Detect whether the screen has been touched - jquery-mobile

I have a jQuery Mobile app and the first page has a bunch of controls on it as well as blank areas.
I need to detect that the user has touched the screen, anywhere, and move to another page on touch.
Is there a way to do this naturally through jQuery Mobile or do I need to code it all in?

You could check for tap event. ::Triggers after a quick, complete touch event.
Ref: jqueryMobile
Did you mean something like this.


Is there a way with Xamarin.Forms to detect the software keyboard in my iOS app?

I have a Xamarin.Forms application with a login screen. I have added code to move the controls out of the way, when one of the Entry fields gets focus. I move the views back down in the Unfocus event handlers. In the simulator I can prevent the software keyboard from popping up. Unfortunately my event handlers still move the view up and down even without the keyboard.
Is there a way to detect the keyboard's appearance in Xamarin.Forms, while in the event handlers on the ContentPage?
I don't think there is support for this out of the box and thus I'd go with DependencyService and implement it by myself.
You could use ContentPage.LayoutChanged event.
It works because the keyboard doesn't display over the content page as one would guess, but under it, in the same layer, so it push the page up.

Button Highlighting and Scroll Issue in Phonegap

I am New to Phonegap Development, I am Using jQuery mobile to create my UI. I have two Issues here,
Response of button for touch event is very slow. Why..?
I have Created a form with some elements like 2 Inputs text type, 2 Button one after another.
M problem is when I click on input, the keyboard popup makes the page move up, that's OK but when I press the keyboard resign button, the page stay little up.
Can you please help me out..!
and how to Optimize the responsiveness of JQuery mobile UI. I have completely avoided the images.
First, you can follow this link to remove the delay (300ms) from the click event.
And for the second one, i hope you are facing this issue for android. if so, then you need some changes to be done on the AndroidManifest.xml
Use below android property in application tag,
Will look something like
<application android:icon="#drawable/icon" android:label="#string/app_name"
This should resolve your issue.

JQuery Mobile list elements overly sensitive to taps

I've noticed that when I have long list elements in JQuery Mobile and I try to scroll them, I accidentally select an element. Overall the act of scrolling tends to get confused with tapping.
I did some comparison to a native iOS list and here is the difference:
In JQueryMobile, as long as you do a MouseDown and MouseUp on an element, it is considered a click. It doesn't matter if you've scrolled inbetween the events.
In iOS, if you do a MouseDown on an element and then scroll at all, the MouseDown is effectively canceled. This allows you to tap on something, scroll the page up and release without it being considered a click.
Has anyone noticed this and/or developed a patch for it? If not, any suggestions on a fix?

Mobile Safari Web App Zoom issue

I am building a mobile web app that uses jQuery and hammer.js for touch controls. hammer.js has a feature called "prevent_default" which turns off Safari's scrolling/zooming/prettymucheverything. I have a page with a form using < input > for text fields, and a javascript listener that calls .focus() when you tap the form.
This all works well up until a point. The page is fixed in place and looks real pretty, and when you click on a form field it zooms in and the iOS keyboard appears. The problem is that when the user is done entering text, there is no way to zoom out. The browser is so zoomed in from .focus() that the browser bar is gone and you have to close the browser tab and re-type in the URL instead of refreshing.
I am looking for a way to force the browser to zoom out back to the initial view. I've looked all over the internet for some solution but have yet to find anything.
I have the viewport meta tags in the header to disable zooming from the beginning, but is not useful in solving this issue
A hacky solution is to focus and blur an inputfield after you have changed the viewport attributes.
function refreshViewportZoom(){
var viewport = document.querySelector("meta[name=viewport]");
viewport.setAttribute('content', 'initial-scale=0.5, maximum-scale=0.5, scale=0.5, user-zoom=0.5, zoom=0.5');
function blurLater(){
The blurLater is needed as a function, because Safari seems to look ahead and ignore it otherwise.

How can I disable scrolling when "touching" embedded iframe?

I'm making a mobile HTML5 app. I've disabled scrolling (and enabled it on certain parts) and it's all good and well, but the problem starts when I embed a Youtube video through an iFrame. It seems that when a user presses an iframe, the whole page scrolls and I can't seem to find a way around this. Adding event listeners does not work.
You really can't control what happens in the iframe.
But if you want to be a little clever you can put elements directly over the iframe, like a div or transparent canvas or whatever you want, that will catch all of the events so that the user simply cannot press the iframe.
Not the most ideal, it means users cant press the buttons on the youtube video, but its probably your only real option.
