Adsense SDK for iOS - ios

After reading over the Adsense SDK for iOS docs I'd like to actually download the SDK. Where can I find it?
After some searching I came across some sample projects from Google. However they all seem to use the AdMob SDK which I'd rather not use since it adds 10+ Mb to the size of my app.

Adsense SDK moved. It's now called Google AdMob Ads SDK. Here is the downloads page.


Unity - Google Ads for iOS game- use of Firebase?

So, I have developed and released a iOS (and Android) game developed on Unity. Now I was trying to use google ads to increase installs of my game. I was able to create an add campaign for android but facing a hurdle for iOS.
Google Ads require me to use a "conversion tracker" for iOS Add campaign. There are various app analytics but the one which i was thinking of using is google Firebase.
I am not able to find what exactly does Firebase does which is different to unity analytics as I have enabled unity analytics in my game. But unity analytics is not an option to use for google add campaign.
Could anyone here help me understand the process of google add campaign for iOS game/app using Firebase?
Also, is it safe to add Firebase SDK to the published game or it may cause some errors/re-coding?
Tried to find article which explains the link between Unity + Google Ads + Firebase for iOS Game/App but couldn't find any. I am new at developing games and apart from finding my feet in coding, this marketing/ads stuff is totally going above my head with some many different systems needing to make money from games development.
Many thanks for your time and help!
Mr A
P.S Googled but still confused about it!
Here is a relevant tutorial with step by step instructions and context/explanation of the various components: Measure Google Ads conversions from your iOS app campaigns
As for what Firebase Analytics does vs Unity Analytics, Firebase Analytics is built on top of Google Analytics and gives your app access to Google Analytics' robust tooling, data export and integration with other services (such as crash reporting, config rollouts and A/B testing).
More information also available in Get started with Google Analytics for Unity. Additionally, to use Google analytics or other services that do tracking on iOS you should also look over Prepare for iOS 14+
Finally here are some other general resources for using Firebase:
Firebase Documentation for Unity
Example Projects
Example/ Tutorial of Integrating Analytics with Crash Reporting
Example/ Tutorial of Integrating Analytics with A/B Testing

Where can I download iOS MobileCore SDK?

I added an app in MobileCore dashboard, but I've not able to find where to download the SDK for iOS to integrate with my app.
I tried to search through Google but still cannot find a link to download the MobileCore.framework. Do they stop publishing the SDK?
Contacted to one of the managers. She told me that they'd stopped support new apps, since they're moving to Supersonic platform soon.

iOS Integrate PlaceILive to replace Google Maps SDK

After allot of searching and googling, still can't find any reliable docs or support on how to integrate the PlaceILive(beta) on iOS App. Is there any SDK or framework for it?
PlaceiLive is not yet provided any sdk to integrate in ios , but they have some api that you can use

Increase in app size after use of Google Maps SDK for iOS

I tried using the Google Maps SDK for iOS and it seems to add a considerable amount of size (96MB) to our app, which is currently only at 26MB (using the Apple maps).
I would apprecaiate any feedback/experience on how to resolve.
There isn't a way to resolve this. Its one of the cons of working with Google Maps SDK vs Apple maps.
Google Maps SDK is its own static framework that isn't preloaded on the device. Apple Maps are build into the OS as a dynamic framework.
Another Possibility:
This is going to sound silly, but be sure you didn't copy the documentation or example code when downloading the Google Maps SDK into your app as well.
Now with Google Maps SDK for iOS version: the SDK size is ONLY 15 MB while the previous version 1.3.0 was 157 MB. That's weird. I even downloaded it 3 times to make sure that this is the full file size. That's a big decrease in size from 157MB to just 15MB and there is nothing about it the release notes.

Proper Way to use Admob in Phonegap app for iOS

I have built an iOS app with Phonegap (Cordova 1.8.1),and now I'm trying to add admob ads to my app.As you know that AdMob is now not allowing to chose "smartphone web", so can I just simply implementing JavaScript code in the index.html or do I need to using Admob iOS SDK?(OR JUST USING Google AdSense??)
We are simplifying our suite of products by transitioning AdMob mobile web publishers to Google AdSense. Starting May 1, 2012 support for mobile web sites on AdMob will be discontinued and you must have a Google AdSense account to monetize mobile web sites. More information is available here.
I believe that according to their terms of service you'll have to integrate the iOS SDK since you're still releasing a native application.
It's pretty easy to integrate an AdMob ad using the iOS SDK. In (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)theWebView, you can add a GADBannerView and follow the integration instructions outlined here.
An important caveat to remember is that you'll have to decrease the size of the UIWebView to make room for the advertisement. Make sure the MainViewController is your RootViewController.
