Is struts2-jquery-tree.plugin.jar compatible with struts1.3 - jquery-ui

Is struts2-jquery-tree.plugin.jar compatible with struts1.3? Will the plugin be enabled by default?

No it is not compatible. You need Struts2 2.1.x or higher to use the Struts2 jQuery Plugin.


How to know the current version of select2 plugin?

I have a legacy web app, which uses select2 jQuery plugin. The app just includes the select2.min.js version without any clue of the used version. is there any attribute the shows me the current version?

Does the remote control plugin work with Grails 3?

Does the remote control plugin work with Grails 3?
I see references to fixes for grails 2.4 on the product page but nothing for 3.
It doesn't appear to be supported by Grails 3.x (yet). You can find all of the Grails 3 plugins over on bintray.
And in this case, this plugin uses a custom repository at which doesn't appear to have a Grails 3 compatible version.

DWR in Grails without Plugin

I want to use DWR without using their plugin in grails..Their plugin is no good with no documentation and does not supports latest version..
How can i achieve this..?

Grails & Vaadin plugin - how to get latest version of Vaadin?

I am using this plugin and the plugin supports only Vaadin version 6.5.1.
Is there any way how to upgrade Vaadin version to the latest one (e.g. 6.7.3)?
And maybe even more, is it anyhow possible to use Vaadin 7 (7.0.0-aplha...) together with Grails-Vaadin plugin? I know it is not stable release, but it would be great to start working with that version.
I think you could checkout the plugin's sources or download it as a zip-file, extract and then include it as inplace plugin into your project:
// Add in BuildConfig.groovy of your project.
grails.plugin.location.vaadin = '../path/to/vaadin'
After that you could do any manipulations to upgrading the plugin to required version of Vaadin.
I have upgraded Vaadin and Grails to the latest version. I have not found how to do it officially, so I have put it to my github profile, feel free to use it:

JSF 2 RI (Mojarra) and Tomahawk compatibility

I need to use fileUpload from Tomahawk because not provided by Jsf.
I want to know if Tomahawk is 100% compatible with Mojarra
I dont' find this information on the web.
My version of Mojarra (2.1.2) and tomahawk (1.1.11)
There are three builds of Tomahawk 1.1.11: One for JSF 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0. As long as you use the 2.0 build of 1.1.11 you should be able to use it on Mojarra 2.1.x. The Tomahawk site clearly states all of this.
As requested:
And then look at the download page, noting the different variants of Tomahawk 1.1.11 available for download:
