asana api - assign tag to task via api - asana

I'm creating a new task in Asana - Task Management for Teams via the API. Is there a way to assign a tag to a task via the API? Would be really helpful in terms of filtering.
Thank you.

There is a well written Asana API documentation. Lookup for [Task][2] AND Tags API listing :)
Good luck with that.
This is another filtered Asana Tag result for you.
It says:
The task endpoint now has addTag and removeTag methods.


Test/Sandbox Environment for Google My Business API

I just started with using Google My Business API and was able to perform the get operations just to verify that my Oauth setup is right. Now I want to add a location using the post method for GMB Add location API but before I push my code to production I want to test out this request. Do we have any testing/sandbox environment for Google My Business API testing ?
For anyone coming here for reference I guess if you are using third party tools(Integromat/ Zapier) to make the API Call, the best way is to validate your request by passing in query parameter: validateOnly = True
According to their doc, this is not possible. please read more here

Bitbucket - Retrieve a pull-request's tasks by REST api

I am assuming this is not possible but hoping it is.
I am using and trying to retrieve all tasks for a particular pull-request, but I can't figure out how.
Is it possible on Bitbucket Cloud (
This is not currently possible - as I type this, the API returns the count of open tasks for a given PR (task_count in, but not the content of those tasks.
It is not documented but, it works by sending GET call to below endpoint

Getting direct messages using Twitter REST api

I'm experimenting with twitter REST API with Ruby on Rails.
I'm using twitter gem for the same. I could get the client object using in my code.
client = current_domain.twitter_accounts.first.client
following the documentation given here
The client object works fine. But I couldn't get DirectMessages in the same way.
Also followed this documentation. Here I could not find a way to get DirectMessages. Is there a way in REST API to get twitter direct messages. Or do I need to implement Streaming API.
Methods included from DirectMessages
#create_direct_message, #destroy_direct_message, #direct_message, #direct_messages, #direct_messages_received, #direct_messages_sent
These map to the REST API endpoints
n.b. you won't get group messages through this API and will need to rebuild an inbox model e.g. sequence replies of replies between yourself and the recipient.

Asana api to get content from inbox

I want to get updates from asana inbox directly using asana api.
Is there any way this can be done using api as i am unable to find anything in api documentation. If there is anything that i might have missed in api please point me to that.
Unfortunately, we don't have an endpoint for the inbox. As was discussed in another question, you may be able to get this by grabbing every task across all projects into a local database. You would then need to search for tasks where assignee_status is set to inbox.

How can I access "waiting on" fields in the Asana API?

Asana tasks can be marked as "waiting on" other tasks. I'd like to access this data through the API, but it's either not available or undocumented.
The set of fields returned in an API response can be customised using the opt_fields parameter. I've tried adding "waiting," "waitingon" and "waiting_on" to that parameter, with no luck.
Any ideas?
Hi this is not currently supported in the public API for Asana. As a note, if you stumble across an undocumented field they are not supported and may change at any time, so be careful when dealing with such endpoints.
