulator(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5.5). By setting autolayout using below option (B)
At the same time when i put check mark autolayout option and use like this image show below.I am getting some misplace (Not in arrangement].I know I miss some constraints.But its not better than my above question
please give me some suggestion about this.Which one should I use?
METHOD 1 (OR) METHOD 2. I am new to ios .kindly suggest me something about this?
Method 2! Autolayout. It is very powerful and (if you get the hang of it) quite easy and intuitive to use. You can create pretty much arbitrarily complex user interfaces using it. It has its limits, but in most of the cases you don't encounter them and most of the times they are fixable using constraints set up via code instead of the interface builder if needed.
Method 1 was fine while it was the only option and may still be okay for simple layouts. But as soon as you want to have a little bit more complex relations between different UI elements, like one UILabel being half the size of a UIImage, you will run against a wall.
You may check here for differences between autolayout(Method 1) and autoresizing mask(Method 2). Apple suggests devs to have their view layouting using Autolayout so there is not actually a question in here.
You probably messed up with constraints as every beginner does so I would recommend you to take a time in here and try to finish this tutorial.

Use stock keyboard as template for custom iOS 8 keyboard

I was wondering if it is possible to get the stock Apple keyboard design as a file to make a own custom keyboard with only slight changes to the original one.
I would like to only change one Key and was hoping that I don't have to build the whole design myself and try to imitate the original design.
Thanks in advance
I built a custom keyboard with the same look as the system keyboard (except it has only one "letter" key!):
I'm sure you can start from there and adapt it to your need. Good luck!
There is another custom keyboard with all the keys here. Looks like the might be a bit hacked together but could be another good place to start.

iOS custom Time Picker l

I want to create time picker in iOS like following image
Please suggest me any available framework or way to achieve this type of timer in iOS.
In this image when user click on red circle and drag to the number what he want to set.
For example In given image currently it is 12 i.e 12:00AM if I dragged to 4 then Time should be 04:00 AM
I was also in need of exactly same component so i created one.
Please check the below link...
Here's Link 2 Component
I have given provision of theme in my project, for you requirement you need to set isDarkTheme to TRUE.
Hope this is as per expectations....
Feel free to vote if you like my answer/Project.
Simple and pretty standard stuff can be done with little core graphics or UIDynamics for animation, present controller as model view
Maybe you were looking for this one - ESTimePicker. It is under BSD license, so you can use it in commercial projects...

Is it possible to use Monotouch.Dialog to create a custom list like this?

I just discovered Xamarin Studio and Monotouch.Dialog, and I've been doing a lot of research on custom table cells. So far I've been pretty successful experimenting with some of the features, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to create something like this:
All of the samples I have seen still look like a standard iOS table view, with maybe a few colors changed here and there. My goal is to create truly customized cells, with customized spacing and what not. I'm not sure if this is even possible, so I figured I would ask you guys.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can create an OwnerDrawnElement. There's an explanation of this in the Owner-Drawn Element section of this doc:
There's also a sample here:

iOS Interface Builder Custom Styles?

Simple question. Does anyone know why Interface Builder doesn't allow for applying custom styles on UI elements? Why is it only possible to do this programmatically?
I can see how this might be difficult for custom UIView subclasses but the default controls definitely only have a tiny subset of the style options available through IB, such as background color or changing font colors. Why is this the case? Is there any way to approach a concept like application themes through IB?
My personal feeling is that Apple does this right. They provide the elements and styles that fit the HIG. If they start adding other elements/styles then where do the start, and where do they draw the line?
Also, it isn't like Apple actively prevents using custom elements/styles, they just don't include it in the tool set.
The last thing we need is a tool set full of bloat.
You'd really have to ask Apple as to the why. I'd guess that it's some combination of promoting consistent use of standard interface elements and limited development resources.
You can, of course, build interfaces using your own custom subclasses of the standard interface elements in IB. It's a little more work, since you have to change the type of each object you add from UIButton to MyGreenButton or whatever, but it's not difficult.
It's also not hard to imagine coming up with a controller-type class that could connect to all your controls and whatnot to customize their appearance in some consistent, theme-like manner. Add an instance of that to each nib, connect all the controls, and let it do it's thing. You wouldn't see the effect until you actually run the app, of course, but it sounds like you're talking about customizing colors and fonts rather than size.
Unfortunately you are at the mercy of the Almighty Apple Deity..... Bow at their feet and give thanks that you have what they give you..... lol...
Seriously tho. Apple puts in what apple wants and you can request additions, but the IB is fairly minimal in the way of features.
I think this may be by design. Somehow an Elegant Simplicity ?
The ability to customize the controls is given to the programmer however I think they want the controls standardized. I just dont know why they didnt give a little more variety in the controls that are available. Like a few more button styles for the ios devices...
If you find out otherwise I would definitely be all ears.
I think that apple should let you to customize more the controls, for games it takes too much time to make the custom control ( you can make it faster in android as you can configure it in xml)
Btw PaintCode is another option to make your own style for components, it will generate the code but its more like interface builder
