When you search for a music video on YouTube, there often appears a video tagged 'Official' in the results. Example:
Is there a way to retrieve this flag by an API call?
https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/VIDEOID?v=2 does not have any field that might indicated such a tag.
IMO, official is not per song, but per channel. In acdcVEVO's user profile, you can see its channel type set to "Musician". Most users are "Standard".
We want to retrieve video data including promotions.
Is there a way to get it with the YouTube Data API or the YouTube Analytics API?
Is there any other way?
A video that includes a promotion is a video that displays something like the image below.
Click to move to the following page.
Since you are only interested in knowing whether or not a video (based on its id) includes paid promotion, as far as I know there isn't any official YouTube Data API v3 endpoint answering your question.
However you can check if the video includes paid promotion by checking whether or not the YouTube webpage contains paidContentOverlayRenderer. You can proceed this way for instance:
curl -s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIDEO_ID | grep "paidContentOverlayRenderer"
If something is returned it means that the video includes paid promotion otherwise it doesn't.
If you look at YouTube V3 Docs it will say
YouTube uses playlists to identify special collections of videos for a channel, such as: (...) watch history (...).
Now, if you go to Channels List API and make a call for part=contentDetails&mine=true it will list your information but watchHistory will appear as HL and watchLater as WL.
It makes me wonder, and so far I couldn't find any explicit mention, from Google/YouTube, were those playlists removed from API? IS there any way to actually get that information from an authenticated user?
For quite some time I observed the same values you mentioned on various channels. According to the docs, watch history and watch later playlists are deprecated.
Here is a link to video which does not work
How I can programatically detect this ?
The scenario would be to monitor a list of youtube videos and detect if a single video was deleted or is no longer available
Any ideas ?
You can use following youtube v3 API GET request
In the results check for pageInfo.totalResults attribute
If you want to pass multiple video ids in one API, it also can. id={VIDEO_ID1},{VIDEO_ID2}. In this case you can't depend on pageInfo.totalResults you have to go through items[].id decide.
I use Yt gem to work with Youtube API and upload video using Yt::Account class.
The problem is that I need to allow user to choose channel to upload to – for example, one user has a second channel related to Google Plus page and this user should be able to upload video to that Youtube channel, not user's default one.
It seems like Yt misses the ability to specify channel (or I missed something).
I found also examples from Google https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/code_samples/ruby but all it says is "upload a video to the channel associated with the request" – and nothing about how to associate different channel.
Any help is appreciated
Is it possible to add to my youtube account a video I liked in youtube without having to upload it?
This is for an application i´m developing... I´m looking for something similar to share on twitter feature.
But any help is welcome!
You can add it as a favourite, as Yuliy has said, or you can create yourself a channel, add a playlist to that channel, then add the video in a similar way to the playlist.
Doing it this way means you can 'see' it from the API(getplaylists, getplaylist)... But, if the original author decides to take the video down, then of course it will disappear from your channel page as well (or more likely say 'this video has been removed by the user').
You cant keep a 'copy' of the video like this.