Show big icons in notification center - ios

Is it possible for third party apps to show big icons and interactive content in notification center? Something like weather or stocks app.

App Store apps? Nope. Jailbreak? Maybe.

Apple will reject any apps that use the notification centre for anything but notifications.


How events are delivered in iOS apps?

what does this image I got from apple developer tells us? what is the whole process after the user makes an interaction with the screen say a tap?

Is it possible to display progress on App icon

Is there a way to display progress on Ios App icon on the launcher/ main screen like they have default when installing or downloading an app from App store?
I have content that is being downloaded/uploaded in the background. I want to display continuous progress on app icon.
A circular progress bar is not important. I am just looking if there is any provision for such situations.
This is not possible.
Apple does expose any API methods for adding a layer to the app icon on the springboard.
Also changing your apps icon to include the progress will not work, since the app icon is in your apps main bundle which is readonly.
i don't know if it is still possible to use these red numbers like for whatsapp when you receive a message.
Maybe that would be an idea. You could Show the "%" of the upload/download that way.

How to transfer user from Apple Watch Notification to Apple Watch App?

When a Push Notification is displayed on the Apple Watch, the only possibility to open the Apple Watch App is to tap the App icon in the upper left corner.
Now, as I´m reviewing our tracking data, no user seems to know this.
How can I install another tap area in the Notification View which transfers the user in the Watch App?
The first thing to understand is that notifications aren't specific to either the iPhone or the Apple Watch. They're the same old notifications we've been dealing with for years, and nothing has changed. That means that there's no such thing as an "Apple Watch-specific notification" or an "iPhone-only notification." iOS decides where to route a notification based on its own heuristics. There is no way to programmatically control which device receives an alert.
That said, stk is correct that you will have to add actions to a category that you set for your notification. The Notification Essentials section of the Apple Watch Programming Guide has some sample code.
Because there is no such thing as an iPhone- or Watch-specific notification, you're correct that you will see these actions on both devices. So, you'll have to do something meaningful on both platforms. This makes sense, because iOS decides where to send the notification, so it should be handled appropriately wherever it's sent.

Set Banners for background Notification in iOS App

I have an iOS app which when installed, is not automatically configured to show notifications getting to the app when it's in the background with banners (in the notification centre of the phone).
Is there something I can do about this in my code?
You need to set what kind of notifications you want your app to have.
See UIApplication:registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:(UIRemoteNotificationType)types. In your case you'll want to use UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge and 'OR' any of the others you want as well.

Is it possible to make a push notification that doesn't open the app

I want a push notification where you could tap yes or no.If yes is tapped it would NOT open the app.
AFAIK it is not possible on iOS 6 unless you have a "Newsstand" app.
I've heard many of the newsstand-only features will be available to all apps in iOS 7 but I haven't had time to look into it yet. Maybe someone who knows more will answer.
iOS 6 can't do this - all Push notifications need to be treated as if they'll display to the user, and if they get a push when the app isn't open, it will take them to the app if they tap "Yes".
As #eran pointed out, you could modify the push notification bundle to make it only display 1 button.
iOS 7 is currently NDA so can't be discussed here. That said, if you have Xcode 5, you should have the developer doc site basically downloaded. Look at the Multitasking Guide and the Release notes.
If you have two buttons and none of them opens the app, why do you need two buttons?
If you pass null to the action-loc-key parameter, you'll get a single button that dismisses the alert without opening the app.
