Push notification on BlackBerry - blackberry

I need to send a notification to the BlackBerry device when new information is added to the server. The server should send the notification to the BlackBerry device and blackberry device should then receive this notification.
I installed the BlackBerry push SDK, and I obtain registration with the BlackBerry Push Service, but I didn't understand how to use it and when. What is the next step? What should I do for the client and server part?

Blackberry provide the sample demo "HttpPushDemo" in that you can get one "readme" file. Follow those rules. Enough. You can understand every thing.

Tongue in cheek - use Urban Airship! No i don't work for them, I just love their service, although I'm sure there are others out there so look for them too.
More seriously, if you are doing this for commercial reasons do bear it in mind as an option, but don't let it stop you expermenting! UA does involve writing your own server code too but gives some nice abstraction.


How does Apple Push Notifications work with HTTP/2

I have written a number of enterprise iOS apps for our company, all of which have been using the Apple Push Notification function.
I've also written the server-side code for sending the notifications without using a third-party API. It all works great.
Now, Apple is deprecating the old method for sending notifications and moving to an HTTP/2-based system.
I am trying to understand how the HTTP/2 protocol fits in with server-side code in issuing push notifications.
Isn't HTTP/2 just a standard for browsers to follow?
I've studied as much as I can of the Apple documentation for this, and it's no more clear to me now than it was before.
Please pardon my ignorance on this, but even getting the old system to work was an enormous accomplishment for me.
I wish I didn't have to change it.

iOS communication with backend using APNs

How do I send push notifications to my iOS app? I need to send small messages even when the application is in the background or not running.Is there a simple tutorial. I searched a lot and only found third party solutions. Is there a direct way to access APNs, and if not which third party should I go for.
To send remote notifications, you need your own server that is authorized (you can grab a remote notification certificate from your developer account from developer.apple.com). Then you just follow Apple's API to send a notification to a specific device.
I followed a Ray Wenderlich guide a while back and found it useful.
However, you might not want to set up your own server and stuff. This is where third-party solutions come in. I've worked with Parse's push notification system and found that it is pretty easy to set up.

Push notifications not received in some devices in iOS

I am implementing the push notification in iOS for sending offers and deals. Right now I am working in the development environment. I see that some of the devices are not being notified. Could anybody explain possible causes? I have also read that if a push is sent to same device multiple times then APPLE disables them for that particular device? Could some one verify this or provide any documentation where I can find the issue. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Not directly answering your question, but what you asked about in the comments and an alternative. You could use a push-notification service such as Parse.
They allow you to send Push Notifications to Web, iOS and Android, also offer data storage and backend infrastructure. The best thing about Parse is that they're free. Unless you have one million unique recipients, which is rather hard to accomplish. Parsee allows you tons end Push Notifications in multiple ways, some including automatic messages based on their tables or other events. You can program those in their cloud code. You can do so using their REST API or their Java Script API if you have a website. You could also send from the Push window on their website.
Setting up is fairly easy. I'll give you the most important links below.
iOS Quick Start Guide
Rest API
PHP Guide
Hope that helps, Julian
If you are dependent on APNS then there is no guarantee provided regarding the delivery of the push notification. And regarding sending multiple notifications. Like if you send notification every min then many may not deliver. Else it will. This service is free and many including myself using it on a regular basis. It has been delivered regularly even though apple will not provide any guarantee. i'm using a php script on server side to send push notification. Refer the below link if you want to know how to send a push notification using php.

Blackberry push notification tutorial

I have registered with RIM for the push notification evaluation. But i cant find good sources for implementing push notifications. There are some samples in the sdk but i couldnt find out a way to implement them. So, i am looking for a good tutorial where i could find step by step implementation of push notification services...
RIM's samples for the server side involve setting up a web application container (e.g. Tomcat), setting up a backend database, and then building their Spring-based application. This sample web app handles things like device registration, content subscription, etc. and features a portal to manage everything.
The bare minimum that is required, though, is to send a WAP Push message which is just an HTTP POST to their Push Service servers. Here is a thread from the BlackBerry Support Forums that describes how to use their low-level PAP API to construct this message. Pay attention in particular to the messages by the user mdicesare.
There's also another SO question that has some tips.

Blackberry push notification implementation

How does one implement a push notification for a blackberry app?
I heard that in order to do so I need to purchase a Blackberry Enterprise Server which costs me 1400 per year. Is this true? Where is a good starting point in implementing push notifications?
I am experienced with iPhone push development, but cannot find the equivalent for blackberries.
Earlier this year Blackberry launched a push service that does not require a BES, similar to Apple's offering. The have a Java SDK for it. You can find more information here: http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/javaappdev/pushapi.jsp#tab_tab_overview
also check out UrbanAIrship, which offers blackberry push notifications as a service (BBPNaaS)
Well, its true that you need a BES for Blackberry push services.
AFAIK,In a "non BES environment", you can use a number of other methods such as email, SMS or polling to do the 'push'.
and the good news is: Check out foll. link :
http://cloudbase.io also is about to launch push notifications for BlackBerry on top of their cloud hosting services for mobile applications.
