Invoke Blackberry application with Multiple KeyPress - blackberry

I have a simple problem statement, to invoke my application when multiple key pressed in blackberry device.
For example, I have the "Capture It" application which takes screenshot with key-combinations. How do we achieve such implementations. Any way to handle global key press event handling like how we invoke PhoneListener for incoming calls handling?

As Richard says in this stack overflow answer, you can't implement a KeyListener from the background, because that would be a huge security risk. Applications could then log your keystrokes, and steal your password.
I don't have CaptureIt, but it looks to me like it works two ways:
first, it adds a BlackBerry menu option, to launch it. That's completely different from allowing the app to start from any key combination. That technique (adding your app into the BB menu) is definitely supported.
it looks like a lot of people setup CaptureIt to run when they press their device's Convenience Key. That is a special key, that you can program to start any app on the device, through Options -> Screen / Keyboard.
But, I don't think you can do exactly what you're asking.


Can you turn only one page into an app in meteor?

I have just tried to run
meteor run ios
That command emulates my application as an app. But there is just one page that would be interesting to have as an app. Can you control this in some way?
I don't think this is possible. The whole app gets exported regardless of platform, hence the universal/isomorphic apps concept. And in the universal app concept is one that I'm starting to find fault in. That said there is a better middle ground.
We'll call it sudo-universal apps. (probably a horrible name, but whatever :D)
Essentially the concept is that you have 3 codebases, for each device (web/ios/andriod) but share many of the same modules via something like npm, or potentially some other way of sharing code.
Then you can focus on the ui for each device and its strengths and weaknesses, but keep all the important logic you've built.
Check out the following:
Hope this helps!
You can check whether the client code is executed on iOS or not, and change the app accordingly:
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g)) {
// Disable the links, and redirect to which page you want
But Justin's answer is great, a new platform usually needs more than just some tweaks. A quickly developed app has very low value for the user.

Is there any way or tool to check whether a particular iOS app is checking Jailbreak detection?

I'm just learning the Iphone security out of curiosity. This is completely a beginner question.
I've seen the posts on Stack Overflow,
How do I detect that an iOS app is running on a jailbroken phone?
How to detect that the app is running on a jailbroken device?
Those answers are providing the information on "if the app is running on a jail broken device or not". But I need to check "whether the app is running a JailBreak detection or not." ( Not in the programmer point view, but more of a Pentester point of view ). Are there any tools, methods ?
I'd achieve this by downloading Flex 2. With this tool you can view all of the variables, functions and procedures that are in an app.
Go to the patches tab, press the '+' symbol and locate the app to create a patch for. Then process the app by tapping it - don't worry about adding patch name.
Next, when you're inside the processed app you need to press "Add units". This will allow you to add overrides so that you can change what functions return and such.
Anyway, from here, you need to select a class to look inside. The jailbreak detection functions and variables are always stored in the executable. Tap the app name again at the top of all the classes under the 'executable' tab. Then just search.
Just search for "jailbreak" or "jailbroken" and if the app is running checks then it will return functions and vars related to this. I am yet to see an app that runs this check with a different function name that does not include "jailbreak" or "jailbroken".
If you'd like, I can show you how to override this detection.
I suggest you try the app "highway rider", because that has detection and you can easily see, and override it nice and easy and get the startup warning to go away if you want!

(iOS) Way of viewing log messages directly on an iOS device?

As nice as debuggers have gotten these days, sometimes the best way of finding out what is going on in an app is still ye olde NSLog. Doing this is easy when you're tethered to your computer; Xcode helpfully pops up the Log Viewer panel and there you go. Not so easy to do when you're away from your desk, as you sometimes have to be when testing an app (for example, when you are testing CoreLocation functionality). Sure you can pop open Xcode and check the Console section of the Device Organizer as soon as you get back from a testing run, but then you have to wait, and by the time you can get back to view the logs you forgot what was going wrong with your app; also odds are that by the time you are able to do this, the log messages you are looking for have scrolled off into oblivion.
Is there any way of checking the console logs on the device itself? I'm guessing the answer is "no, unless you jailbreak" (IIRC there are at least one or two terminal apps in jailbreak-land that I could use to do this sort of thing). Unfortunately jailbreaking is not an option for me.
Alternatively, is there some sort of Objective-C framework or library or whatnot that handles log collection and on-device displaying? Ideally this would come in the form of a drop-in replacement for NSLog, whereby I could simply do a search-and-replace and change all occurrences of NSLog to SomeFancyPantsLoggingTool or whatever and be done with it.
A good example of the kind of functionality I am looking for can be found in the podcast client Downcast. If you tap the "More" tab, then tap on the version number string at the bottom of the screen, a new view slides up that contains a scrollable view of accumulated log messages. It even has an easy way of mailing said logs to a support e-mail address.
Take a look at LibComponentLogging which you can configure to output logging at different levels and to different destinations.
There is a file for the SysLog. You can simply open it and read from it. The file is at /var/log/syslog. If the file does not exist there are instructions on how to set it up here.

Handle forced full-screen and disable minimizing

I am working on porting an XNA game to another platform. Some of the items in the compliance check list involve making sure the game remains in full-screen mode, cannot be minimized and that the windows key, win - m, and alt-tab are disabled. The only way to exit the game is supposed to be through the platform API (think exiting an Xbox or PS3 game by pressing the home or guide buttons).
It been difficult to find any information on this since most responses to previous questions are "never remove system functionality" but in my case specifically, those are requirements.
So is there a way to handle forced full-screen and disable minimizing? I haven't been able to find a way to get WndProc to work. Likewise for key events I need to disable. I can't find a way to intercept and handle the windows messages that control these events.
This post seems to give the interop code needed for hooking into the window message loop and overriding the Windows key events:
Disable Special Keys in Win App C#
Will the .IsFullScreen = true property not solve your issue? It will help with the screen but not with the keyboard disablement.

How to create a BlackBerry App that access low level hardware?

I've written some BlackBerry apps, but now i'm trying to write one that must access the hardware (keyboard) in some low level way, and I can't seem to find a way to do it, nor any help to it in the 'official' boards.
The thing is, I need to know when, at any time, the '$' key is pressed in the blackberry keyboard, so my app (or resident service) can catch it, stop the '$' char from displaying, and if the user presses a vowel next, then add an accent to that vowel... and if it presses another key, just send back the '$' char + the other char.
i.e. '$' + 'a' = รก
In other words, I need to create an app or service that converts the '$' key into an accent key, just like typical non-US PC keyboards works.
Now here's the problem: The whole Blackberry OS works under a Java Virtual Machine (Kind of making the JVM the actual OS). So as you can imagine, every app written for it is written in Java.
There's obviously a set of special blackberry api libraries into their Java implementation so the developer is able to access particular Blackberry functions and features... however there doesn't seem to be a thing that I can use to achieve my particular task.
But then maybe there is, and I haven't found it, since I'm still new to Blackberry Programming.
So, in that note, any help or comment will be greatly appreciated.
-Gabriel Alonso.
A screen need to have the focus to be able to get key Event.
RIM dosen't allow low level access to their hardware for security reason.
Press and hold a letter key and roll the thumb-wheel to scroll through international/accent characters, equation symbols and other marks.
Here is the source
Blackberry do not allow execute applications, if they use certain API, not to mention the low-level programming.
All that you can use in your applications for keypad handling - it is possibilities of Java. Like KeyListener interface and Keypad class.
This is a very late reply, however...
You can use keyChar (member of screen, and of KeyListenerInterface) to intercept any key - for the first letter, capture the key pressed. If it's "$" hold onto it and don't call super.keyChar. On the next keyChar (or after a delay with no input) perform your mapping if $ was previously pressed, and send your designed character code to the super.keyChar call. keyDown and keyUp can be used similarly if keyChar presents implementation issues.
