Simplified I have a cxGrid where I type a start time and a end time. What I need is a function that when I change one of these values calculates the difference and stores this in a third column
I am having trouble finding the correct way of doing this.
I guess you have assigned some sort of Properties editor (probably a DateEdit) to the column.
Given that, you could try to use following code in the OnValidate event of the Properties editor:
ValueThirdCol : variant;
RecordIndex : integer;
RecordIndex := myView.DataController.FocusedRecordIndex;
ValueThirdCol := myView.DataController.GetValue(RecordIndex, MyEndDateCol.Index) - myView.DataController.GetValue(RecordIndex, MyStartDateCol.Index);
myView.DataController.SetValue(RecordIndex, myDifCol.Index, ValueThirdCol);
Please note that you might have to tweak this code a bit depending on if you have set GridMode or DataModeController.SyncMode to true, or not, and to use DisplayValue where necessary, but the basic idea should work.
EDIT: the OnValidate event of the Properties editor occurs before converting the display value to the edit value. That is the reason why this code I provided had to be tweaked.
In order for the code to work, you need to use (for the column being modified) the DisplayValue argument provided by the event instead of the value returned by GetValue.
For example, if the EndDateCol would be the column that triggered the OnValidate, then the code should be
ValueThirdCol := DisplayValue - myView.DataController.GetValue(RecordIndex, MyStartDateCol.Index);
Hi I want to post calc field(cemi) to table (sql). when I calc all field the last field doesn't post on sql table. because last field (cemi) type fkcalc how can I post fkcalc type field to sql table Thanks in advance!
procedure TForm1.ADOQuery1CalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet);
((ADOQuery1.FieldValues['boyuk1'] + ADOQuery1.FieldValues['boyuk2'] +
ADOQuery1.FieldValues['boyuk3'])*0.35)+((ADOQuery1.FieldValues['kicik1'] +
ADOQuery1.FieldValues['kicik2'])*0.25) +(ADOQuery1.FieldValues['qara1']*0.30);
I'm not quite sure what you mean by
the last field doesn't post on sql table
If the "last field" you are referring to is your "Cemi" one and that is a column which is in the table on your SQL Server, it will not get posted back there if you have defined it as a calculated field in your AdoQuery1 in the Object Inspector. Fields with a FieldKind of fkCalculated are local to the AdoQuery.
Just assigning a value to the calculated field is sufficient to "post" it locally to the AdoQuery, as I imagine you know. What you want to do to debug your problem (because readers like me cannot debug it fr you) is to more easily see what value, if any, is being assigned to it.
From that point of view, your code is suffering from "premature optimisation" which will make it difficult for you to see what is going wrong. Try this instead:
In your ADOQuery1CalcFields, declare a local variable for each of the fields you are accessing, including the calculated one. Choose the variable types to suit the fields:
Boyuk1 : Double; // or Integer, etc
Cemi : Double;
Assign values to the local variables, using the AsXXXX (type) of the fields:
Cemi := 0;
if not AdoQuery1.FieldByName('Boyuk1').IsNull then
Cemi := Cemi + AdoQuery1.FieldByName('Boyuk1').AsFloat;
That way, at least you'll be able to see the point at which the calculation goes wrong (if it does).
I've used FieldByName().AsFloat, rather than FieldValues[], because FieldValues[] is a Variant, which can be Null, and you don't want that when you are assigning values to it which mat themselves be variants.
Check that AutoCalcFields is set to True for AdoQuery1.
Put a debugger breakpoint on the first line of ADOQuery1CalcFields. Compile and run and check that the breakpoint hits - if it doesn't, there's your answer. Single-step the debugger through each line of the procedure, and, after the final line, use Ctrl-F7 to evaluate the value of AdoQuery1.FieldByName('Cemi').AsFloat.
I am dynamically adding fields to a TDataSet using the following code:
while not ibSQL.Eof do
fieldname := Trim(ibSql.FieldByName('columnnameofchange').AsString);
TDataSet.FieldDefs.Add(fieldname , ftString, 255);
Problem is that I might get duplicate names so what is the easiest way to screen for duplicates and not add the duplicates that are already added.
I hope not to traverse through the TDataSet.FieldDefList for each column added as this would be tedious for every single column addition. And there can be many additions.
Please supply another solution if possible. If not then I am stuck using the FieldDefList iteration.
I will also add that screening out duplicates on the SQL query is an option but not a desired option.
TFieldDefs has a method IndexOf that returns -1 when a field with the given name does not exist.
If I understand you correctly, the easiest way would probably be to put all of the existing field names in a TStringList. You could then check for the existence before adding a new field, and if you add it you simply add the name to the list:
FldList: TStringList;
i: Integer;
FldList := TStringList.Create;
for i := 0 to DataSet.FieldCount - 1 do
while not ibSQL.Eof do
fieldname := Trim(ibSql.FieldByName('columnnameofchange').AsString);
if FldList.IndexOf(fieldName) = -1 then
DataSet.FieldDefs.Add(fieldname , ftString, 255);
I'm posting this anyway as I finished writing it, but clearly screening on the query was my preference for this problem.
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what you're aiming for so forgive me if I'm not answering your question. Also, it has been years since I used Delphi regularly so this is definitely not a specific answer.
If you're using the TADOQuery (or whatever TDataSet you're using) in the way I expect my workaround was to do something like:
a.... ,
b.field1 as "AlternateName"
Table a INNER JOIN Table b
As which point it automatically used AlternateName instead of field1 (thus the collision where you're forced to work by index or rename the columns.
Obviously if you're opening a table for writing this isn't a great solution. In my experience with Delphi most of the hardship could be stripped out with simple SQL tricks so that you did not need to waste time playing with the fields.
Essentially this is just doing what you're doing at the source instead of the destination and it is a heck of a lot easier to update.
What I'd do is keep a TStringList with Sorted := true and Duplicates := dupError set. For each field, do myStringList.Add(UpperCase(FieldName)); inside a try block, and if it throws an exception, you know it's a duplicate.
TStringList is really an incredibly versatile class. It's always a bit surprising all the uses you can find for it...
I have a column in a DB table which stores pressure. The pressure is always stored as PSI and can be converted to BAR by diving by 14.5.
The user can toggle display of PSI/BAR with a Radio Group.
I was using a TStringGrid and am converting to a TDbGrid - which is quite new to me.
When the user toggles PSI/BAR, how to I update the display in my DB grid? (I imagine that I just execute it's query again? or Call query.Refresh()?) But how do I do the conversion?
Possibly a stored procedure, although that seems like overkill and stored procedurs are also new to me...
By changing the SELECT statement of my query? But how would I do that? SELECT pressure / 14.5 FROM measurements? Or how?
Or is there an OnBeforeXXX() which I can code? Or OnGetDisplayText() or some such?
I am sure thta this is very basic, but until now I have just been displaying unmanipulated data and now I need a conversion function. Google didn'ty help, but I probably didn't know what to ask for.
I also want to change the text of the column title, toggling between "Presure (PSI)" and "pressure (BAR)".
Thanks in advance for any help.
Code a OnGetText event handler for the pressure field like this:
TPressureMU = (pmuPSI, pmuBAR);
PSIToBarFactor = 1/14.5;
procedure TdmData.qMeasurementsPressureGetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string;
DisplayText: Boolean);
case PressureMU of
pmuPSI: Text := FloatToStr(Sender.AsFloat); //Already PSI
pmuBAR: Text := FloatToStr(Sender.AsFloat * PSIToBarFactor); //ConvertingToBAR
I'm using a property PressureMU of the declared enumeration to control if the pressure is shown in PSI or BAR measurement unit.
This way, when the user changes the selection, you just adjust the value of that property.
If you use persistent fields, you can link the event handler directly to you field using the object inspector, and if not, you can do it by code like this:
qMeasurements.FieldByName('Pressure').OnGetText := qMeasurementsPressureGetText;
where qMeasurementsPressureGetText is the name of the method.
Create persistent fields (right-click the query, and choose Add Fields to create fields at design time that are stored in the .dfm). Right-click the query, and add a new field. Make it a calculated field, and in the OnCalcFields event of the query do the conversion from PSI to BAR.
Now when the user toggles the display, you just display either the PSI or BAR column by setting the Column.FieldName, setting it to the actual PSI column or tne newly calculated BAR column.
Of course, if you're not using persistent fields, you can do it all in the query. Simply add a new column in your SQL statement that contains the result of the conversion, and you can still just change the Column.FieldName at runtime to toggle which value is being displayed.
I have a DBGrid and I´m trying to do a billing sheet but sometimes it doesn't do the calculations. How can I avoid that??
procedure TOrcamentos.DBGridEh1ColExit(Sender: TObject);
percent: double;
Unid: double;
tot: currency;
vaz: string;
if Dorcamen_SUB.DataSet.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert] then
vaz := DBGridEh1.Columns[3].Field.text;
if (vaz<> '') then
Unid := (Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('QT').AsFloat);
tot := (Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Precovenda').AsFloat);
percent := (Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Desconto').AsFloat);
tot := tot+(tot * percent)/ 100;
Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Total').AsFloat := unid*tot;
The better way to implement calculations is actually to move the calculation to your TTable component that the grid is linked to. The Total field shouldn't actually be a field in the database since but rather a calculated field based on values from other fields. Simply add an extra field using the field editor of the table, type in the field name Total, select the correct datatype and then select the field type as Calculated. Click Ok and then add code similar to this for the OnCalcField event of the table:
Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Total').AsFloat := Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('QT').AsFloat * (
Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Precovenda').AsFloat + (Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Precovenda').AsFloat * Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Desconto').AsFloat)/100) ;
A general rule of thumb is that calculated values shouldn't be saved to the database unless really really necessary. It's best to simply add them as calculated fields to the dataset and then link the grid to the dataset. All calculated fields will then be displayed in the grid and each row will show the correct calculated value based on the values for that row.
I think you're mixing a business logic (like calculating a total) with User Interaction logic (like the event on which some grid column loses the focus) and that's the source of the erratic behavior of your application.
Looks like not even you know where it happens and where it doesn't happen.
Consider using the Field's events (for example, OnChange event) to perform that kind of calculations.
Lucky you if you're using a dataset with aggregation capabilities (like TClientDataSet), because you can just declare what you want in a TAggregateField and forget about doing calculations "by hand".
Not your question but... be careful with the way you're using try/finally also... for example, in this bit of code:
tot := tot+(tot * percent)/ 100;
Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Total').AsFloat := unid*tot;
//other things
be aware that if for some reason an exception occurs on the line between the try and finally clauses, the variable tot will have an undefined value (in this case, the result of the previous assignment), so the Assignment to the field will be wrong, after all. I'm not sure if it is really what you want.
I am using JvMemoryData to populate a JvDBUltimGrid. I'm primarily using this JvMemoryData as a data structure, because I am not aware of anything else that meets my needs.
I'm not working with a lot of data, but I do need a way to enumerate the records I am adding to JvMemoryData. Has anyone done this before? Would it be possible to somehow "query" this data using TSQLQuery?
Or, is there a better way to do this? I'm a bit naive when it comes to data structures, so maybe someone can point me in the right direction. What I really need is like a Dictionary/Hash, that allows for 1 key, and many values. Like so:
KEY1: val1;val2;val3;val4;val5;etc...
KEY2: val1;val2;val3;val4;val5;etc...
I considered using THashedStringList in the IniFiles unit, but it still suffers from the same problem in that it allows only 1 key to be associated with a value.
One way would be to create a TStringList, and have each item's object point to another TList (or TStringList) which would contain all of your values. If the topmost string list is sorted, then retrieval is just a binary search away.
To add items to your topmost list, use something like the following (SList = TStringList):
Id := SList.AddObject( Key1, tStringList.Create );
InnerList := tStringList(SList.Objects[id]);
// for each child in list
InnerList.add( value );
When its time to dispose the list, make sure you free each of the inner lists also.
for i := 0 to SList.count-1 do
if Assigned(SList.Objects[i]) then
SList.Objects[i] := nil;
I'm not a Delphi programmer but couldn't you just use a list or array as the value for each hash entry? In Java terminology:
You already seem to be using Jedi. Jedi contains classes that allow you to map anything with anything.
Take a look at this related question.
I have been using an array of any arbitrarily complex user defined record types as a cache in conjunction with a TStringList or THashedStringList. I access each record using a key. First I check the string list for a match. If no match, then I get the record from the database and put it in the array. I put its array index into the string list. Using the records I am working with, this is what my code looks like:
function TEmployeeCache.Read(sCode: String): TEmployeeData;
var iRecNo: Integer;
oEmployee: TEmployee;
iRecNo := CInt(CodeList.Values[sCode]);
if iRecNo = 0 then begin
iRecNo := FNextRec;
if FNextRec > High(Cache) then SetLength(Cache, FNextRec * 2);
oEmployee := TEmployee.Create;
Cache[iRecNo] := oEmployee.Data;
KeyList.Add(Format('%s=%s', [CStr(Cache[iRecNo].hKey), IntToStr(iRecNo)]));
CodeList.Add(Format('%s=%s', [sCode, IntToStr(iRecNo)]));
Result := Cache[iRecNo];
I have been getting seemingly instant access this way.