jqGrid onSelectRow getRowData issue - jquery-ui

I have a jqGrid which when a row is selected, a jQuery UI modal form will popup which I would like to contain the data for the selected row. The form would ideally contain the row data, a confirm button and a cancel button. Is this possible? I have tried to find an answer and haven't had any luck as of yet. The data will be carried through to another form where the values will be editable.
Thanks in advance.

I think you can use the following
onSelectRow: function (id) {
$(this).jqGrid('viewGridRow', id);
See the demo from the answer as an example.


jqGrid: edit form in the subgrid area accordion

We are using Jqgrid but we need to perform a custom editing.
In particular we want to view/edit the detail of a row inside the accordion of a subgrid area (instead of real subgrid)...
Basically we are looking for a way to redirect the content of the edit popup to the subgrid area.
Anyone have some ideas about how to do it?
If I understand correct the problem you may look at this demo in case you use Guriddo jqGrid JavaScript. In your case the html file can contain template form, where you can get the values from the row and put it in the form.
If you have difficulties we can prepare a online demo.

jquery mobile table - detect change in select

My table contains a column that contains a "select".
I need to detect when the user changes the "select" value of the cell so I can make DOM changes to other cells in the row.
I have no idea how to detect that event.
Figured it out.
Added an onchange to the html <td>.

Jqgrid breaks properties of other jqgrid

As titled,
In my webpage, i have a jqgrid, and a button that will pop up a modal dialog that contains another jqgrid (displaying different data) on it. The problem is, the jqgrid on the modal dialog breaks the jqgrid on the page, like for example, if i set my jqgrid on the dialog to have no filter function, then it will cause the jqgrid's filter on the webpage to suddenly disappear.
Just want to know if anyone encounter such issues before?
By the way the webpage was created using Grails, so i'm not sure if this is related to Grails's resource issue or not.
It's difficult to help you because you don't posted your code. I can only to suppose that you could have id conflicts between the grid in modal dialog and the grids on the main page. I would suggest you to add idPrefix option with some non-empty unique value in the modal dialog. For example you can add idPrefix: "g1_" in the first grid and idPrefix: "g2_" in the second grid. Then the rows with ids "1", "2", "3" will be "g1_1", "g1_2", "g1_3" in the first grid and there will be "g2_1", "g2_2", "g2_3" in the second grid.

Enable/Disable sortable on specify column in kendo ui grid

I have a kendo ui grid on my page.
And I have a button too. I want when I click button, sortable property on a specify column disable, and when click the button again, sortable property enable.
How to I do this?
Runtime enabling/disabling the sorting feature of the Grid is not supported.
But you can find some approaches to achieve it here: http://www.telerik.com/forums/disable-or-remove-sortable-capability-on-column-with-rebuilding-entire-grid
Hope this link will help you.
There is no method for this - this is option which is set only upon initialziation. So you will need to re-initialize the whole Grid. Covered here.
The column.sortable option should be set to true/false depending on the button that was clicked.
You need to write an click event for a table header on javascript.This event will prevent click on table header.
$(".k-grid-header .k-link").click(function (e) {
if ($(this).text() === Header Name) {
e.PreventDefault helps to avoid window jump to top when clicking #-links.
Give your headername into the if condition to which you want to disable sorting

implement dynamic detail view in jquery mobile

So I have a listview with multiple items, so when each item is clicked it will go to a detail page, but how do I fill out the detail view with dynamic contents? Specifically, how do I capture the key, which is the clicked item's inner html, and when I query some dynamic contents, how do I put them in the detail view? The methods I tried include 1) use click event for each item, but the event does not trigger, is that normal? 2) I tried the live event on the detail view page with pagebeforeshow, but it does not trigger either. Please help.
Many approaches exist to do this. Here is one idea that may help you:
In your listview, specify a data ID for each of the hyperlinks in the list item. The definitions could look like:
<li><a data-id="some-identifier">My Title</a></li>
For all the items the <li> items in the list, you then have a single click handler, which would use the data-id to initialize the detail page. The click handler would look something like this (my apologies if this is out of data, I have not recently used jQuery Mobile, so there may be an updated, better approach):
$('#my-listview-id').delegate('a', 'vclick', function () {
alert ('user selected something: ' + $(this).attr('data-id'));
The alert will show you the ID the user selected. So in the click handler you can update the detail page.
