which is the best way to work RAILS with Hbase? - ruby-on-rails

Already install https://github.com/greglu/hbase-stargate
, but it seems, that some methods is not working appropriate,
for example: row = #client.create_row('terms', 'book', Time.now.to_i, {:name => 'data:fr', :value => 2})
In Hbase shell I got empty value:
scan 'terms', {CACHE_BLOCKS => false} ROW COLUMN+CELL book column=data:fr, timestamp=1325880415, value=
Also, some rows does not created at all.
This is my schema for table:
table_options = { :name => 'data', \
:max_versions => 1, \
:compression => Stargate::Model::CompressionType::NONE, \
:in_memory => false, \
:block_cache => false, \
:ttl => -1, \
:max_cell_size => 2147483647
client.create_table('terms', table_options)
Whats wrong with hbase-stargate gem?
Which is the best way(fastest) to integrate rails with hbase?
Thank you!

Looks like massive_record might be a better option.


Inconsistent display of checkboxes on PDF form filled with PDFtk

I am filling PDF forms in my rails app with the pdf-forms (https://github.com/jkraemer/pdf-forms) gem, based on PDFtk. Text fields work as I would expect, but my checkbox fields do not. The boxes display well in Chrome, but in Preview and Mail the checkbox fields appear empty.
class FormsController < ApplicationController
require 'pdf_forms'
def acord25
#policy = Policy.find(params[:id])
pdftk = PdfForms.new('/usr/local/bin/pdftk')
# find out the field names that are present in form.pdf
pdftk.get_field_names 'lib/pdfs/acord25.pdf'
# take form.pdf, set the 'foo' field to 'bar' and save the document to myform.pdf
pdftk.fill_form '/lib/pdfs/acord25.pdf', "acord25.pdf",
"F[0].P1[0].Form_CompletionDate_A[0]" => #policy.dateIssued,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_FullName_A[0]" => #policy.client.broker.name,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_MailingAddress_LineOne_A[0]" => #policy.client.broker.company,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_MailingAddress_LineTwo_A[0]" => #policy.client.broker.address,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_ContactPerson_FullName_A[0]" => #policy.legalVesting,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_ContactPerson_PhoneNumber_A[0]" => #policy.client.broker.phone,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_FaxNumber_A[0]" => #policy.client.broker.fax,
"F[0].P1[0].Producer_ContactPerson_EmailAddress_A[0]" => #policy.client.broker.email,
"F[0].P1[0].NamedInsured_FullName_A[0]" => #policy.client.name,
"F[0].P1[0].NamedInsured_MailingAddress_LineOne_A[0]" => #policy.client.address.titlecase,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_CoverageIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_OccurrenceIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_GeneralAggregate_LimitAppliesPerLocationIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_PolicyNumberIdentifier_A[0]" => #policy.policyNumber,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_EffectiveDate_A[0]" => #policy.dateEffective,
"F[0].P1[0].PolicyExpirationGeneral[0]" => #policy.term.dayEnd,
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_FullName_A[0]" => "Lexington Insurance Company",
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_NAICCode_A[0]" => 19437,
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_FullName_B[0]" => "Commerce & Industry Insurance Company",
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_NAICCode_B[0]" => 19410,
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_FullName_C[0]" => "Great American Insurance Company",
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_NAICCode_C[0]" => 37532,
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_FullName_D[0]" => "Admiral Insurance Company",
"F[0].P1[0].Insurer_NAICCode_D[0]" => 24856,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_InsurerLetterCode_A[0]" => "A",
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_EachOccurrence_LimitAmount_A[0]" => 1000000,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_FireDamageRentedPremises_EachOccurrenceLimitAmount_A[0]" => 50000,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_MedicalExpense_EachPersonLimitAmount_A[0]" => "Excluded",
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_PersonalAndAdvertisingInjury_LimitAmount_A[0]" => 1000000,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_GeneralAggregate_LimitAmount_A[0]" => 2000000,
"F[0].P1[0].GeneralLiability_ProductsAndCompletedOperations_AggregateLimitAmount_A[0]" => 2000000,
"F[0].P1[0].Vehicle_InsurerLetterCode_A[0]" => "A",
"F[0].P1[0].Vehicle_HiredAutosIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].Vehicle_NonOwnedAutosIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_PolicyNumberIdentifier_B[0]" => #policy.policyNumber,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_EffectiveDate_B[0]" => #policy.dateEffective,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_ExpirationDate_B[0]" => #policy.term.dayEnd,
"F[0].P1[0].Vehicle_CombinedSingleLimit_EachAccidentAmount_A[0]" => 1000000,
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_InsurerLetterCode_A[0]" => "B",
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_OccurrenceIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_DeductibleIndicator_A[0]" => 1,
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_Umbrella_DeductibleOrRetentionAmount_A[0]" => #policy.coverages.first.deductibleOcc,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_PolicyNumberIdentifier_D[0]" => #policy.policyNumber,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_EffectiveDate_D[0]" => #policy.dateEffective,
"F[0].P1[0].Policy_ExpirationDate_D[0]" => #policy.term.dayEnd,
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_Umbrella_EachOccurrenceAmount_A[0]" => 10000000,
"F[0].P1[0].ExcessUmbrella_Umbrella_AggregateAmount_A[0]" => 10000000
send_file("#{Rails.root}/acord25.pdf", filename: "#{#policy.client.name} - #{#policy.carrier.name} - #{#policy.policyNumber} (#{Time.now}).pdf", type: "application/vnd.ms-excel")
TL;DR: Checked boxes display in Chrome, but not in Preview or Mail.
I appreciate any help or leads on what the problem might be. Thank you!
Turns out the PDF form was corrupted. Had to recreate form, not a PDFTK issue.

How to update groupings via Mailchimp API?

I'm trying to subscribe and update members of a Mailchimp list from my Rails 3.2 app via the API.
Everything is working fine, except that I am unable to set interest groups.
What is the correct format for setting groupings.
I've tried
merge_vars: 'GROUPINGS' => [
'id' => group_id,
'groups' => ['array', 'of', 'groups']
merge_vars: 'GROUPINGS' => [
'id' => group_id,
'groups' => "comma,separated,groups"
merge_vars: 'GROUPINGS' => [
0 => [
'id' => group_id,
'groups' => "comma,separated,groups"
and several other variations.
Nothing seems to work and the docs are unclear
Took me some time but I finnaly figured out the correct format :
#gb.lists.subscribe({:id => list_id,
:email => {:email => self.email},
:merge_vars => {:FNAME => self.firstname,
:groupings => [{:id => grouping_id,
:groups => ["name","of","groups"]
:double_optin => false,
:send_welcome => false,
:update_existing => true})
I'm using rails 3.1.11 and gibbon 0.5.0
Hope this will help !

Is there a Gem for simplifying POST to API via curl

I have seen API's such as https://stripe.com/ or the new https://pin.net.au/ that use a very simple and convenient POST approach. Instead of sending the object through JSON it send it as post attributes and values and the return is json.
curl https://api.pin.net.au/1/charges \
-u your-api-key: \
-d "amount=400" \
-d "description=test charge" \
-d "email=roland#pin.net.au" \
-d "ip_address=" \
-d "card[number]=5123456789012346" \
My question there any Gem available to do this on Rails? I can understand what's going on underneath this, but I wanted to make sure if there's a Gem that do this seamless without further changing my current default implementation.
Are you asking how to create or consume such APIs?
To consume:
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
resp = RestClient.post(
:amount => 400,
:currency => 'usd',
:description => "charge for site#stripe.com",
:card => {
:number => '4242424242424242',
:exp_month => 12,
:exp_year => 2012,
:cvc => 123
For creating these APIs you can use something like:

Convert CSV to Array?

Any ideas on how to convert this CSV into a ruby array using vim?
Starting CSV:
Desired Array:
car_info = [
{'Year' => '1997', 'Make' => 'Ford', 'Model' => 'E350'},
{'Year' => '2000', 'Make' => 'Mercury', 'Model' => 'Cougar'},
I have > 2000 entries like the CSV above, and I'd love a way to quickly re-format it for use in my Rails app. I'd like to use vim, but I'm open to other options too.
FasterCSV.read("path/to/file.csv", :headers => true).map do |row|
{ "Year" => row[0], "Make" => row[1], "Model" => row[2] }
PS: Install faster_csv gem
In vim, you can use global search and replace with a regular expression:
:g/\(.*\),\(.*\),\(.*\)/s//{'Year' => '\1', 'Make' => '\2', 'Model' => '\3'}/g
Then edit the first and last lines of the resulting file accordingly.

Ruby add_item for eBay

I am attempting to write a ruby on rails app that posts an item to eBay. Cody Fauser/Garry Tan have a gem called ebayApi which is built on top of the ebay gem. When I attempt to post an item, I am getting an error back from ebay that says the condition ID is required for this category. I have found a category that does not require the condition, and I can post to that category. Searching through the eBay API documentation, I have found a tag conditionID under the "item" class. However, in the documentation for ebayAPI, there is no such tag. Looking back at the ebay API documentation, there is an older way to specify condition, using lookup_attributes. I have noted that the return xml is coming in API version 745, and Garry Gan's updated of the ruby interface is running version 609. I have tried using the lookup, and seem to get the same error (condition required). I am using the following code to specify the item:
#ebay = Ebay::Api.new :auth_token => #seller.ebay_token
item = Ebay::Types::Item.new( :primary_category => Ebay::Types::Category.new(:category_id => #ebayTemplate.categoryID),
:title => #ebayTemplate.name,
:description => #ebayTemplate.description,
:location => #ebayTemplate.location,
:start_price => Money.new((#ebayTemplate.startPrice*100).to_d, #ebayTemplate.currency),
:quantity => 1,
:listing_duration => #ebayTemplate.listingDuration,
:country => #ebayTemplate.country,
:currency => #ebayTemplate.currency,
:payment_methods => ['VisaMC', 'PayPal'],
:paypal_email_address => '********#gmail.com',
:dispatch_time_max => 3,
:lookup_attributes => [Ebay::Types::LookupAttribute.new( :name => "Condition", :value => "New")],
# :attribute_sets => [
# Ebay::Types::AttributeSet.new(
# :attribute_set_id => 2919,
# :attributes => [
# Ebay::Types::Attribute.new(
# :attribute_id => 10244,
# :values => [ Ebay::Types::Val.new(:value_id => 10425) ]
# )
# ]
# )
# ],
:shipping_details => Ebay::Types::ShippingDetails.new(
:shipping_service_options => [
# ShippingServiceOptions.new(
# :shipping_service_priority => 2, # Display priority in the listing
# :shipping_service => 'UPSNextDay',
# :shipping_service_cost => Money.new(1000, 'USD'),
# :shipping_surcharge => Money.new(299, 'USD')
# ),
:shipping_service_priority => 1, # Display priority in the listing
:shipping_service => #ebayTemplate.shipSvc,
:shipping_service_cost => Money.new((#ebayTemplate.shipSvcCost*100).to_d, #ebayTemplate.currency),
:shipping_surcharge => Money.new((#ebayTemplate.shipSurcharge*100).to_d, #ebayTemplate.currency)
:international_shipping_service_options => [
:shipping_service => 'USPSPriorityMailInternational',
:shipping_service_cost => Money.new((#ebayTemplate.shipSvcCost*100).to_d, #ebayTemplate.currency),
:shipping_service_priority => 2,
:ship_to_location => #ebayTemplate.shipToLocation
:return_policy => Ebay::Types::ReturnPolicy.new (
:description => 'this product for suckers only!',
:returns_accepted_option => 'ReturnsAccepted'
#:condition_id => 1000
#response = #ebay.add_item(:item => item)
As you can see, it is just a mutation of the example given by Cody Fauser. The condition_id at the bottom will bring up an error as there is no such attribute. It seems to me there is no facility for this in the gem since the requirement came into existence after the gem was created. I have not been able to find any other gems to connect with ebay. I have also noticed, there are very little complaints about this even though people are still downloading the gem (10 people downloaded it today). I think there are quite a number of people writing for ebay. Is there a key word I am missing to specify the condition? A work around that people have been using? Another gem I have missed?
There is an existing item_conditions_codes.rb in the gem's type directory and only has two values New and Used. Guess you could add more values in there. However still needs mapping to ID's per the updating (and changed from Attributes) method
You have to modify in the gem library in .. ruby/1.8/gems/ebayapi-0.12.0/lib/ebay/types/item.rb
and add the following new lines
# added to allow ConditionID to be pushed into XML
numeric_node :condition_id, 'ConditionID', :optional => true
then in your ruby ebay code use the following convention
:condition_id => 1500,
At least that seems to work for me right now.
