Why bochsdbg failed to load bochsrc.txt but bochs can? - bochs

I can load bochsrc.txt on bochs, but failed to load bochsrc.txt on bochsdbg.
My bochsrc.txt is
megs: 32
romimage: file=/usr/share/bochs/BIOS-bochs-latest
vgaromimage: file=/usr/share/bochs/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
floppya: 1_44=boot_loader.img, status=inserted
boot: a
mouse: enabled=0
How to solve it?
Thank you~

I figured it out.
I was missing -q parameter on bochsdbg.
When I run this, it works!
bochsdbg -q -f bochsrc.txt


opensipsctl start gives an error: opensips.pid does not exist

When I run opensipsctl start command for start opensips that time I got one error.
ERROR: PID file /var/run/opensips.pid does not exist -- OpenSIPS start failed
So please help me to solve it.
open up opensipsctl, it includes the file opensipsctlrc, which defined $PID_FILE as /var/run/opensips.pid
Then in opensipsctl, when you run start one of the checks is..
if [ ! -s $PID_FILE ] ; then
merr "PID file $PID_FILE does not exist -- OpenSIPS start failed"
exit 1
Which is saying if then check of whethever '/var/run/opensips.pid exists and is bigger than 0 bytes' fails, then echo out the above error.
This means the file isn't being created.
If you look just above that line it does..
if [ $SYSLOG = 1 ] ; then
$OSIPSBIN -P $PID_FILE $STARTOPTIONS 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
Which is where opensips actually starts. I would suggest adding the following to your opensips.cfg if you havn't already..
# Logging
..now everything will be logged to /var/log/syslog on boot.
Try boot again, then look at that log for info about what's happened.
Another thing to check, is the user you're running opensips as has permission to access the directory it's trying to create the pid file in.
I had the same error & it was driving me mad as well. I managed to trace it down to one of two things - I had both!
1/ A misconfiguration in the OpenSIPS config file. journalctl -xe should be able to tell you what the error is
2/ Something else is listening on the port that you are trying to listen on
For 2, you can try the below, if you have Ubuntu, to see if anything is already listening on that port
lsof -i :5060
I was able to see logs and fix issue by below steps
Set log_level=4 in opensips.cfg to view debug logs in /var/log/syslog
debug is deprecated in 2.4 and higher version.
You can refer here for different log level

Error Cooja software Simulation

After enabling tunslip6 package in contiki, I got an error when I gave this command.
sudo ./tunslip6 -a aaaa::1/64
Error is like
sudo:./tunslip6 command not found
Please give me a solution to get rid of this.
Thanks in advance
The error is because you don't have executable in /contiki/tools.
Perform the following steps:
In terminal, change your working directory to /contiki/tools and then compile:
cc tunslip6.c -o tunslip6
If you ./tunslip6 you will see something as follows:
tunslip6: usage: ./tunslip6 [-B baudrate] [-H] [-L] [-s siodev] [-t tundev] [-T] [-v verbosity] [-d delay] [-a serveraddress] [-p serverport] ipaddress: Success
Now your command shall work as expected.
You may try to cd to the directory /home/user/contiki/tools and do the command.

Neo4j lsof: command not found at db server startup

I am getting an endless stream of errors (as follows) when attempting to start the database server - until I am stopping it with CTRL + C in the terminal. Does anyone have idea what is wrong?
$ rake neo4j:start
Starting Neo4j development...
db/neo4j/development/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof: command not found
db/neo4j/development/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof: command not found
db/neo4j/development/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof: command not found
db/neo4j/development/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof: command not found
^Crake aborted!
For me the below worked:
yum install lsof
I solved this after I added /usr/sbin to the PATH.
Here it is:
levi$ echo $PATH
/Users/levi/.rbenv/shims:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin/:/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin
Instead lsof ,,,,,, Try to use
/usr/sbin/lsof $FILE
Where $FILE is path of a file
According to colucix, the lsof command is available only to root.
if you want to run it as a non root user, you can specify its full path.
$ /usr/sbin/lsof /path/to/some/file
Also Philip Reynolds has pointed out that you can specify an sudo alias for lsof if it suites you.
In ubuntu 16.04 it worked after installing lsof
sudo apt-get install lsof

Expected Program Not Found in PATH or not Executable

I keep running lb build, fixing problem after problem and then running it again, and now i'm getting this message:
dpkg: warning: 'start-stop-daemon' not found in PATH or not executable
dpkg: error: 1 expected program not found in PATH or not executable
Note: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...
P: Saving caches...
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
I then went to check my path and i see
This clearly shows /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin, and /sbin.
Any suggestions?
**UPDATE 1**
Followed this guide
every command ran fine but still the same error message after running lb build again.
**UPDATE 2 -- Additional Info**
root#kali:~# ls -lA /sbin
(Other files)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 28208 Aug 12 15:00 start-stop-daemon
First, you must check the feedback information from the first line (although it is just a warning).
Then, you must have understand that the warning is the key. All the mistakes are caused by this warning. You have to add start-stop-daemon to your pc.
According to the following:
cd /tmp
wget http://developer.axis.com/download/distribution/apps-sys-utils-start-stop-daemon-IR1_9_18-2.tar.gz
tar zxf apps-sys-utils-start-stop-daemon-IR1_9_18-2.tar.gz
cd apps/sys-utils/start-stop-daemon-IR1_9_18-2/
gcc start-stop-daemon.c -o start-stop-daemon
cp start-stop-daemon /usr/local/bin/start-stop-daemon
Now you can help yourself,and others
I have the same problem, according to https://debianforum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=155279 (in german) the only known solution is to run sudo lb clean before sudo lb build.

etc/bash.bashrc: line 2: GREP_OPTIONS: command not found

When I run a command on my Ubuntu 12 server I get the following warning...
etc/bash.bashrc: line 2: GREP_OPTIONS: command not found
I've probably messed something up by uninstalling various Rails pieces. How can I fix this? This is for the root user. Thanks.
The beginning of my bashrc file has the following...
type rvm >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || echo ${PATH} | GREP_OPTIONS \grep
"" > /dev/null || export PATH="${PATH}:"
It appears that you have uninstalled rvm from your system, as it cannot find $rvm_path_bin. I would recommend commenting out the line from /etc/bash.bashrc.
