ActiveX control cannot be instantiated because thread is in a single-threaded apartment. Happens after waking PC from sleep - activex

I am working on a VOIP client (Window's form) that opens a browser window (ExtendedWebBrowser) when a call is made or received. Normally it works fine but if the computer is put into sleep mode and then woken the program will crash with the following error:
"System.Threading.ThreadStateException crossed a native/managed boundary
Message=ActiveX control '8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment."
I have tried setting threads started in the code with thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA) but I am getting the same result. Also, I do have [STAThread] before the main() function. Now I am wondering if it has more to do with a thread not terminating correctly when the computer is put to sleep but I'm not sure. My background is in C++ and DirectX, this is the first Windows form I've worked on so any help would be appreciated.
Followup: I was able to resolve this issue after discovering that after resuming the program was being started on a worker thread instead of the main thread. More information can be read here: Sleep(suspend) and Resuming windows form starts program on worker thread instead of main thread

I was able to resolve this issue. When the program resumed from sleep mode and run() was called it was being run on the windows event worker thread instead of the main thread. More information can be read here: Sleep(suspend) and Resuming windows form starts program on worker thread instead of main thread


Does Electron's main thread block BrowserWindow?

I'm building an application that runs an Electron application. What I'm seeing is that when the main thread gets busy running its own operations, BrowserWindow's thread will get blocked (just like it does if the BrowserWindow itself is running javascript).
Are these sharing the same thread? If so, what is the best way to separate them?
First of all, it's not really Electron's main thread. It'd be more accurate to say that it's Node's thread.
Second, the Main process' main thread is used (among other things of course) to communicate between the Main process and the Renderer process that's used by the BrowserWindow, so if your main thread is performing a large synchronous operation, your main thread will block, and that could certainly affect the responsiveness of your window.
what is the best way to separate them?
I can't really provide a general solution that will be useful in all cases. You should present a specific example. What is your main thread busy doing?
You can look into using WebWorkers. See here.
In short, yes, Electron’s main thread can (somewhat counter-intuitively) “block” renderer UI.
Apparently[0], Electron relies on ongoing main-renderer communication a lot in background, and that is in addition to explicit IPC calls you make. Thus, if main thread is locking on some operations, UI will lag like crazy even if your own IPC calls are not blocked.
Ways around this:
You could use Node worker threads[1] in main.
You could use Web Workers, with or without spinning “hidden renderers”.
See also
[0] The Horror of Blocking Electron’s Main Process
[1] Gotchas on using Node worker threads in Electron: thread in #18540

Freertos Cortex M3 - Port Yield jumps back to main()

im currently implementing freertos on a efm32gg mcu.
i use a startup thread to initialize the project.
this thread disables context switch (TaskSuspendAll) during the project initialization where other modules create their threads, so the initialization is only interrupted by interrupts, not by other threads.
at the end of the project initialization, the startup thread enabled context switch (ResumeAll).
the current demo project adds 1 thread which would blink a led.
as soon as the startup thread enables critical sections, which leads to the portYield call at some point, the application jumps back to the main() (I dont know if through a reset or through a call to main).
but when i just use the startup thread and keep the project initialization function empty, then as desired, freertos keeps running the idle task..
does someone have an idea what the reason for such a behavior could be?
With regards to creating threads while the scheduler is suspended, see number list item 9 on the following page of the FAQ, which basically says not to do that. The reason being that creating a thread may result in a context switch being needed (if the thread has a priority above the thread that created it), but if the scheduler is suspended that can't happen:
If you want to have an initialisation thread that creates other threads, but you don't want the other threads to run yet, then I would recommend having the priority of the initialisation thread above that of any threads it creates - then the scheduler won't choose any other threads. At the end of initialisation you can lower the priority of the initialisation thread, or just delete it, whichever is most appropriate.
I suspect in your case the board is being reset somehow, so you need to find the source of that.

how to schedule after the current thread has terminated?

I am creating a user defined thread library. I use Round-Robin scheduling algorithm and use the context switching method. But, I am unable to know what to do when a thread finishes its execution before the allotted time slot. The program is getting terminated. I actually want to reschedule all the threads, by calling the schedule function when the current thread gets terminated.
I found two ways to overcome this problem.
By calling explicitly thread_exit function at the end of the function that is being executed by the current thread.
By changing the stack contents such that the thread_exit function gets executed after the current function gets terminated.
But I am unable to find how to apply these solutions....
Anybody out there... plz help me...
It sounds like you have a bit of a design flaw. If I'm understanding you correctly, you're trying to implement a solution where you have threads that can be allocated to perform some task and after the task is complete, the thread goes idle waiting for the next task.
If that's true, I think I would design something like a daemon process or service that manages a queue for tasks coming in, a pool of threads responsible for executing the tasks with a controller that listens for new tasks.

Blackberry HTTPConnection best practices

I am developing a project for BB. The application works with the network and sends / receives data via HTTP. Now I use the queue and queue manager. Manager starts with a background thread and works in while (true) loop, checking the queue for new transactions to the server. If the queue is not empty, then the transaction is executed, otherwise the manager goes to sleep for 200 ms.
The process of the transaction as follows:
- Runs another thread (using the Runnable), which opens a connection to the network and first thread waiting for background thread or timeout (and for that we need a loop), which we set.
- If the connection is established, then starts another thread (using the Runnable), which runs getResponseCode (), and first thread waiting for background thread or timeout (and for that we need a loop), which we set.
Before it, we showing popup window with wait-rotating-image, and after it is removed. It synchronized via Application.getEventLock ().
Iit unstable sometimes and thread sleeps for a long time ignore timeout-waiting-loop.
I would like to know how valid such an approach, what advice and best-practice is, what is your experience?
I use 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 and 5.0.
The lock returned by Application.getEventLock() should only be used for code that modifies the UI or UI components - it's the lock used by the event dispatcher. You should not be using it for background tasks such as HTTP processing. If you want to synchronize that code, it would be best to just create your own lock object.
You do not need that many threads, your EDT (event dispatch thread a.k.a main thread) should insert he job (some runnable class) into a queue and use wait/notify to inform a dedicated worker thread, that is responsible for network transaction, to check the queue.
The worker thread will be responsible for opening connection, writing to connection and reading from it.
For information about wait/notify mechanism check out:
A simple scenario using wait() and notify() in java
Due to the fact that you can't update the UI using the worker thread, Once the network transaction is completed you can update the UI layer using InvokeLater
For more details go to
you can set a timeout in the HTTPConnection itself, but if you don't want to rely on that mechanism, you can schedule a TimerTask that will execute after some time and handle the timeout in case no response is received.
Once the response is received all you need to do is cancel the TimerTask so that the timeout will not be triggered.
Check out

How to avoid a thread freezing when Main Application is Busy

I'm having a bit of a problem. I want to display a progress form that just shows an animation on a when the main application preforms heavy operations.
I've done this in a thread and it works fine when the user isn't preforming any operations. But it just stops when my main application is busy.
I'm not able to put Application.ProcessMessages in between the different lines of code because I'm using 3rdparty components with heavy processing time.
My idea was to create a new process and in the process create a thread that execures the animation. Now that wouldn't stop the thread form executing when the main application performs heavy operations.
But as I see it you can only create a new process if you executes a new program.
Does any one have a solution on how to make a thread continue executing even when the main application is busy?
If your worker thread does not have a lower priority than the main thread, you don't use the Synchronize() method, don't call SendMessage() and don't try to acquire any synchronization object that the main GUI thread has already acquired, then your secondary thread should continue to work.
As the VCL isn't thread-safe people do often advise to use Synchronize() to execute code to update VCL controls synchronously in the context of the VCL thread. This however does not work if the VCL thread is itself busy. Your worker thread will block until the main thread continues to process messages.
Your application design is unfortunate, anyway. You should perform all lengthy operations in worker threads, and keep the main thread responsive for user interaction. Even with the fancy animation your app will appear hung to the user since it won't redraw while the VCL thread is busy doing other things and processes no messages. Try to put your lengthy code in worker threads and perform your animation in timer events in the main thread.
Your logic is backward. Your thread should be doing the "heavy work", and passing messages to your main application to update the progress or animation.
If you leave all the "heavy work" in your main application, the other thread won't get enough chances to execute, which means it won't get a chance to update anything. Besides, all access to the GUI (VCL controls) must happen in the application's main thread; the VCL isn't thread-safe. (Neither is Windows itself, when it comes to visual controls.)
If by "Does any one have a solution on how to make a thread continue executing even when the main application is busy?" you mean that main thread is busy you should move the code that is consumming main thread to another other thread. In other words main thread should be responsible for starting and stopping actions and not executing them.
Actually I don't know delphy but I think/hope the concepts are quite similar to C++ or C#.
