location of TFS projects on different machines - tfs

I have very small and quick question.
Is it neceseary for all the developers that are participating in writing a shared project through TFS, to have that project placed on the same path on each of their machines?
So for example if I have a project "TEST", and I place it in C:/Projects/, does everybody who will be mapping this project from TFS have to place it under the same path, or they can put it in different paths as long as the subfolders of the TEST project are then the same as they are at Source Control of TFS? So in our example, if someone will map that project in C:\Documents\Users\MyUser\VS2010Projects\, will it project some problem with check ins, and getting latest version(by others)?
My small project team has starnge issues lately, and I never thought it can be a problem, but I'm starting to think so and I would appriciate some response from someone who has some expierience in that field.

If you have set up your source control paths & your solutions properly this shouldn't be an issue. Let's say that you have a project1 that uses a lib named core. If you set this as follows users can map wherever they want in their local PCs in the content under $/.../Program1:
If you are set as follows:
things are more challenging, since - in order for the solution to work in each workstation - both$/../Lib & $/../Project1 have to be mapped in the same level.


How to share company wide settings across multiple team projects in TFS?

This is a problem we have been living with for a while already. Suppose that I have three files:
a FxCop ruleset, containing our basic Code Analysis rules
a Resharper .DotSettings file, with company defined naming conventions, for instance
a StyleCop.Settings file, with some of the default style cop settings disabled
How do I share these kinds of company wide settings files across multiple TFS Team Projects?
At the moment, we have these replicated in a Resources folder in each project, but this is quite a maintenance nightmare, since when we decide to update a few rules on any of these files, we have to update them in a lot of different places.
One approach I've seen is to create a team project specifically to store these files on TFS, for instance $/Core, and by some means share the files this way, either using workspace mappings or branching the project into the other projects.
I don't like this primarily because it requires manual intervention and hardcoded paths. Ideally, I'd like an approach that was not intrusive, i.e. a developer gets the project from source control and compiles without any problems. No need for separate mappings into specific forlders, setting environment variables, anything like that.
At the same time, I'd like to keep the history on these files, so it would be nice if they could still be source controlled. Since they are central to the company, it would be ideal to have limited permissions on them, and that each change was documented appropriately (changesets provide that).
Another approach that crossed my mind was to share these settings via company internal nuget packages. Say for instance that I do have this $/Core project, but instead of using workspace mapping or branching it inside the other projects, I publish a nuget package (or more than one even) containing the configuration files, and add these packages to each project that needs it. I can then use relative paths to the package folder when referencing them, and it would require no manual intervention on the developers part.
Although using nuget would probably work fine, this solution seems weird to me, since nuget packages are meant to be project specific, but this would be "whole team project" specific instead. Again, using this approach, I'd probably have to add the package to one of the projects inside one of the solutions inside each team project. This is actually quite similar to how test adapters are shared now. For instance, NUnit already support this approach. I feel I'd have to do something very similar to that if I went with an internal nuget package: each solution would have to load the package at least once.
Is there some other way to share these kinds of things across the whole company, while still maintaining them on source control? What if I loosened this constraint, and accepted that they don't need to be source controlled? Would it open up other options to share them?
If you go down the NuGet route, you could create Packages for your FXCOP and Resharper files, and then store them in a local feed.
For Stylecop you could use the existing NuGet Package for StyleCop.MSBuild and then repackage it with your own settings file.

Linking TFS source control folder from another TFS project

We are moving to TFS 2010 (from PVCS) for source control and work item tracking
As I understand it you should have under source control for each TFS project everything that projects solutions, etc. need to build.
This OK for new .NET solutions/projects, but we have a large collection of legacy Delphi 6 projects with shared source libraries we want to port into TFS for source control and build. It is how we manage multiple TFS projects that want to sare a specific set of source files between them that is my problem here.
Historically with PVCS we have had projects for each solution (say A & B), and a seperate project for common source code (say C). Users would get C then get either A or B (checking out as required) on disk this would maifest as something like this:
But B & C are seperate PVCS archives.
Now fast forward to life with TFS 2010 as our ALM solution...
If we create a TFS project (1) that contains the source repository for the common code (C), that projecs can obviously access it (lets say the TFS project also contains the solution A) and all is good.
We now create a new TFS project (2) in which to make solution B. Beacuse solution B is wildy different to solution A we had no reason to share TFS project 1's source control so we made a new source repository rather than branching from 1. Now later on we discover a need for solution B to access some common files from C (in 1). Oops!
The question is this; can I perform some source control wizzardry that lets me add a folder in the 2's soruce control that is a (to steal a file system term) symbolic link into 1's source control for the common code C?
I should point out this is all legacy code and the shared source library (C) is just that shared source it does not build into a library or other binary we could simply add to A or B.
In TFS 2010, as you may know, they introduced the concept of a project collection (PC). Each project collection is an aggregate for team projects (TP). Each PC is stored in a separate database, and the VCS is stored in the database.
This means that there is one VCS repository per PC, not TP. Each TP is (by default) the root folder in each VCS (i.e. TP1 will be at $/Prj1, TP2 might be at 4/Prj2, etc.)
One more point is that you do not want to have one solution per TP. Think of a TP as a suite of products, and a solution as a part of that.
Symbolic links, as per Visual Source Safe, no longer exist in TFS, and I'm not sure you need them. It is not considered a good practice to create a dependency between one solution and the source code of another solution.
What I suggest you do, is have each solution in your codebase depend only on its own code, and on other solutions' binary deliveries.
What will happen is that if Sln_A depends on Common_Sln, you will build Common_Sln, and bring its binaries from the drop location as part of your Get. Then, add the binaries as references.
This will solve your problem, with the added benefit of transforming a tight coupling where a dependency may break your dependent solution's build, into a situation where you do not change or upgrade your dependencies until they are ready and you are ready for them.
Does this help solve your problem? This is how I do this with the projects I consult on.

TFS workspace naming guidance, where?

Is there any guidance about workspace naming and workspace mapping in TFS (2010) ?
I'm not aware of any specific guidance on this, but after a couple years, we've primarily settled on a single workspace mapped to root $/. We've been operating like this for probably a year with 80+ developers, and haven't seen much of an issue.
In my opinion, this is valid, as is the idea of one workspace per Team Project, as long as you don't have a whole lot of Team Projects to deal with.
For the Mapping aspect there is nothing to add to the first answer as- "Map to root $/" approach seems to be the most used.
However, the MSDN Basic Guidelines for Creating a Workspace seem to suggest a different approach:
If you want to work with files from a single folder, map to one that is as close to the level of the team project collection as you can but no closer than you must. That way, you will get all the files that you need without getting many that you do not need.
I would tend to say that workspace naming conventions are only helpful if you need to create multiple workspaces on the same workstation. That would be the case if you need to work on different codebases hosted in different team collections or on different branches of the same codebase.
Like mentioned in previous feedback, I did not find a reference specifically addressing the topic, but the "Naming your TFS workspace" article from the old TeamPrise Explorer documentation has some good suggestions:
(...) give workspaces a name that includes your machine name, your deliverable, and branch if applicable.
"Deliverable" is organization specific, but can likely be related to a single team project so that the name of the project could be used to correlate the workspace to it (rather than using a different name for essentially the same thing).

Managing common components with Fossil CVS

I'm a Fossil (and CVS configuration) novice attempting to create and manage a set of distributed Fossil repositories for a Delphi project.
I have the following directory tree on my development machine:
Some Project
Delphi Components
Some Client
Some Project For Client
Some Other Project For Client
Source Code
Project Resources
Project Database
I am setting up Fossil version control in order to version and share Projects\Some Client\Some Other Project For Client\Source Code, which contains Delphi 2010 source for a database project.
This project makes use of Projects\Delphi Components\LookupListView which is a Delphi component. I need this code to be included in the versioning system for my project. I will, in theory, need to include it in other Fossil repositories in the future, as well.
If I create my Fossil repository at the Source Code or Some Other Project For Client level, I cannot add any code above that level to my repository. What is the proper way to deal with this? The two solutions that occur to me are
1) Creating a separate repository for LookupListView and make sure that everyone who uses a repository for a project that references it "knows" that they must also get the current version of this project as well. This seems to defeat the purpose of being able to obtain a complete, current version of the project with a single checkout. The problem is magnified because there are other common component dependencies in this project.
2) Establishing my Fossil repository in the Projects directory, so I can check in files from various subfolders. This seems to me to involve an awful lot of extra path-typing when doing adds, and also to impose my directory structure (Some Client\Some Other Project For Client\Source) on the other users of the repository -- in this case, the actual client.
Any suggestions appreciated.
I use Git, but my approach can be applied in your situation.
I have one repository for all my components folder. This gives me an ability to get all of them with only few console commands (in case when I reinstall my OS or go to another computer etc.).
Also I have one repository per each of my projects. If some project uses 3rd party controls I create "components" sub-folder and do symbolic links (junctions) of every components set.
This approach have some disadvantages (when you "go back" in commits history of some project, components can be modified too. And if many projects are using same components this could cause some troubles). But I had no issues yet :)

TFS and shared projects in multiple solutions

Our .NET team works on projects for our company that fall into distinct categories. Some are internal web apps, some are external (publicly facing) web apps, we also have internal Windows applications for our corporate office users, and Windows Forms apps for our retail locations (stores). Of course, because we hate code reuse, we have a ton of code that is shared among the different applications. Currently we're using SVN as our source control, and we've got our repository laid out like this:
- = folder, | = Visual Studio Solution
- Internet
| Ourcompany.com
| Oursecondcompany.com
- Intranet
| UniformOrdering website
| MessageCenter website
- Shared
| ErrorLoggingModule
| RegularExpressionGenerator
| Anti-Xss
| OrgChartModule etc...
The OurCompany.com solution in the Internet folder would have a website project, and it would also include the ErrorLoggingModule, RegularExpressionGenerator, and Anti-Xss projects from the shared directory.
Similarly, our UniformOrdering website solution would have each of these projects included in the solution as well.
We prefer to have a project reference to a .dll reference because, first of all, if we need to add or fix a function in the ErrorLoggingModule while working on the OurCompany.com website, it's right there. Also, this allows us to build each solution and see if changes to shared code break any other applications. This should work well on a build server as well if I'm correct.
In SVN, there is no problem with this. SVN and Visual Studio aren't tied together in the way TFS's source control is. We never figured out how to work this type of structure in TFS when we were using it, because in TFS, the TFS project was always tied to a Visual Studio Solution. The Source Code repository was a child of the TFS Project, so if we wanted to do this, we had to duplicate the Shared code in each TFS project's source code repository. As my co-worker put it, this "breaks every known best practice about code reuse and simplicity". It was enough of a deal breaker for us that we switched to SVN.
Now, however, we're faced with truly fixing our development processes, and the Application Lifecycle Management of TFS is pretty close to exactly what we want, and how we want to work. Our one sticking point is the shared code issue.
We're evaluating other commercial and open source solutions, but since we're already paying for TFS with our MSDN Subscriptions, and TFS is pretty much exactly what we want, we'd REALLY like to find a way around this issue.
Has anybody else faced this and come up with a solution?
If you've seen an article or posting on this that you can share with me, that would help as well.
As always, I'm open to answers like "You're looking at it all wrong, bonehead, HERE'S the way it SHOULD be done.
I think there's some misunderstandings here. First, you can have multiple (as many as you want) solutions in a single TFS project. Also, a single Visual Studio project can have any number of solutions referring to it.
Second, what version of TFS are you using? 2010 is different from 2005/08 in how it handles TFS projects.
Under 2008, there are several ways to approach this depending on what you want to get out of it. You can either have multiple TFS projects or a single TFS project.
I'll start with multiple.
Set up a TFS project for your shared library type code, and others for each regular project you have. As part of the development process on this shared library, check in the completed assemblies. Then Branch those assemblies into any other TFS project you want to use them in. When you do a feature update or bug fix to the shared library, simply merge the branch into any other TFS project you want the updates to go into.
This allows you to make shared changes for a single app without having to push all of them.
If you want a single TFS project holding everything, just add folders for each Visual Studio project you want. The visual studio solutions can refer back to projects outside of their base tree without issue. Now, when configuring things like Builds for each solution, make sure you limit what directory the build server pulls from / watches. That way you don't have it building one of your internal sites when changes were made to an external site.
Only recording this in the hope that it helps someone else some day, I fear I'm a little too late to answer your original question ;)
We have a very similar situation, and your question (and subsequent answers) made it very easy for us to set up TFS properly.
To use your example to explain our setup:
# = Project Collection, > = Team Project, | = VS project
> Internet
| OurCompany
| OurCompany2
> Intranet
| UniformOrdering
| MessageCentre
> Shared
| ErrorLogging
| RegularExpression
This means that work can be assigned (using Scrum templates in Sharepoint) to any of the Team Projects (which are SAAS apps in our case) and the developer can choose to open any or all of the VS Projects to get the job done.
The majority of the senior developers (those that are across multiple products) have one VS Solution (maybe "WholeEnterprise.sln" to continue the analogy) that contains ALL the different VS Projects and can therefore work on any/all of them at any one time. We can also ensure that projects build properly, and all the dependencies are up to date before pushing an update.
The structure of this in your operating system of choice is totally up to you! Some of us have replicated the structure of TFS, others have a totally flat hierarchy... This doesn't seem to make a difference at the end of the day.
