Vala for pidgin plugins - vala

Has anyone tried writing a pidgin or libpurple plugin in Vala? From a quick look at the Vala homepage it seems like it would be a great language for it, and make a good opportunity to learn Vala, but learning both Vala and the fine art of pidgin plugins at the same time is a little overwhelming. Anyone have any pointers?

Pidgin-Games is a plugin for pidgin written in vala. You could have a look at its source code
You probably will want to read the Vala Tutorial and code samples first if you haven't already.

I also started writing a VAPI for libpurple and I also was able to write a small libpurple client for testing purposes in Vala... So the answer can only be of course! ;)


Java2dart, how use it

I have downloaded the sources, then... I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
I think that we have to compile these, but I'm not really familiar with java.
Do you have a complete example for use it ?
The java2dart tool was written for Google's own use, to help convert many of the tools from Java into Dart. Is was not intended to support conversion of all Java apps; just what was required to get things like the IDE tools (Analyzer, etc.) into Dart.
As such, there's not a huge amount of info on what it can/can't do or the best way to use it. It is written in Java, and there doesn't appear to be a pre-built binary; so it would almost certainly involve compiling the Java yourself. Unfortunately I have almost zero experience with Java (or fortunately, depending on your point of view :))
You can find a little info on this in the Dart Google Group here:
I wonder whether anyone has tried running java2dart on java2dart to get a nice Dart version? :) Or even then running it through dart2js to get a JavaScript version! ;)

Lua Bytecode to Lua human "readable"

I just got an script that I want to make some changes and I'm looking for someone to develop me a freelance job to make the loadstring that I will give readable for editing.
The Lua code is like this:
------------------------- ENGINE -----------------------------
I want it to be turned into a human code. I already searched about the subject and found that there are some tools like Chuckspy, Luadec51 and Unluac that can do this job. Anyway, I never programmed before in lua and got no compiler knowledge to perform that.
I'm looking for someone to help me, I have no idea how I'll do it.
Thanks anyway
The link of two archive:
luac -l will print out the Lua bytecode in human-readable form. With a basic understanding of Lua's instruction format, this is fairly easy to manually turn into source code.
As with other languages, automatic decompilers will rarely produce source code which is useful for understanding or editing the code.

OCRopus documentation?

Is there a documentation for ocropus?
I am looking for an explanation for the functions like:
Thank you.
A requirement of Lua API for OCRopus has been filed in the bug-tracker list of the project.
They will soon be releasing this documentation in the next beta release(expected).
First, note that you can use the command line tools without actual Lua programming.
A good place to see how to use ocroscript is to look at the test cases in
ocroscript/tests and the command line driver scripts in ocroscript/scripts.
Note: The Lua bindings follow the C++ API very closely (the binding is mostly
automatic), so C++ and Lua documentation are pretty much the same problem.

Intellij IDEA custom Auto-Completion

I would like to get an auto-completion on IntelliJ Idea...
I am learning moaiSDK which is based on Lua. I already setup the Lua plugins within Idea and have a working lua environment.
Now I would like to have also the Moai API's on Idea. I see there are HTML docs here: , but having no experience on this field I don't if it's doable and how.
Thanks in advance
Have a read of this Moai post:
Using plandem's '' (includes **) and Sylvanaar2's IntelliJ Lua plugin, you should be able to get what you're looking for.
Happy coding!
I was using IntelliJ with Lua with some autocompletion, but, this just got release and supports MOAI out of the box.
So far, its GREAT. I think you gonna enjoy this one better. ;)
This post shows how to configure IntelliJ IDE to do Moai auto-completion ( and more ) in extreme detail.

Erlang sample project in erlide (eclipse)

Guys, I just started learning erlang ... and since I'm a java programmer, I'm using eclipse ... I downloaded erlide already ... but now is looking for any tutorial in the net on how to use erlide to create a simple erlang project. Anyone knows where could I get it?
Thanks in advance.
Not erlide specific, but good to get used to the OTP project structure and intricacies:
Not sure if this guide is accurate, but the other stuff in the blog post was good:
