Bugsense iOS EXC_BAD_ACCESS - ios

I'm trying to get bugsense working in my iOS app but the app is crashing with EXC_BAD_ACCESS while initializing the BugSenseCrashController:
BugSenseCrashController *crash =
[BugSenseCrashController sharedInstanceWithBugSenseAPIKey:#"<Your BugSense API Key>"];
My key is correct and I've followed all the instructions listed here: http://www.bugsense.com/docs/ios
Not sure where to go from here.
I've changed my code so I'm not using userDictionary (don't need it at the moment). Issue still persists.
It seems this is only happening when I run the code on the device (4.3.5) and not in the simulator (4.3).

Set NSZombieEnabled, MallocStackLogging, and guard malloc in the debugger. Then, when your App crashes, type this in the gdb console:
(gdb) info malloc-history 0x543216
Replace 0x543216 with the address of the object that caused the crash, and you will get a much more useful stack trace and it should help you pinpoint the exact line in your code that is causing the problem.
See this article for more detailed instructions.

Try adding following frameworks:
1. SystemConfiguration
2. libz.1.2.5


How to get crash reason in Xcode Crash log system?

I got a crash in my test flight version of an iOS application, but when I check the Xcode crash log system, I am getting the crashed line and crashed function name. But I was not able to find the reason of crash. Does anybody know how to find out the reason of the crash occurred?
Here is the screenshot of the crash log of Xcode -> Organiser.
From this I am not getting the crash reason.
There is a way to show the report in Finder, as per https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/11.4/index.html?localePath=en.lproj#/devc8ced2ea3 by Control+Clicking in the list of crash reports on the left.
Please update your question with the .crash file, which should provide full information about the crash.
The function that actually crashed is objc_msgSend. The most likely cause is that you sent a message to an object that had a different type than you and the compiler expected.

Causes of CFDictionaryGetValue crash?

I'm having random crashes within my swift app and they are all throwing a similar error around CFDictionaryGetValue
Here are two screenshots from my Google Crashlytics showing the error and that its effecting to different URLs, Note these are from two separate crashes
Then here is also a screenshot directly from within Xcode where I was able to reproduct the error:
There doesn't seem to be any specific action that causes this issue and it occurs at random times.
And advise for trying to trace it and debug would be much appreciated!
As it turns out this issue was caused by a bug within the Firebase Performance SDK. After removing the SDK everything is working as expected
Try setting up an Exception breakpoint, it would probably give you more information to help you debug it:
In Xcode:
Go to Breakpoint Navigator (CMD+8)
Click the + button in the bottom left corner of the navigator and then choose Exception Breakpoint...
Select All in the Exception field
Re-run your app and you should get clearer information in the debugger

Xcode 9 crashing when running split view app on iPhone

After working just fine on both iPhone and iPad for a month, my Xcode 9 app has consistently started crashing causing me the following fatal problem: When I build & run it on an iPhone (simulator or device) Xcode completes loading the app and then crashes too fast for me to copy/paste the error from the debugger. When I run on iPad it works fine leading me to believe this is a result of something related to the split master/detail view.
If I use either an exception breakpoint or an "all C++ exceptions" it will stop at the AppDelegate class and crash if I hit play. If I use only an "all Objective-C exceptions" it will crash as before.
In the debug view hierarchy I get the following errors as well:
Error: Unable to capture view hierarchy.
Details: Log Title: Data source expression execution failure.
Log Details: error evaluating expression “(id)
[[(Class)objc_getClass("DBGTargetHub") sharedHub]
Log Method: -[DBGDataSourceConnectionLibViewDebugger
Method: -[DBGViewDebugger updateDebugHierarchy]_block_invoke_2
I have tested other apps and this issue is unique to the app I am working on. Any ideas or debugging tips for how to proceed? I might just have to redo this whole project again if I can't even find the root cause of this! Appreciate any help.
Quick solution: Reset Simulator Device
I managed to resolve the above issue thanks to some serious digging. First, to resolve the instantaneous crash problem, I set a breakpoint at every line in the app delegate. That allowed me to narrow the error to a memory handling problem. From there I started running the code on one of each device available, and realized the crash only occurred on devices I had used earlier in development. Resetting those devices solved the problem.
The core issue here is that when you clean/rebuild your xcode program, it updates the app code on the device, but not necessarily the data model information. So when I changed my data model by including new data and renaming old data it was not properly updated.

Crittercism SDK 4.3.7 is crashing in iOS 8.0 device

Crittercism SDK 4.3.7 is crashing in iOS 8.0 :
Getting error at com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader after running application.
Can anybody have solution for this or need to wait for new version of SDK with fix for this bug.
Let's try doing this and see where it takes us.
Set NSZombieEnabled, MallocStackLogging, and guard malloc in the debugger. Then, when your App crashes, type this in the gdb console:
(gdb) info malloc-history 0x543216
Replace 0x543216 with the address of the object that caused the crash, and you will get a much more useful stack trace and it should help you pinpoint the exact line in your code that is causing the problem.
More can be read here: "Thread 6 com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader: Program received signal: EXC_BAD_ACCESS"
FYI we'll be working on tying up any iOS8 related loose ends on the 17th.
Thanks for using Crittercism!

Xcode console wont show error details

I have been developing iOS applications for about 2 years and have never come across this before.
I recently took on a project, but for some reason whenever it crashes while I am debugging the console shows no details about the error. The code highlights with a SIGABRT or ESC_BAD_ACCESS but never tells me the details of the crash in the console (like unrecognised selector sent to instance etc.)
I've come to the conclusion this is a problem with the project settings as I test other apps with the same xCode and don't have the same problem.
I've looked all over but can't find anyone with a similar problem please help!
Try adding an Exception breakpoint:
Open the breakpoint navigator and click the + icon and add an exception breakpoint
Add a breakpoint with the settings as shown
I don't think this is an Xcode problem. But try this two options:
1) In your VC or AppDelegate perform crash on purpose for example:
[self performSelector:#selector(methodNameNotExistingInMyProject:) withObject:nil];
This should return you some console output
2) Are you sure you have Debug configuration in scheme? You may want to check it out.
