google adwords api: how to get adgroupId in Keyword/Ad? - google-ads-api

Based on code examples on google website I am able to fetch keywords and ads. The example prints something like this:
printf("Text ad with headline '%s' and id '%s' was found.\n", $googleAd->ad->headline, $googleAd->ad->id);
based on such field list which was fetched:
$selector->fields = array('Headline', 'Id')
Is it possible to get adGroupId as well ? I have been looking at documentation for TextAd, however I cannot see adGroupId in field list. I am afraid it is not possible, because adgroup has field called campaignId. Any help?

Yes, it is possible to get adgroup id. It is part of AdGroupAd type, and can be retrieved using "AdGroupId" as selector name. Then you would retrieve the field as $googleAd->adGroupId. More details here:
In the future, I recommend that you ask the questions on the official AdWords API forum at The forum is pretty active, and AdWords API team members regularly answer developer questions on the forum.


Youtube - ListChannels with Username(forUsername) is not working

I'm trying to get channels info with ChannelsList. This endpoint has a parameter the name is: forUsername but it does not work for this page:
This is my query and it returns empty data:
Somehow, I got this channelID in the page source and its: "channelId":"[UCnS--2e1yzQCm5r4ClrMJBg]".
When I try to query with this ID it's okay and returns with correct data.
and this is its payload:
How will I be able to reach this channel info using a username? I got a few links with usernames and I want to get their info with their username. I don't have any chance to get their channelID's for all.
Thanks for your help.
If I understood correctly, your problem is that you can't do anything from such a username with the Channels: list of the YouTube Data API v3. If you're just looking for the channel id linked to this username then because as YouTube Data API v3 doesn't work for this, I would recommend you to use my open-source YouTube operational API, indeed by requesting you'll receive a JSON with id equals to the channel id linked to the provided forUsername value.
If you have any question don't hesitate to comment or come to the Discord support.
Notice that the channel title and the channel customUrl might be different.
In your example - -, the channel title is Folkart, but its customUrl - which is the value you get when view on YouTube - is: folkarttr.
Note the difference in both case-sensitive and additional letters.
For these reasons, you should not based your channel search by name, but, rather, by its channel_id.
If you really need to search by userName, the answer from Benjamin Loison can solve your requirement.
See if you can find a ticket on Issue Tracker or post your issue there too. Then, you might get some official answer.

How to search users in Microsoft Graph SDK with C#?

In my C# application, I am using Microsoft Graph SDK with Azure AD implementation.
Please suggest me how to search users in my organisations (global contacts) based on search parameters .
For example , if "Raj" is the search parameter, I should be able to get all users with their name contains "Raj" or email address contains "Raj".
I found this method to get all users - "graphClient.Users.Request().GetAsync();". but, with this method limited response, I am not getting what exactly I want to search.
Adding to the previous answer: to accomplish this through the Graph C# SDK, use the Filter() method:
graphClient.Users.Request().Filter("startsWith(displayName, 'k')").GetAsync()
You can use other methods on the request to customize the request, e.g. Select(), etc.
According to your description, I assume you want to search the users by using the search parameters.
Based on this document, we can currently search only message and person collections.
And I have tried the filter query parameter, the parameter is currently not supported the contains operator from this document. So if you want to search the user with name or the email address, we can use the startswith operator only.Like this:$filter=startswith(displayName,'k') or startswith(mail,'k')
It will find the user's diplayName or mail which is start with the k

How to get to invoice link in invoices api

I am interested to have a invoice link/pdf from the api which returns the invoice using new freshbooks api endpoint<accountid>/invoices/<invoiceid>
Even including direct_links I am unable to get the link to the invoice. With direct_links it returns json with fields id, contactid, created_date, type, userid, objectid, token.
I currently work at FreshBooks.
Unfortunately these direct link tokens will only work with old FreshBooks, which isn't mentioned in the documentation -- I'll see if we can fix that.
Poking through, it doesn't look like we've has exposed a way to access a PDF version of the invoice through the public API just yet. But I'll pass that on to the appropriate channels and I'll update this answer if that changes.

Twitter Search API IDs meaning

I am using the Twitter Search API and I can't understand the id field of a tweet.
For example here is one: <id>,2005:1990561514</id>. The real ID is the final number part, right? Why doesn't Twitter already provide this in a single element? And, why is there a year of 2005on the ID field? Is that the ID of that year and the following year tweets get an ID recounted to zero? Is the ID indexed to the year?
I am asking all this stuff, because I am going to use the option of since_id to retrive new tweets. If the ID isn't really unique and depends on the year, it won't work as expected.
The tag is unique - but parts of it are redundant.,2005:1990561514
Obviously, is the URL from where you requested the document.
The ,2005 is constant. As far as I can tell, it has never changed since the service was launched. While there's no official documentation, I would guess that it refers to the ATOM specification namespace -"
Finally, the long number is the Tweet's status ID. It will always be unique and can be used for the since_id.
What you will need to do is split the string, and just use the number after the colon as your ID.
I believe you are doing something wrong. If you look at all of the example results from the Twitter Search API, none of the id fields are formatted like this one you are showing.
For example:
Also, if you check out the example requests page, you will see that all of the id fields have normal formats, i.e.:
Now that I know you are using the atom feed, I can see where the seemingly oddly formatted element comes from. See this article on avoiding duplicates in atom feeds. Another helpful article.
Basically, atom feeds REQUIRE a unique id for each element in a feed. Some feeds use the "tag" scheme to ensure uniqueness. This format is actually pretty common in atom feeds and many frameworks use it by default. For instance, the RoR AtomFeedHelper (which might even be what Twitter uses) specifies the default format to be:

Twitter Intent: Related account doesn't show up in Tweet

Why doesn't the related account show up from this URL?
The result is this:
HeyNow #bababooey
But I expect it to be:
HeyNow #HowardStern #bababooey
Instead of the variable related you have to use the variable via. Try this:
More information can you find in the documentation of the twitter web intents. From the Documentation:
Variable via:
A screen name to associate with the Tweet. The provided screen name will be appended to the end of the tweet with the text: "via #username" "Via" will be translated to the proper locality of the posting user, if supported. Potentially drives new followers to the target account.
Variable related:
Suggest accounts related to the your content or intention by comma-separating a list of screen names. After Tweeting, the user will be encouraged to follow these accounts.
