Intellij IDEA custom Auto-Completion - lua

I would like to get an auto-completion on IntelliJ Idea...
I am learning moaiSDK which is based on Lua. I already setup the Lua plugins within Idea and have a working lua environment.
Now I would like to have also the Moai API's on Idea. I see there are HTML docs here: , but having no experience on this field I don't if it's doable and how.
Thanks in advance

Have a read of this Moai post:
Using plandem's '' (includes **) and Sylvanaar2's IntelliJ Lua plugin, you should be able to get what you're looking for.
Happy coding!

I was using IntelliJ with Lua with some autocompletion, but, this just got release and supports MOAI out of the box.
So far, its GREAT. I think you gonna enjoy this one better. ;)

This post shows how to configure IntelliJ IDE to do Moai auto-completion ( and more ) in extreme detail.


Erlang sample project in erlide (eclipse)

Guys, I just started learning erlang ... and since I'm a java programmer, I'm using eclipse ... I downloaded erlide already ... but now is looking for any tutorial in the net on how to use erlide to create a simple erlang project. Anyone knows where could I get it?
Thanks in advance.
Not erlide specific, but good to get used to the OTP project structure and intricacies:
Not sure if this guide is accurate, but the other stuff in the blog post was good:

Netbeans Intellisense for Rails

Has anybody figured out a way to make the Netbeans intellisense for ruby and rails better? It either has too many options in the list (which I understand is a problem since it is a dynamic language). Or it has no options in the list, as if it is not dynamic enough to find everything.
Are there any hacks to make it better, or is this just something that needs to be improved within the Netbeans source code? I'm currently using 6.8.
Please spare me the posts about how I don't really need to use intellisense, and I should use vim or emacs. I'm sure the vim programmers are 10 times more productive than me with all their cool shortcuts, but I have no desire to learn these tools.
if you click on options, in tools and select options.
Then go to miscellaneous tab, and select ruby.
enable extended type interface (may be slow)
check on for methods.
I tried doing this it is giving me better intellisense with methods like p, and protected methods as well.
I am using netbeans 6.8 and I suppose this would offer you better intellisense.
I'm with you on intellisense. If you're on a Mac, you might try Coda from Panic. It has better intellisense than either RadRails or Netbeans for Ruby/Rails IMHO.
Sadly you just have to wait. I read that Oracle is now focusing NB on scripting languages, and there were plans afoot to add most of what you are talking about to 6.9.
You can check out the nightly builds here:
They've already hit milestone 1.
It has to be improved by the Netbeans team. There's nothing you can really do to help it.
[edit: oh, and you can have code completion with Vim, so .. You should use Vim! :p]
There's been improvements in 6.8, but it's still far from perfect, and you mentionned you are already using 6.8.
You might want to try RadRails - can't tell you if their code completion is better though (I'm a NetBeans user), but I seem to recall reading it was.
I haven't gotten to play with Ruby and Ruby on Rails in NetBeans 6.9, but one of the features touted by the Release Notes was improved code completion in dynamic languages (Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and Python). You might want to consider upgrading (if you haven't already) and checking it out.

Vala for pidgin plugins

Has anyone tried writing a pidgin or libpurple plugin in Vala? From a quick look at the Vala homepage it seems like it would be a great language for it, and make a good opportunity to learn Vala, but learning both Vala and the fine art of pidgin plugins at the same time is a little overwhelming. Anyone have any pointers?
Pidgin-Games is a plugin for pidgin written in vala. You could have a look at its source code
You probably will want to read the Vala Tutorial and code samples first if you haven't already.
I also started writing a VAPI for libpurple and I also was able to write a small libpurple client for testing purposes in Vala... So the answer can only be of course! ;)

Code completion in Vi editor [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Autocompletion in Vim
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is there an autocomplete feature for Vi? ctrlp looks for keywords already used in the document. But suppose I want a.funcname to automatically show members of object a. Is it possible with Vi?
YouCompleteMe. It’s a plugin that offers extremely fast, fully syntax-aware auto-completion. It furthermore shows code errors on the fly (by putting a marker inside the margin next to the offending line).
So far, C++, C# and Python are natively supported. However, the plugin has an easily accessible API to add support for more languages.
There are other plugins but with the exception of Jedi (for Python only) nothing comes even close to working properly.
Take a look at supertab:
I realise this isn't quite answering your question, but have you looked at running vi within an IDE ?
viPlugin works with Eclipse and is a pretty good vi emulation. Since it runs within Eclipse you get all the code completion that Eclipse provides. Eclipse isn't just for Java, btw. It works with a variety of languages and may well cater for what you need.
This is the direction I took when I reluctantly realised that vi by itself wasn't providing as much help as I needed when developing, but I was reluctant to give up the power of the editor.
I use NetBeans with the jVi plugin. It gives me the editing power of vi with the intelligent auto-completion features of NetBeans.
It depends on your language. For c++, for example, there is omnicppcomplete.
Maybe this article will help, I haven't tried it to be honest but it looks suitable.

Editor with textmate snippets support?

I know of etexteditor and vim/emacs.
Are there any other windows editors which have textmate-like snippets support (eg. you write trigger word, press tab, it changes to something, you press tab again, and it changes to first stop, you can then enter something there and it will change on several other places according to snippet defined) ?
I know it's a little weird explanation, but you probably know what I mean.
You can use the snipMate plugin for vim - I use it and it works great
InType could "someday" become what you're looking for, at least the alphas are promising. Sadly, a release version of InType is still far from being ready (see blog and forums).
Update: Currently, I'm using Sublime Text, another great editor: fully Python-scriptable and snippets support.
Redcar, written in Ruby, was just released, but it's not polished by any means.
Apart from that, I don't know of any.
jEdit will do something similar if you use the SuperAbbrevs plugin.
Visual Studio will do this, but it's nowhere near as nice as textmate / e.
I don't use windows but whilst searching for a alternative for linux I came across e-texteditor.
You can look into using an application independent of your IDE, to expand snippets.
I have a lorem ipsum snippet; one that contains my URL, my email, and so on, but you could also make snippets that contain code.
Applications: Textexpander for Mac, Typinator for Mac, Texter for Windows (no experience with the last one, so don't know if it's any good)
Komodo Edit and Komodo IDE both support this, although TextMate is arguably a bit more refined and polished in this area. Komodo Edit is free, however, and compares very favorably against the likes of InType and E for Windows.
Visual Studio 2015 since Update 2 RC
Visual Studio now supports consuming TextMate snippets with
IntelliSense completion by placing tmSnippet files into a snippet
Visual Studio Code
Another addition to the yo code generator is the option to add
TextMate Snippets (.tmSnippets) to VS Code
