ASP.NET MVC Media With Fallback -

I am integrating videos into a website we have which I have never done before, I have been searching all afternoon as I am looking for a robust solution in which first HTML5 is tried and if not supported then falls back to flash or silverlight and if neither are supported just displays a link to download the video or something along those lines. Does anyone know of a good example of how to do this?

This seems perfect:


How accessible is YouTube embed in 2013?

I've got a site I built about 5 years ago which includes video. At the time, we decided that YouTube wasn't accesible enough so went with JW Player. All of their content is now Flash video, and we're looking to make it work on iOS etc.
An easy solution would be to move everything to YouTube (and that would have the advantage of more visibility online), so I'm wondering: how accessible is an embedded YouTube video these days? Is the new HTML5 iframe embed more or less accessible? I can find lots of posts from a few years back saying how unaccessible it is, but not much from the last few years. On this site there won't be any CC - there's a separate transcript available - so it really just needs to be controllable on a basic level via keyboard/screen reader.
Thanks for any help!
iframe is fairly accessible, although youtube docs aren't very informative. if you want to go down the rabbit hole, you can read these emails:
iframe embed spec details here:
more details:
there is still the keyboard problem with flash, although if the users is in a browser that supports html5, that's not a problem anymore. actually, i think the user has to opt-in for html5. or you can roll your own:
seems like its fairly good, and is a viable option. of course, you could always upload a video and test it yourself.
Probably not very good, but here's an older review from 2011 - - not sure how much has changed.
The iframe is just one piece of the challenge.

comparison jquery mobile kendo sencha jqtouch

i am new in all mobile app thinks i want to find a library for graphs witch it will play in all types of mobiles(ios, android,windows phone etc).I am searching but there are so many and i confused.jquery mobile,kendo,sencha,jqtouch,web 2.0, dhtmlx and so many other. I want my app play in all mobiles, do anyone known the best library. I already have used the libraries i mention before but if there is something else to test and see please tell me.
this is some of the links i saw until now:
I will use phonegap. Please anything it would be very useful.
Maybe my question wasn't very clear and i am sorry for that. I want a JavaScript library for building HTML5-based mobile web apps.I want to make all the beauties in my app (buttons, panel and etc.) I don't want to make graphs i want a library which i can used to make carousels,accordions and other simple and little more difficult thinks.But until now all the libs i saw it doesn't work well in all the phones.Thats why i am asking if there is a library who plays well everywhere.But thanks a lot for your answer.
For example i want a lib like jquery mobile but i want to play well in ios and android phones at least.If anyone know any lib please help.
Not sure if any of these fit your needs:
Framework with charts for mobile web application

jQuery Mobile Conference example

Awhile back when I first read about jQuery mobile I remember seeing an example site that was written for some tech conference. It had Google maps integration and a schedule. I think it was for an O'Reilly (the publisher) conference. Does anyone know where I might find a link to this?
You can try checking the jQuery Mobile Gallery, there are 13 pages of jQM sites, you might be able to find the one you are looking for, or something else similar.

Printing forms on Play Framework

I'm developing a web app, using Play framework and javascript, but exactly I don't know how to print a form (i.e. an invoice). I thought it has to be implemented on Javascript. but reading on web, I didn't find anything. I´m searching now if the implementation is on Server side (Java), but i dont have any idea.
That's a very weird question that you have here, I probably don't get it right..
What do you mean "Print a form" ?!
What about print page from your favorite browser ?
Must be missing something.
What about render the invoice in pdf format?If you are interested in doing something like that check this module:
I think it is the best solution and that's what most companies do.Hope that helped

What's a good way to "standardize" the format of web content for importing into an app?

I'm working on a project where one of the requirements is to import articles from a website. The problem is that different websites have different formats. I could theoretically write some code that strips out extra content from known websites, but this is hardly maintainable. It sounds like there should be something already out there that can "RSS-ify" pages for me into some format, so that I can easily import content.
Is there such a service that I can just "plug" any website into? Also, what are my options here in regards to importing web content into an app, aside from this? How would you handle it?
Edit: Two things that come to mind are FeedBurner and Apple's Safari browser, which adds an "RSS" button. (Safari Mobile actually does one better and renders a neat read view in iOS 5.) Are they relevant to this question in any way?
It seems that there is none. The best I can do is work with content providers to offer RSS feeds and such.
