Name of deleted FB app still appearing - ios

Using my FB account I created an FB app for use by an iOS native app to post to the user's wall. This FB app was for development/testing purposes. Now that development is nearing completion, I have asked the client to create a new FB app using his own FB account, for the iOS app to use. The client has done so, and I have also deleted my development FB app, and switched the iOS app to use the production FB app's ID and secret.
However, now when the iOS app posts to FB, the post still shows something like the following, below the post content: "Get <Development App Name> - 9 minutes ago via <Production App Name>". I have not idea why the development app name is still appearing, even though it has already been deleted, and the iOS app has switched to the production app's ID and secret. The only thing that links the two is that the iOS app's bundle ID and app store ID are the same. Anyone else seen this before?

It sounds like you're talking about an Action link attached to the post, not to Facebook's text attributing the Post to your app. This isn't something in your app settings, it's part of the API call you made to Facebook to make the post.
E.g. on this example - the 'Donate Now' link is added by the app itself in the API Call which makes the post
Check the code you're using to actually make the post and check you don't have the old app name and URL in the API call


Facebook SDK - Access Wall Posts

I'm facing some unusual problem, I'm integrating Facebook SDK in my iOS app, The main purpose of the app is to access Wall Posts (public), I have successfully integrated SDK & everything works for me (for my facebook id) but when I give the app to someone else he/she can't access his/her wall posts access-token & everything is the same. The unusual part is if I add that same user in Roles Section of Facebook Developer section of my app, the apps works for them too.
Keep in mind I haven't released my app to public so I'm using a beta version of my app & so is every body else in my team.
My question is, is this the normal way of giving access to someone so that they can use our app or am I doing something wrong?
As long as your app is in development mode, only people having a Role in the app (Admins/Developers/Testers) will be able to use it.

How to handle URLs from Facebook Open Graph actions in iOS app

I'm building an iOS app that has Facebook open graph actions, and when I post an action on Facebook, on mobile app, I'm getting a link to my mobile app's ID on the App Store, which is not available yet. As a placeholder (otherwise Facebook doesn't save my settings), I've put an ID of another app that I have. Whenever I tap an Open Graph story on Facebook from my new app in Facebook iOS app, An App Store page of my previous app opens. I need the functionality to handle open graph action taps from Facebook iOS app before I submit my app to App Store. How can I test URL handling functionality in a such scenario?
Here is how my Facebook Native iOS App dashboard looks like:
Bundle ID matches my app's ID in my app exactly. iPhone/iPad App Store ID links to one of my previous apps, else Facebook doesn't accept my settings when I click Save button, complaining about app not yet being available on App Store. Facebook login and deep linking are both enabled, and URL schemes are registered the same way (the one starting with fb continues with my Facebook app ID) in the app bundle too. But still, my app doesn't launch when I tap a story on Facebook mobile app. Instead, a popup to install the app with the ID that I've specified launches (though, weird enough, I have that app installed too).
Facebook documents this here:
Just look under How to handle deep links to provide a more relevant user experience

Facebook App Requests aren't shown on iOS devices?

I've sent an app invitation from an iPad app to a test Facebook account via Facebook's API. When I login to the test account on my PC, the app request is there.
When I login to the test account on my iPad (either via Safari or via the Facebook App), I can see the number "1" next to the App Centre tab, but when I click it and go to the App Centre, there's no request. In fact, I can't see any App Centre areas dedicated to requests on Facebook for iOS - there's only Social Picks and Top Apps. Any explanation for this?
This is caused by an incorrect configuration on the Facebook app setting page. When you are setting up the app, you need to make sure the following is set correctly.
Go to then select "Apps". Edit your app and fill in the following..
iOS App Bundle (dont think it's essential but fill it in, this the bundle id from Xcode (com.companyname.appname))
iPhone/iPad App Store ID - This is ESSENTIAL, one of these must be filled in with a valid app store ID. You get this when you create an app with iTunes Connect. If you create an app, and fill in the details right up to the point where it asks you to submit the binary, it will generate what Apple refers to as an Apple ID (or iTunes Id?). It's just a long integer value. It doesn't have to be for the corresponding app, if you already have apps in the app store just log in to iTunes connect and use an existing one for testing.
Configured for iOS SSO - Enabled
Configured for Deep Linking - Enabled
The only functionality you get from Facebook when a user clicks an app notification on iOS is the user being redirected to the app, if installed, or to the App Store if not. Also if you want your app notifications to show up on desktop, you'll need a Canvas URL under the "App On Facebook" section.
In my tests I had to have a canvas URL to get iOS notifications working, but I'm not sure if this is a bug with Facebook or intended behaviour, so if it doesn't work with just iOS enabled, enable app on Facebook too and stick in a random url if you don't have one.
I just figured there can be another reason for this symptom: if your app has location restriction (only available in certain countries), the user who receives the request has to be in that country (e.g. I had to connect with mine via GeoEdge).

iOS not receiving user to user app requests

I am sending app requests from an iOS native app using Facebook SDK dialog. I have created a canvas app and set the iTunes ID (using a valid ID from a different app in the store now, since mine is not). The requests arrive at desktop www site, and show up under "App and Games>Invites from friends". But, they do not show up on iOS native Facebook app, unless I first do Facebook SSO with my app. Then, my app bookmark appears in FB, and new requests increment the counter.
How do I get the requests to show up on iOS before my app is installed? Other peculiar thing that may be related, is I get no activity under "Notifications" on iOS, only the app bookmark. On desktop, I see the Notifications globe flash with a red badge at first logon, but then the badge goes away and nothing is there, although the requests appear under "Apps and games". This seems not totally consistent as some people who have tested my app get the expected Notification behavior, but I never do on my own FB account. Could it be because if added and removed the app repeatedly for testing?
Any clues?
My problem seems to have been something fouled up in the Facebook database, probably as a result of my various misfires in early development. At some point it began working correctly without any changes on my end.

FBConnect "via" link broken on feed posts from iOS app

I have an iOS app that is successfully posting to Facebook via the FBConnect SDK. I have registered the app in Facebook as a native iPhone app and filled out the required data (bundle ID, app store id, etc), however I am running into one small, but very annoying issue.
When the app posts to the user's feed, the message has a "via App Name" link that presumably goes to the app store, or somewhere sensible. This link never work, it always goes to a page stating "Page not found", with no helpful information.
The link is of the form:${}
I have verified that the ID that it is putting in there is in fact my app ID. Can anyone shed some light on what might be causing this and some possible fixes?
