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Closed 10 years ago.
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i'd like to know if Corona SDK is free and not limited by 30 days?
Can anyone please explain this to me?
Corona SDK is free for personal use. Essentially, you can use it for unlimited time for free, but only to develop and install on personal devices. To "Distribute to the iTunes App Store,
Android Marketplace, Amazon Kindle Fire Appstore, and Barnes & Noble NOOK Color Appstore." you have to purchase a license.
Check this for more information:
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've always had Windows and I just bought a Mac to upload games to the app store for iOS phones. I have read that I have to have an OS X Mac, but my Mac is macOS Sierra. Did I just waste $2k on a Mac?
You have not, macOS is the new OS X and you can upload your app to app store as long as you have an Apple Developer's account. Learn more about archiving your app and uploading it to the app store here if you are confused.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is it possible to submit an app with apple watch support to App Store without apple watch. Its too expensive for me, but i want to make support for others, who have.
It is possible. Apple can't and won't check if you own the device.
Be aware that your app may work in a different way on a real device or even crash. You should always test your App on all devices it supports.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I developed my app on hackintosh and also sucesfully uploaded build for testing. I am wondering if I can just submit for review?
Have somebody ever heard of app being reject because it was submitted with hackintosh?
in 2011 I used to develop apps on virtual machine with OSX running under window XP. Successfully submitted several app versions.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have jailbroken my iphone 3g to ios5 using whitedoor tutorial, after this i faced two problem:
The version in setting>about is displayed as 3.1.1 but it has all ios5 features like icloud, UI etc so would like to know is there any prob in this?
and I am not able to install any apps from istore or cydia so please help me is suggesting
what can be done now? acctually i want to download and use talk a tone application but not able to do so.
Whited00r include iOS5 features in a modified iOS3, so it isn't a real iOS5 and you can't install iOS5 apps
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Closed 11 years ago.
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What would be the consequences of Jailbreaking my iOS device as a developer?
What are some of the benefits, and what are some of the issues with Jailbreaking as a developer?
How would this effect Xcode when "paired" with my iPod?
(Should I ask this on Stackoverflow?)
Jailbreaking has become legal some time ago. So from that point of view, no worries.
If you have an untethered jailbreak on your iPod (and even if you have a tethered one), pairing should not prove a problem.
The true upside is that, in the case your app does not meet the Apple requirements, you could always release it as a jailbreak app in the cydia store.