Proper Way to use Admob in Phonegap app for iOS - ios

I have built an iOS app with Phonegap (Cordova 1.8.1),and now I'm trying to add admob ads to my app.As you know that AdMob is now not allowing to chose "smartphone web", so can I just simply implementing JavaScript code in the index.html or do I need to using Admob iOS SDK?(OR JUST USING Google AdSense??)
We are simplifying our suite of products by transitioning AdMob mobile web publishers to Google AdSense. Starting May 1, 2012 support for mobile web sites on AdMob will be discontinued and you must have a Google AdSense account to monetize mobile web sites. More information is available here.

I believe that according to their terms of service you'll have to integrate the iOS SDK since you're still releasing a native application.
It's pretty easy to integrate an AdMob ad using the iOS SDK. In (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)theWebView, you can add a GADBannerView and follow the integration instructions outlined here.
An important caveat to remember is that you'll have to decrease the size of the UIWebView to make room for the advertisement. Make sure the MainViewController is your RootViewController.


Can Google Pay be used in webviews

Can Google Pay be implemented in Webviews/WKWebview/SFSafariViewController for both IOS device and Android devices?
Google pay FAQ page said "For Android apps which use WebViews, you must invoke platform specific Android Google Pay APIs." - I'm not sure what does that mean...
Most other question I saw involves Stripe, I'm not using Stripe however.

Adding Ads via iAd and AdMob

I have a requirement to develop Android and iPhone versions of the same app, so I'm considering My question is, I need to support ads on both versions of the application. I'm thinking on using iAd for the iPhone version, and AdMob for the Android one. Does support integration with these two systems? If true, is there any example I can use to start things up? Thanks.
There isn't an existing integration with iAds or AdMob, but you should be able to get that done with our native plugin system
We've published webinar recordings for iOS and Android to help get you started.

Is it possible to use the full RevMob API in an HTML5 iOS app? (Using Cordova/Phonegap)

I'm using Apache Cordova to build an html5 game.
I want to use RevMob, and I'm following this tutorial
Everything works fine, but it appears that I have access to only two of the RevMob API calls.
I can only use fullscreen ads and ad popups.
I'm willing to use versions of the RevMob SDK different from the latest stable version.
Is there a way to enable the rest of the RevMob functionality in an HTML5 app?
E.g. "More Games", or "Banner Ad"?
Yes! They released version 0.4.0 which includes:
Among other features as you can see.

How to use admob ads in corona sdk?

How to use admob ads in corona apps?.i develop a game its totally free .so descried to integrate admob ads to my app?.and give example code to me
Now Carona allows you to implement ads and is not so hard. No Pro or Enterprise needed.
Here is an example:
You need to buy Corona Enterprise and attach it on the native code.
Since I don't own Corona Enterprise I cannot give you example code.
Now The AdMob plugin offers easy integration of AdMob ads with Corona Application . You can find the Plugin official documentation here
For detail tutorial for Understanding the Corona ad system please check this link
If you want to use multiple Ad Networks , Here is detailed official tutorial
And for the Sample Code of Corona Application with Sample Admob Plugin code
Keep Coding

Adsense SDK for iOS

After reading over the Adsense SDK for iOS docs I'd like to actually download the SDK. Where can I find it?
After some searching I came across some sample projects from Google. However they all seem to use the AdMob SDK which I'd rather not use since it adds 10+ Mb to the size of my app.
Adsense SDK moved. It's now called Google AdMob Ads SDK. Here is the downloads page.
