Spring JMS client from WAS 8 accessing WMQ throws DetailedInvalidDestinationException - jndi

I have a web-application deployed in Websphere AS 8.0(Host A) using spring-jms client accessing queues in WMQ 7.0 in remote machine(Host B). I have configured WMQ ConnectionFactory and WMQ Queues in JNDI using JMS Provider under Resources link with WMQ as Messaging Provider as per the instructions in WAS 8 administration guide. I have also tested it using Test Connection button. It works fine. I have configured JNDI template and QueueConnectionFactory and Queue(Destination), DestinationResolver and JMSTemplate as per Spring JMS configuration.
However when I try to run my server and access WMQ through JNDI it throws the following exception:
exception message JMSCC0085: A destination was not specified.; nested exception is **com.ibm.msg.client.jms.DetailedInvalidDestinationException**: JMSCC0085: A destination was not specified. with params [B#775e20e, 1c02f7440b8438e5]
org.springframework.jms.InvalidDestinationException:JMSCC0085:**A destination was not specified**.; nested exception is com.ibm.msg.client.jms.DetailedInvalidDestinationException:**JMSCC0085:A destination was not specified.**
at org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate.execute(JmsTemplate.java:469)
at org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate.send(JmsTemplate.java:534)
at org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate.send(JmsTemplate.java:526)
I tried to print my default destination name and it printed as queue://QM_MGR/Q1, where QM_MGR is name of queue manager and Q1 is name of queue in WMQ.
Please note that I have not configured any JNDI in WMQ, have not configured any InitialContextFactory and Provider URL in JNDI template and resource-ref in web.xml.
I had tried all the above and failed. So I had removed the above mentioned configurations.
Can any one help me by pointing out why I am getting this exception, what I am missing or detail out the steps to avoid this exception?. Thanks in advance.

Although you have defined the connection factory and destinations in your JNDI, you have to define the MQ counterparts. For example an MQ queue manager by name QM_MGR must be created along with a SVRCONN channel and a listener running at a port, say 1414. Also a queue with name Q1 must be created on that queue manager.
Please check if you have done the above.

I have fixed this issue. It was the JNDI namespace that caused the error. Thanks all.


Error while creating send handler for WCF Custom Adapter in BizTalk 2016

While trying to add the host instances to the WCF Custom Adapter as a send handler I am getting the below error messages.
I tried resetting my password and restarted and that didn't work. Also, I tried to change the domain of my machine and bring it back to the original domain but I was not able to do it because of access issues.
Can someone please suggest why this error is occurring at this stage and how can I resolve it?
The above issue is resolved now. The actual problem was with the workstation/Computer name. At the time of BizTalk configuration I had only given the workstation/computer name, but instead we should give FQDN (fully qualified domain name) like workstation1.xyzcorp.net while configuring biztalk. This resolved my issue.

EJB remote invokation from Wildfly to Jboss5.x server

Enviornment - Source server#Wildlfy_9.0.2.Final,Destination_Server#Jboss5.x, EJB3.0,BuildingTool#ant
1.Wildfly to Wildfly EJB client without remote-outbound-connections
From above two link i have successfully remote EJB lookup for Wildfly_9.0.2.Final to Wildfly_9.0.2.Final server. After this i want to replace destination server to Jboss 5.x server. I have spent hours looking for tutorials on Google. However I cannot seem to find anything that holds the hand. Can anyone direct me to some link?
You have to add an extension for this as the JNDI lokup has changed between AS5 (jnp) and WildFly. I don't know what is thge current status of https://github.com/jboss-set/jboss-as-legacy but this was the goal of this extension.

Bind a particular service to Broker

I am new to Message Broker.And I am in project that involves web-services.
I have created a WSDL using the XSD's.
Now how to bind the service with broker ,so its accessible from the outside.
Thanks in advance
Just drag the wsdl on to a SOAPInput node then setup the URI you want to use and deploy the resulting application.

how to access datasource in geronimo via jndi by remote client application

I have created a datasource in geronimo server.
I'm able to connect it via admin console.
Can anyone let me know how to connect to this datasource by external standalone application via jndi.
Specifically i'm not sure about these following values :
And also which jar should be included for this to work ??
It's answered here .
Geronimo datasources/database pools are designed to only be accessed in the same VM as they are deployed in. You cannot look up a database pool deployed in geronimo from another VM no matter how you configure the remote jndi. One reason for this is that we don't have a distributed transaction manager and certainly couldn't come up with a correctly configured transaction manager in the remote vm through a jndi lookup.

Deadlock in TAO when colocated

I have a CORBA server that makes a twoway call to another server from a notification thread that is created in the servant. This works fine normally. I have just modified the server to be co-located with its client (both are DLLs in a host app), and now it deadlocks waiting for the reply. The offending call is to outside the colocated servers (to the naming service in fact). I am using TAO 1.6 with default policies.
The problem appears to be related to the leader-follower implementation; it is blocking waiting for the existing leader, whereas when it works there is no leader.
For the record, I got round it by using thread-per-connection configuration, following the advice here http://www.theaceorb.com/faq/index.html#configure_tpc and putting the optoins in a service configuration file as described here http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt/DOC_ROOT/TAO/docs/Options.html#SVC (what that doesn't make entirely clear is that all you need is a file called svc.conf in the working directory). Not surprisingly, all those options are necessary to fix the problem I had.
