Erlang sample project in erlide (eclipse) - erlang

Guys, I just started learning erlang ... and since I'm a java programmer, I'm using eclipse ... I downloaded erlide already ... but now is looking for any tutorial in the net on how to use erlide to create a simple erlang project. Anyone knows where could I get it?
Thanks in advance.

Not erlide specific, but good to get used to the OTP project structure and intricacies:

Not sure if this guide is accurate, but the other stuff in the blog post was good:


Geting started with contiki 2.7

I am really new in Contiki OS. I downloaded contiki 2.7 zip from sourceforge. To understand how the system works I first need to understand the make system that is used for building projects. In almost every location inside the contiki there is a make file. So the syntax used in those files is completely alien for me. My question is: What/where do I need to read about these make files in order to understand how to use them? Some links would be very useful. Please have in mind that I am new in this matter.
Thank you in advance!
u can start with this link about the Contiki build system

Making a datagrid in zend framework 2

I am looking for software which creates a DataGrid in ZF2. I've found odiaseo/zf2-datagrid from GitHub but I currently do not understand how to use it. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can find a tutorial with step-by-step instructions?
Step by step installation and usage guide is already there on git.
I don't know what type of suggestions you need. but you can find good comparison of zf2 with other frameworks. one of them is here
Have you tried using this
There are some other datagrids for zf2 as well. Try one that fits your need
see here:

zend framework 2 simple integration

I am planning to build a project using zend framework 2.
But i find it very hard to setup zf2.
It is not easy to setup the framework and start working.
What i am looking is copy required zf2 files, put into the project and start working.
Like in cakephp where you need to make changes in database configurations and start working.
Can anybody help for this issue. this will be useful for many other developers also.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Have you tried the SkeletonApplication? It provides everything you need: Pre-setup bootstrapping, the directory structure, a basic application configuration.
Just clone it into your web directory and make sure that vendor/ZF2 gets cloned as well (--recursive flag).
This is currently the easiest approach to get started with a new ZF2 project.
If you need further assistance, please state your question more specificly.
// Edit: Although it makes sense to use composer or at least git to pull everything directly, you can just download the project (SekeletonApplication and ZF2) from Git. In my opinion, you shouldn't be too lazy here. Using composer etc. will save you a lot of time that you can spend on implementation.
Setting up ZF2 without the use of the command line is MUCH more of a pita than using it. Sure, you can download the SkeletonApplication and then you can Download ZF2 Core Library and put it into your include_path, but that's not too great.
I really suggest learning about the command line. I'm a windows user myself and hated it at first, but after getting around the first problems, i - now - find it really handy.
If you have trouble setting up your stuff or understanding it all, you may find my tutorial helpful which you can find right here: Zend Framework 2 Installation on Xampp for Windows
I had the same issue as you. I found the Skeleton application easy and quick to install, but I didn't need the translations that are included. As a result I created a stripped down, bare bones version which you are welcome to use.
You will find the ZendMinimumApplication on github.

Intellij IDEA custom Auto-Completion

I would like to get an auto-completion on IntelliJ Idea...
I am learning moaiSDK which is based on Lua. I already setup the Lua plugins within Idea and have a working lua environment.
Now I would like to have also the Moai API's on Idea. I see there are HTML docs here: , but having no experience on this field I don't if it's doable and how.
Thanks in advance
Have a read of this Moai post:
Using plandem's '' (includes **) and Sylvanaar2's IntelliJ Lua plugin, you should be able to get what you're looking for.
Happy coding!
I was using IntelliJ with Lua with some autocompletion, but, this just got release and supports MOAI out of the box.
So far, its GREAT. I think you gonna enjoy this one better. ;)
This post shows how to configure IntelliJ IDE to do Moai auto-completion ( and more ) in extreme detail.

Vala for pidgin plugins

Has anyone tried writing a pidgin or libpurple plugin in Vala? From a quick look at the Vala homepage it seems like it would be a great language for it, and make a good opportunity to learn Vala, but learning both Vala and the fine art of pidgin plugins at the same time is a little overwhelming. Anyone have any pointers?
Pidgin-Games is a plugin for pidgin written in vala. You could have a look at its source code
You probably will want to read the Vala Tutorial and code samples first if you haven't already.
I also started writing a VAPI for libpurple and I also was able to write a small libpurple client for testing purposes in Vala... So the answer can only be of course! ;)
