How iis distinguish between mvc request and asp.netpage request -

How does IIS distinguish between an mvc request or a normal page request and how does it process the two different requests?
Can anyone please help me with this?

The routing (generally configured in the global.asax) configures URLs to be handled by controllers/actions instead of actual aspx pages.
If the url doesn't match a route, it will try and find an actual file instead of an action.


Subdomain URL Rediretion In MVC

I am new in MVC, I have a list of url redirection:
• goes to\websites\1
• goes to\websites\2
This is a dynamic mapping like this: goes to\websites\N
How can I do this in MVC, Do I need to use routing? or I need only URL redirection?
This is a duplicate question.
Everything you need can be done in IIS.
please visit this Stack link:
handling sub-domains in IIS for a web application
(same user asked this question and reposted How can we make an ASP.NET MVC4 route based on a subdomain?)
you can get more detailed information:
I've had a similar situation where I needed to make sure that the language code was in the url.
My solution was to write an http module. You'll want this module to inspect the request and see what subdomain the request is under. If it is a subdomain, then you'll want to redirect them to the correct directory under

When to use routes vs. rewrite rules?

I'm trying to debug a problem with routing and I've just realized that MVC routes do something extremely similar to url rewriting but I don't have a good understanding of which situations call for routing and which call for url rewriting. Can someone please explain where these two technologies differ and for which situations each is appropriate?
Url Rewriting analyzes the requested URL and changes it to a different URL on the same server. The URL rewriting module runs early in the request-processing pipeline, modifying the requested URL before the Web server decides which handler to use to process the request.
Routing is a request-dispatching mechanism that occurs after Url Rewriting. When a request is made to a Web server ASP.NET routing looks up the requested URL path in the list of registered routes. If the route is found, the corresponding handler for that route is invoked to process that request.
Use routes when you are developing a new application or maintaining an existing one. Use Url rewriting when you want to patch a legacy application without changing it internally.

Reject (Hard 404) ASP.NET MVC-style URLs

ASP.NET MVC web app that exposes "friendly" URLs:
...which are rewritten (not redirected) to ASP.NET MVC-style URLs under the hood:
The user never actually sees any ASP.NET MVC style URLS. If he requests one, we hard 404 it. ASP.NET MVC is (in this app) an implementation detail, not a fundamental interface.
My question: how do you examine an arbitrary incoming URL and determine whether or not that URL matches a defined ASP.NET MVC path?
For extra credit: how do you do it from inside an ASP.NET-style IHttpModule, where you're getting invoked upstream from the ASP.NET MVC runtime?
why do you have the "hard" urls in the first place then? just change your routing, it seems kind of odd to rewrite something you have complete control over.
If you can't, you probably want something along these lines
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
return View("NotFound");

Map a domain to an MVC area

Anybody got any experience in mapping a domain to an MVC area?
Here's our situation:
Old system (still active but will soon redirect to new store): - our main site where we send traffic - our store site which is a completely separate site that is indexed in google
New system: - same site as before - new store site - built in an ASP.NET MVC area
Because store is a separate domain google gives it a separate entry in the search results. I'd like to keep this benefit in future but wondering whether or not there is a good way to map a domain ( to the MVC area or if its just going to be more trouble than its worth.
PS. I'm not trying to keep existing indexing - its a completely separate store so thats not possible. I just want to redirect to the corresponding page in the new store. I'm just trying not to lose the benefit of two domains for SEO purposes.
I would use URL Rewriting, either in ASP.NET or in IIS7 Application and Request Routing (ARR) to change incoming requests for to
MVC will have no issue with this - it doesn't get to see anything but the new URL and it will generate links only for the new layout.
Other alternatives:
Create a website for the that just does a wildcard 301 redirect for each page to the corresponding page on the new site.
If the URLs don't overlap at all, point the old domain to the new MVC site and add duplicate routes for each action, e.g. might have a route "/info.aspx/{pathinfo*}" ... which loads an Action that knows how to handle the old URL parameters and can do a Redirect to the new Action.
I have sites where there are many URLs mapped onto the same Action - in fact, every legacy URL that has ever been used for a page still works today, including even the old .ASPX URLs which are now served up by an MVC Action. Some legacy URLs are dealt with using a 301 response, others which legitimately have duplicate content on the site are handled as normal but the page also includes a canonical URL to point out which one is the preferred URL.

ASP.NET MVC - How to Redirect Secure?

I have an MVC app that is working fine, but I now want to add in an SSL site to the app.
This is a separate site in IIS, with the SSL certificate, but for re-use, I'm just pointing the SSL site to the same directory as the regular site.
What I'd like to do now, is direct the user to a certain controller (payment) if they come in on the secure url. Otherwise, they can continue on as they were.
What is the best way to do this?
Routing? Filters? Custom BaseController?
How can I ensure that no matter what route they try, if their Request.Url.Host is my secure url, then they'll get redirected. In the future if I add new controllers and actions, I don't want to have to put this in every controller.
Is there a way, application wide, that I can tell all controllers to redirect if a certain url is found?
Decorate your method with:
[RequireSsl(Redirect = true)]
[RequireHttps] is now part of ASP.NET MVC 2
