Support of jQuery mobile in Aptana - jquery-mobile

i'm searching for a developement bundle to extend the functionality of aptana to support jQuery Mobile code. Does anybody know a good plugin?

I did not find any code assist for JQuery Mobile in aptana but i found out that Titanium Studio offers JQuery Mobile support. It's another Eclipse-based IDE that is designed for mobile web developpement.
See this Stackoverflow question that helped me : jQuery Mobile Content Assist

You can activate it as a bundle, for more info refer to #craig.kaminsky answer in this question, I used it and it works:
How to enable jQuery support in Aptana Studio 3
If you don't have git installed and find any issues this may be of help:
jQuery on New Aptana Studio 3


How to add angular support for Notepad ++?

I am building hybrid apps using Ionic framework. I came across to Notepad++ as an editor, but I found out it supports HTML and JS but there is no default support for Angular. Is there any way I can add support for angular.
Note: I am new to this Ionic (hybrid) development and I am unaware of any good editors for Ionic. If anyone has any experience or knowledge of some great editors for windows out there like eclipse for Java, I welcome that suggestion also.
I can't answer how to add support in Notepad++. I used it once upon a time but there are so many other great options out there that have some level of support.
WebStorm ( This is probably the best IDE for JavaScript. It has built in Ionic and Angular support.
Text Editors - There are several plugins to add Angular and Ionic support for each.
Atom (
Sublime Text (
Brackets (
Notepad++ manage JavaScript correctly but you've to add some plugins if you want a better code.
This link gives me the basics plugins and personnaly, I would add emmet plugin

worklight studio 6.1 jquery widgets discovery failed

In Design perspective, when displaying my html main file, in the palette view, the jquery mobile widgets does not show in Worklight studio 6.1.
It doesn't work with any version of jQueryMobile greater than 1.3.0. But It's ok with one application over 4 using version 1.3.0.
Here is the pop-up error message:
An internal error occurred during: "Discoverying jQuery Mobile widgets for /MyProject/apps/MyApp/common/MyApp.html".
How to solve the issue?
Please mention in the question the jQuery Mobile version you are using.
Worklight Studio's RPE (Rich Page Editor) will not work with jQuery Mobile 1.4, may fail with 1.3.2. It will work with 1.3.1.
You can continue using any version you'd like, but if using the RPE, take note of the above.
There is no workaround.
If your issues are different, then please, be more descriptive when asking questions.
"sometimes works, sometimes doesn't" is not helpful.

Jquery Mobile on J2ME

I'm developing J2ME. Is it possible using Jquery Mobile for web app in J2ME?
Reviewed according to jquery mobile web support, unwritten for J2ME.
Thanks Advance :)
Absolutely not, there is no way to run JavaScript in a J2ME app.
I found this scriptme project, but have never used it.
According to the site: "ScriptME is an open-source implementation of EcmaScript based on FESI Project written entirely in Java for the J2ME Platform. It is typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting to end users."
There is also the minijoe, which I also did not use...
"MiniJoe is a "Minimal Javascript Object Environment" that is based on MIDP. MiniJoe consists of a Javascript compiler and interpreter. Both components are written in Java suitable for CLDC 1.1 devices."

JSF 2 compatible with jQuery Mobile?

so I have been tasked with finding out whether an existing JSF project can incorporate jQuery Mobile. I have only finished college 2 months ago so I have limited experience, which is why I am turning to you guys for help.
The project is using eclipse with JSF,Maven and Spring. At the moment it is my belief that only jQuery mobile 1.0 is fully usable with JSF. One of the pre-requisites of the project however states that the latest version of jQuery Mobile must be used.
So my question is this, is jQuery 1.2 fully usable with JSF? Or does it have parts that are not compatible.
If so does anyone have any good tutorials they can link to on how to use this?
Thanks in advance for any help provided, any information that needs clearing up or any clarification needed just let me know.
I have used jQuery Mobile 1.0 in combination with JSF2 in the past, and things worked pretty well. Not sure about the 1.2 version, but I don't know any reason why that wouldn't work.
As mentioned in Chaney's comment, binding and retrieving data to the jQuery controls can sometimes be troublesome. You might want to check out PrimeFaces Mobile, which takes most of that burden off you and should get you started pretty quickly (if it doesn't conflict with any other component libraries you are using). The latest version of PrimeFaces Mobile seems to use jQuery 1.8.2 and jQuery Mobile 1.1.0.

silverlight installation

I already installed Blend_Trial_en.exe, Silverlight3_Tools.exe, Silverlight 3 Toolkit November 2009.msi.
But my browser asking for silverlight plugin.
There is a link included in that prompt, you should click it.
Silverlight 3 is also reasonably old now, you may want to consider installing the Silverligh 4 versions of the Tools and Tool Kit.
